Cценарій "Сценарій свята The holiday of ABC"

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THE  HOLIDAY  OF  ABC (тиждень іноземної мови )

Тема:The holiday of ABC
Цілі: повторити літери англійського алфавіту;
         закріпити знання англійського алфавіту й уміння застосовувати його на практиці;
         активізувати в мові назви кольорів, цифр, шкільних речей;
         розвивати усне мовлення, практикувати його в формі пісень, віршів і лічилок;
         розвивати мовні, інтелектуальні і творчі здібності здібності учнів;
         прищеплювати любов до вивчення англійської мови через ігри й пісні;
         виховувати в дітей почуття впевненості, уміння працювати в команді й почуття взаємодопомоги;
         розвивати увагу, творче мислення дітей.

Обладнання: тексти пісень, віршики до кожної літери, картки з літерами, англійський алфавіт, м’яч, інтерактивна дошка, завдання для конкурсів та ігор.

                                                                ХІД   ЗАХОДУ

Queen. Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, teachers and parents. Let us begin our English party. Many junior pupils of our school take part in it. We’ll sing you some songs, recite you some poems and play games. So we hope you’ll have a lot of fun!

Merry. Yes, today we have a big and very beautiful holiday. We have many guests. They have come to us. I am glad to see you, my dear friends.

Pupils. We are glad to see you too!

Queen. Children, do you remember how we began to study the English ABC? We made a big and long travelling about the Kingdom ABC. We have already learnt all the letters of the English ABC. And these letters asked us to visit them.

 Merry. There is a castle in the kingdom ABC. You will find yourselves in this castle when you know all the English letters. And today the Queen of English language will ask you some questions.

Queen. I am a queen. My name is the English language. And who are you?

Children. My name is … (діти кидають м’яча з рук в руки й називають свої імена англійською мовою).

Queen. Where are you from?

Children. We are from Ukraine.

Queen. Nice to meet you! Children, show how well you know the English alphabet. (діти співають пісню).

Aa  Apple pie, apple pie
      Mummy likes apple pie
       So do I, so do I.

Bb  Buns for coffee, bins for tea
       One for you
       And one for me.

Cc   I have a cat
       It’s warm and fat.
       My cat is grey
       It likes to play.

Dd  D is for doll.
       D is for dog.
       I see a doll.
       I see a dog.

Ee   E is for egg
        It’s yellow and white.
        E is for eagle
        It flies so high.

Ff    Flowers here, flowers there
       Flowers growing everywhere.

Gg   G is for goose.
        It likes to eat grass.
        “Show me a goose!”
         Says brother Gus.

Hh    H is for honey
         It’s so sweet.
          Give me some honey
          Says brother Pete.

Ii       I is for ice-cream
         we like to eat.
          Ice – cream is cold
          Tasty and sweet.

Jj       J is for jam.
          The jam is on the table.
          “May I take a spoonful?”
           Ask little Kate.

Kk      K is for kitten.
          It’s on the bed.
           “Let’s play a little!”
           says brother Ted.

Ll        L  is for lamp.
           It’s so bright.
           It helps me to read.
           It helps me to write.

Mm    M is for monkey.
            It can climb a tree.
            It has 2 bananas
            For you and me.

Nn       N is for nuts
            We like to eat.
            “Give me some nuts!”
            Says brother Pete.

Oo       O is for orange.
            It’s so juicy.
             “Give me an orange, please!”
             Says little Lucy.

Pp        P is for pencil.
            P is for pen.
            I draw with a pencil.
            I draw with a pen.

Qq       Q is for Queen.
            She lives in tales.
            She writes letters
            Every day.

Rr      R is for rose.
          The rose is red.
          “Give me a rose!”
           Says brother Ted.

Ss       S is for snow.
           S is for sun.
           Let’s play in the snow.
           Let’s lie in the sun.

Tt       T is for tea.
           We like to drink.
           We drink tea with sugar
            And sometimes with milk.

Uu       U is for umbrella.
            It’s good in the rain.
            “Give me an umbrella!”
            Says little Jane.

Vv        V is for violet.
             V is for vase.
             Show me a violet!
             Give me a vase!

Ww      W is for where.
             W is for what.
             “Where is your house?”
              Asks brother Scott.

Xx        A song “An orange fox”
            An orange fox is in the box.
            In the box, in the box.
            An orange fox is in the box
             In the yellow box.

Yy        Y is for yellow.
            Y is for yes.
            “Let’s play a little”,
            Says sister Bess.

Zz        Z is for zero.
            Z is for Zoo.
            Look at the zebra
            At the Zoo.

Queen. Nice of you! You know the ABC very well. And your ABC rhymes are very, very nice. Let us see what they know.

Merry. We have guests on our party. They have presents for you (5-6 form).

Queen. OK. Let’s have a contest. We have two teams. So, we need a jury. They are our guests. How do you call your teams?

Mickey. The 1st task. Who knows the ABC better? Each member of both teams name the letters of the ABC.

Cheburashka. The 2nd task – translate the words. (10 слів по темі. На слайді слова висвічуються, а учні читають їх)

Merry. Do you like playing with toys? Next task you must find out the names of the toys. (На слайді малюнки тварин, учні мають їх назвати)

Сheburashka. Lets play the GamePotatoes”(Діти стають у коло і звертаються до кожного учня з рядком вірша.)

P1. One potato,
P2. Two potatoes,
P3. Three potatoes,
P4. Four.
P5. Five potatoes,
P6. Six potatoes,
P7. Seven potatoes,
P8. Floor.

Учень сідає. І так далі. Виграє той учень, який залишиться стояти.

Mickey. Can you count together? (Усі рахують від 1 до 10)

Cheburashka. Next task is to put the words in the alphabetical order.

Merry. Very good! And now the jury will announce the results of the contest. Our best congratulations to the team.

Queen. We are very glad that you, our little children, understand English.

Merry. You can speak, write and read English. You can sing songs and take part in contests.

Queen. We congratulate you on having good knowledge of the ABC, and we hope that you will speak English very well. Thank you very much.

Merry. At the end of our party let’s dance! (A song with dancing movements to the music «Утята»)


29 вересня 2019
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