9 клас. Introduction to Britain

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Introduction to Britain Video worksheet


Answer the following questions.


  1. What does the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland mean?
  2. How many people live in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
  3. Where does the PM live?
  4. Where can we find the Queen's image?
  5. Where does the Queen live?
  6. Name other famous cities in Great Britain.
  7. What is the capital of Scotland?


Choose the correct answer.

  1. What is the birthplace of William Shakespeare?

a) Liverpool                    b) Edinburgh                   c) Stratford – upon – Avon

  1. What is the home of the Beatles?

a) Liverpool          b) Cardiff             c) London

  1. What do Cambridge and Oxford have in common?

a) they are both Welsh cities         b) universities             c) they both have lots of lakes

  1. The British farmland constitutes:

a) 20% of land        b) 75% of land          c) 73% of land

Correct the information in the following sentences.

  1. Only 20% of working population works on a farm.
  2. Britain has 12 National Parks.
  3. Fewer than 24 million foreign tourists come to Britain annually.
  4. Welsh people speak only English.
  5. Britain consists of only four islands.
  6. The train from Britain to Paris, in France goes through Panama Canal.


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
4 квітня 2023
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