5 form Unit 2 “Time for Leisure”

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з англійської мови 5 form Unit 2 “Time for Leisure”. За підручником Оксани Карп'юк. 2018р.
Перегляд файлу

5 form Unit 2 “Time for Leisure” Name ______________________________


1.Circle the correct answer.( Оберіть правильну відповідь)

1) Pupils learn about the life of people in the past at ... lessons.

a) Science                   b) Art                          c) History

2) At English lessons pupils listen to ... in English.

a) films                        b) stories                    c) books

3) I like Music lessons because they are very ... .

a) boring                     b) difficult                  c) interesting

4) «Student» is a(n) ... .

a) noun                       b) adjective                c) verb


2. Complete the sentences with the necessary form of the adjectives in brackets.

(Доповніть речення необхідним ступенем порівняння прикметників.)

1) I don’t like this film. It is ____________(boring) than that one.

2) IT lessons are ____________(popular) in our school. All the pupils love them.

3) Ben is _____________(good) sportsman than Jack.

4) This story is_____________(funny) than that one.

5) Edd is____________ (lazy) boy in our class. He never does his homework.

6) Betty is_______________(tall) girl of all my friends.


3. Match.(З’єднайте)

1) twelve                                                            a) 17

2) the thirty-first                                                b) 3000

3) four hundred and fifty-nine                           c) 12

4) seventeen                                                       d) 93rd

5) three thousand                                               e) 459

6) the ninety-third                                              f) 31st

4. (Find the correct translation:) Знайдіть правильний переклад:

Я люблю грати на планшеті разом із братом, а потім читати разом.

a. I like playing on the tablet with my brother and then reading together.

b. I likes playing on the tablet with my brother and then reading together.

c. I like playing on the tablet with my sister and then play at home together.


5. Write answers to the questions.( Напишіть відповіді на питання)

1) What is your favourite subject at school?

2) How many lessons do you have on Mondays?

3) What subjects are you bad at?

4)What school subject is the most difficult for you?

5) How many lessons do you have on Fridays?


5 form Unit 2 “Time for Leisure” Name ______________________________


1.Circle the correct answer.( Оберіть правильну відповідь)

1) Pupils learn about the life of people in the past at ... lessons.

a) Science                   b) Art                          c) History

2) At English lessons pupils listen to ... in English.

a) films                        b) stories                    c) books

3) I like Music lessons because they are very ... .

a) boring                     b) difficult                  c) interesting

4) «Student» is a(n) ... .

a) noun                       b) adjective                c) verb


2. Complete the sentences with the necessary form of the adjectives in brackets.

(Доповніть речення необхідним ступенем порівняння прикметників.)

1) I don’t like this film. It is ____________(boring) than that one.

2) IT lessons are ____________(popular) in our school. All the pupils love them.

3) Ben is _____________(good) sportsman than Jack.

4) This story is_____________(funny) than that one.

5) Edd is____________ (lazy) boy in our class. He never does his homework.

6) Betty is_______________(tall) girl of all my friends.


3. Match.(З’єднайте)

1) twelve                                                            a) 17

2) the thirty-first                                                b) 3000

3) four hundred and fifty-nine                           c) 12

4) seventeen                                                       d) 93rd

5) three thousand                                               e) 459

6) the ninety-third                                              f) 31st

4. (Find the correct translation:) Знайдіть правильний переклад:

Я люблю грати на планшеті разом із братом, а потім читати разом.

a. I like playing on the tablet with my brother and then reading together.

b. I likes playing on the tablet with my brother and then reading together.

c. I like playing on the tablet with my sister and then play at home together.


5. Write answers to the questions.( Напишіть відповіді на питання)

1) What is your favourite subject at school?

2) How many lessons do you have on Mondays?

3) What subjects are you bad at?

4)What school subject is the most difficult for you?

5) How many lessons do you have on Fridays?




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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 лютого 2022
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