5 клас . Контроль навичок аудіювання І семестр

Про матеріал
Дана розробка містить текст, який допоможе провести семестровий контроль з аудіювання в учнів 5 класу.
Перегляд файлу

                                                    5 form

                                           Test of listening

                                                    I term

                                           My English Breakfast

   Hello, our names are Katharina and Nicolas Kohlheim. We are 8 and 10 years old.

   What do we usually have for breakfast? Well, we usually eat bread and butter, jam or marmalade, and cheese, eggs, bacon or salami. We usually drink tea with milk, or sometimes fruit tea. At weekends we have a glass of milk. Our parents like while coffee ( that`s coffee with milk). We also drink juice: orange juice is the best. Katharina prefers bread and butter, with strawberry jam, and I like bread and cheese and boiled eggs. What is you favourite breakfast?

                                                       Task 1

Listen to the text. Choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it false.

  1. Katharine is 10 years old.
  2. They usually drink coffee for breakfast.
  3. At weekends they have a glass of milk.
  4. White coffee is coffee with milk.
  5. Katharine prefers bread and cheese .
  6. Nicolas likes boiled eggs.

                                         Task 2

Listen to the text again and put the sentences  in order. Write numerals near each sentences .

  1. At weekends we have a glass of milk.
  2. What is you favourite breakfast?
  3. What do we usually have for breakfast?
  4. We usually drink tea with milk, or sometimes fruit tea
  5. Our parents like while coffee ( that`s coffee with milk).
  6. Well, we usually eat bread and butter, jam or marmalade, and cheese, eggs, bacon or salami.
До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 вересня 2021
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