8 клас. Розробка контрольного уроку з аудіювання.

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Listening  Comprehension  8 Form II Term

                            What is the right age to start driving a car?



In the New Zealand children as young as 15 are allowed to get behind the wheel.

The reason for this is that many years ago young workers needed to be able to get farms where they worked.

Today, not many 15-year-olds work on farms but  the law has never changed.

In the USA the minimum driving age in most states is 16. Many people feel this is too young and should be raised a year at least.

In the UK you have to wait until you are 17 years old before  you are allowed to drive but some people still think this is too young.

Young drivers are considered to be inexperienced and dangerous. However, some parents say their children are safer driving than using public transport. So, is there a right age to start driving?

What's the minimum driving age in your country?

Should it be changed?

Something  has to be done to reduce the number  of young people who are killed and injured on our roads. I believe that the driving age should be 18 so that new drivers are more mature. It will also mean that all drivers are adults in the eyes of the law.  Robert Hood, Philadelphia, USA.


 I agree that we need to do something to make our roads safer .

However, I believe that we need to improve the way we teach all new drivers, not just the young ones. The minimum age could be lowered to 16 but drivers would have to complete at least a year of lessons before taking their test and being allowed to drive alone.

Vera Cotter, Walverhampton, UK.























Listening Comprehension  8 Form II Term

                            What is the right age to start driving a car?

are allowed to get behind the wheel.-  дозволяється сідати за руль

 the law has never changed-закон не змінювався

are  considered to be- вважається, що є

inexperienced- недосвідчений водій

could be lowered –можно знизити

to reduce- зменьшити

to increase- збільшити

are injured-

mature- дорослий, досвідчений

It will also mean that all drivers are adults in the eyes of the law.

-Це буде означати, що всі водії є дорослими перед законом.

Ex 1. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. In the New Zealand children as young as 15

a. in most states is 16.

2. In the USA the minimum driving age

b. are allowed to get behind the wheel.


3. In the UK


c. inexperienced and  dangerous.

4. Young drivers are considered to be

d. you are 17 years old  before  you are allowed to drive.


5. What's the minimum driving age

e. so that new drivers are more mature.

6. The driving age should be 18

f. the way we teach all new drivers.

7. We need to improve

g. a year of lessons.

8. New drivers should have

h. in your country?


Ex.2  True  False

  1. In the New Zealand children as young as 15 are allowed to get behind the wheel.
  2.  In the Ukraine the minimum driving age in most states is 16.
  3. In the UK you have to wait until you are 17 years old before  you are allowed to drive.
  4. Young drivers are considered to be inexperienced and  dangerous.
  5. Some parents say their children are safer driving than using public transport.
  6. Something  has to be done to increase the number  of young people who are killed and injured on our roads.
  7. New drivers should have a year of lessons before taking their test and being allowed to drive alone.

Ex. Complete the sentences.

  1. In__________you can become a driver if you are 15 years old.
  2. In ________ you can drive at the age of 16 .
  3. You can drive a car in the UK at the age of________.
  4. Robert Hood, thinks people should be allowed to drive at the age of____.
  5. Vera Cotter thinks new drivers should only take their test after_______ of lessons._

Ex.3  Write about the rules of the exam for teenagers who want to get the driving license in your country.

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28 лютого 2021
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