Blueprint " City. Town . Village"

Про матеріал
Blueprint "City.Town. Village" 1. External context. 2. Communicative language skills. 3. Core skills. 4. Language inventory. 5. Learning outcomes. 6. Assessment
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Grade 5

1/ External context

Topic, sub-topic









My native town, village, city

Living in the village.

Historical and cultural places.


Park, library, restaurant, museum, pharmacy, police station, department store, hospital, hotel, gallery, cinema, club, gym, school, square, supermarket, zoo, bank, café, church, bus station, railway station.                In the village.


Rural residents,

urban dwellers,





Places. Sights.





Visiting famous places, holidays and traditions, everyday life, rest.        Customs and traditions in the village, town, city

 Moving around the city, moving around the town, moving around the village , getting on/out of transport


Going about the city, town, village. 

Places in my town, my village, my city.

Advantages and disadvantages living in the city, in the town, in the village.

Famous sights.






2 / Communicative language skills


Oral comprehenison

Written comprehension

Oral interaction

Written interaction

Online interaction

Oral production

Written production

Can understand a short description of town/ city( location, buildings, population, transportation, nature).

Can get the main information about the location of buildings and sights from announcements.






Can get the main information about the location of buildings and sights from the map.                                 

 Can understand instructions moving around the  city(using plan)

 Can understand when people ask about location of buildings, parks , streets him/ her and can respond adequately.

Can talk to people about  living in the city/ town, historical and cultural places.

Can ask how to get to a certain place.

 Can request simple information about town/ city.


                           Can share some information about native town/ village.

Can ask a friend about his/ her native town/ city/ village.

Can write a friend about his hometown (attractions, transport, population, the nature), pastime, free time.

                            Can follow simple instructions  to meet at the appropriate place.

Can briefly describe his/ her native town/ village/ city, advantages and disadvantages of living in the city/ town and village.

Can make a short presentation about historical and cultural places.

Can provide simple instructions to get to the corresponding object.

Can draw about buildings and places in town/ city/ village.

Can draw a simple route.



3 / Core skills



Critical thinking

Creative thinking



Emotional development


Can compare views on living in the city/ town and village.


Can make the decision about advantages and disadvantages of village/town/city life








Can come up with options to improve life in the village/ town /city.

Can give advice how to modernize his/ her  own town/ city/ village.

Can use appropriate forms of address, greetings while communicating in the street.

Can use simple techniques to start and maintain conversation with unknown person for asking information.

Can ask for clarification.


 Can make relevant suggestions  based on the current topic.

Can volunteer to take on a specific role while moving the city.

Can contribute to drawing a simple route.

Can describe own emotions when visiting some places.

Can show understanding of  other ‘s people feelings.


 4 / Language inventory

Language functions

describing, characterizing

asking for and giving information

asking for clarification

expressing own impressions,

views, feelings

comparing , contrasting

liking  and disliking









Sample exponents

Can you help me?

Excuse me, where is the bus station?

Excuse me, where can I find a food store?

How about visiting a museum?

What can you do in your town?

How can I get to the hospital?

Where do you live?

What is your address?

Where do you like to live?

Sample vocabulary

Town, city, capital, village, centre, square, crossroad, traffic, central market, parks, gardens, forest, river, museums, bus station, train station, churches, library, street, cinema, railway station, monument, modern, ancient, central, peaceful, traditional, busy, boring, north/ south.

To work on the farm, to work in the field, to work in the garden, in the kitchengarden, to gather berries and mushrooms in the forest, take care after domestic animals.

On foot, by car, by bus, underground, traffic lights, crossroad.                                                                    

Sample grammar

Modality – can.

Noun- proper and common nouns.

Adjectives – comparatives and superlatives.

Prepositions of place - in, in front of, behind, between, opposite, next to, on the right, on the left, near, far  from.

Special questions.

Adverb frequency place –here, there.

5 / Learning outcomes  SWBAT- Students will be able  to


Oral comprehension

Written comprehension

Oral interaction

Written interaction

Online interaction

Oral production

Written production

Students will be able  to understand short  description of  town/ city( location, buildings, population, transportation, nature).

Students will be able to name the buildings in the town/ city/ village .

Students will be able to identify advantages and disadvantages of village/town/city life


Students will be able to analyze  and apply the main information about the location of buildings and sights from the maps,                            instructions moving around the  city(using plan).

Students will be able  to communicate effectively   when people ask about location of buildings, parks , streets him/ her and can respond adequately.

Can  identify characteristics about  living in the city/ town, historical and cultural places.

Can use language  to ask how to get to a certain place

 Students will be able to request for simple information about town/ city.


Students will be able to design and  share some information about native town/ village.

Students will be able to ask a friend about his/ her native town/ city/ village.

Students will be able to describe   his hometown (attractions, transport, population, the nature), pastime, free time.

                            Students will be able to  follow simple instructions  to meet at the appropriate place.

Students will be able to describe  briefly  his/ her native town/ village/ city, advantages and disadvantages of living in the city/ town and village.

Students will be able to create  a short presentation about historical and cultural places

Students will be able to  provide simple instructions to get to the corresponding object.

Students will  be able to create and present the model of their native town/city/ village

Students will be able  to draw a simple route.

6. / Assessment

Oral comprehenison

Written comprehension

Oral interaction

Written interaction

Online interaction

Oral production

Written production

Assessment for learning: short quizzes, brainstorming, “

Right or Wrong”


                 Assessment of learning: portfolio


learning wall,

exam, test

self – assessment,


Assessment for learning: minute papers, questions and answers(I have a question) , Quick write, write – around. write3 things:( 2 – they learned, 1 – need to learn)                Assessment of learning: portfolio.

Assessment for learning:  students interviews, classroom discussions,  pair share, role – play games, “Turn and Talk”

Open/ Closed pair work, mingle work,

Whole/ open class

                                                                                  Assessment of learning: portfolio

Assessment for learning: speed interview, written questions, exercises, letters


             Assessment of learning: portfolio, peer- assessment

Assessment for learning: pair work, online interviews, online quizzes , game activities, e- mail

 Assessment of learning: portfolio, final performance

Assessment for learning: exit slips, debates, descriptive drawing activity


                                                        Assessment of learning: self – assessment, presentation, peer feedback, group projects

Assessment for learning: mind maps, jigsawing, essays, chain notes


              Assessment of learning: unit chapter- test, final project, presentation.


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Кравченко Маргарита
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
15 жовтня 2023
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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