Semester Test in Reading Form 4 Term II

Додано: 23 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Копія з тесту: Semester Test in Reading Form 4 Term II
Тест виконано: 760 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

1.Sheila is twelve years old.

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Запитання 2

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

2.Sheila goes to school in the afternoon and comes back home at two in the morning.

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Запитання 3

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

3.After school she takes a shower and has her lunch.

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Запитання 4

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

4.Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat like chicken or fish.

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Запитання 5

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

5.Sheila likes drinking mineral water or fizzy drinks.

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Запитання 6

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

6.Sheila usually cleans her teeth after lunch.

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Запитання 7

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

7.Sheila usually does sport in the morning.

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Запитання 8

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

8.Sheila never eats fruit.

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Запитання 9

Read the text and tick "True" or "False".

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

9.Sheila usually goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning

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Запитання 10

Choose the correct variant:

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

10. Sheila goes to school ___.

варіанти відповідей

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening

Запитання 11

Choose the correct variant:

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

11. Sheila likes drinking ___.

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Запитання 12

Choose the correct variant:

Sheila is 12 years old. She goes to school in the morning and comes back home at 2 in the afternoon. Then, she takes a shower and she has lunch. Sheila usually eats vegetables and some meat. For example, she has chicken or fish with rice and salad. She likes drinking water or juice. After that, she brushes her teeth. In the evening, Sheila walks to the sports center. There, she plays tennis or does some exercises. When she is hungry, she always eats some fruit. Sheila never goes to bed after ten because she needs to get enough rest to get up early in the morning.

12. In the evening Sheila goes to ___.

варіанти відповідей

the shop

the sports center


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