Діагностувальна робота "Hello, spring!"

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діагностувальна робота для учнів 3 кл по темі "Hello, spring!" за підручником Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів О.Карпюк
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Name __________________________________________________ Test on the topic: Hello, spring!

1 Cross the odd word. Викресли зайве слово.

1)   spring, summer, March, winter

2)   March, June, August, July

3)   sunny, warm, rainy, summer

4)   day, dress, shorts, sweater

5)   Monday, Tuesday, Sunday, May

2                    Unscramble the words. Розплутай слова.

Apirl ____________

Fruebary ____________

Steepbemr ____________

Jnue ____________

Nombever ____________

Mrcah ____________

Deemcebr ____________

3                    Fill in  There is / There are   Заповни пропуски словами There is/There are 1) _____ a cat near the tree.


2) _____ two clouds in the sky.

_______________________________________________________ 3) _____ many stars in the sky.

_______________________________________________________ 4) _____ children on the playground.

_______________________________________________________ 5) _____ a boy next to the swimming-pool.


4 Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Заповни пропуски словами з рамки

February   hot   blue   autumn   make    jacket    favourite

1)   It is sunny and____________ in summer.

2)   It is rainy and cold in ____________.

3)   The sky is ____________.

4)   I am wearing my hat and a ____________ in spring.

5)   You can ____________ a snowman in winter.6) My ____________ season is summer.

image5 Look and write   image      or     image1) It is summer.

2)       It is autumn.

3)       It is cloudy and rainy.

4)       It is frosty and cold.

5)       It is hot.

6)       There are seven children.

7)       There is a school.

8)       There are two trees.

9)       There is a bike.

10)  There is a black dog.

11)  There are six boys.

12)  There is a small cat.

17 травня 2023
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