Cell Phones. Pros And Cons

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Тут представлені два види роботи з одним і тим же текстом. Ви можете спочатку прослухати та зробити завдання з аудіювання, а потім прочитати цей же текст та зробити завдання з читання. Це дозволить дітям краще запам’ятати представлену інформацію, оскільки вона буде ними кілька разів у різних форматах проаналізована
Перегляд файлу

Тут представлені два види роботи з одним і тим же текстом. Ви можете спочатку прослухати та зробити завдання з аудіювання, а потім прочитати цей же текст та зробити завдання з читання. Це дозволить дітям краще запам’ятати представлену інформацію, оскільки вона буде ними кілька разів у різних форматах проаналізована



Cell phones have become the most popular gadgets in the modern world. They are versatile, mobile and portable. Today smartphones offer many more functions than standard phones: we can not only make calls, but text messages, surf the net, listen to music, take pictures and send them instantly. Mobile phones have revolutionized the way people communicate. But there are both advantages and disadvantages in using mobile devices.
What are the cons of using cell phones?
Cell phones reduce direct real communication. People are getting more and more addicted to their mobiles, and they start to panic if they leave their gadgets at home or have to turn them off. Phone users are obsessed with constant checking their social networks messages.
Cell phones are really annoying when people are speaking on them loudly in public places (cinemas, hospitals, schools or transport).
Smartphones often distract from work, studies, driving a car or crossing the street. Texting or speaking on the phone while driving or crossing the street causes thousands of traffic accidents every year.
Furthermore, cheating in exams with the help of mobile devices has become a big problem in many schools. Students manage to find their test answers on the internet.
Finally, and sadly, doctors admit that smartphones are harmful for our brain, eyes and our night sleep.
And the pros of cell phones are the following:
People communicate easily with the help of messengers installed on the phone. They stay in touch with their families and friends all day long. Besides, smartphones are really useful in emergencies as you can call the police or ambulance and save your or other people`s life.
Cell phones are a powerful learning tool. They enable easy internet access to various sources of information and entertainment: encyclopedias, videos, music, games, social networks, audiobooks, online shopping or your e-mail box.
Smartphones are equipped with high-resolution cameras. You can take high-quality photos of yourself and your family and send them instantly to your friends.
Moreover, our mobile gadgets help us get more organized. They offer useful features, such as calendars, notepads and address books.

True or false

1. Nowadays smartphones have many more functions than standard phones 

2. Now people start to panic if they leave their gadgets at home 

3. phones aren’t really annoying when people are speaking on them loudly in public places 

4. Students cheat in exams with the help of mobile devices 

5. smartphones are really harmful in emergencies as you can call the police or ambulance and save your or other people`s life. 

6. They enable difficult internet access to various sources of information and entertainment 

7. Phones haven’t got useful features, such as calendars, notepads and address books. 


Pros and cons of cell phones

1.looking for test answers on the internet 



2.cheating in exams



3.taking high-quality photos



4.staying in touch with families and friends all day long



5.you can call the police and safe somebody’s life



6.lack of direct real communication 



7.distraction from work



8.checking social networks messages all the time 



Which information wasn’t in the text

1. According to the text smartphones give us an access to various sources of information

a) music

b) social networks

c) online shopping

d) encyclopedias

e) travelling

f) audiobooks

According to the text cell phones are really annoying in such places 

a) hospitals

b) theatres

c) transport

d) cinemas

E) schools

3. According to the text smartphones are harmful for 

a) night sleep

b) eyes

c) stomach

d) brain

4. According to the text smartphones offer useful features, such as 

a) notepads

b) address books

c) calendars


5. According to the text Today smartphones offer many more functions than standard phones: 

a) make calls

b) listen to music

c) surf the net

d) send pictures

E) take pictures

F) text messages

G) all these functions


21 листопада 2021
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