Environment and Greener Living «What is Fly-tipping?», 9th form

Про матеріал
Урок розвитку екологічної культури та захисту навколишнього середовища за темою Environment and Greener Living «What is Fly-tipping?», 9th form. Урок розроблений вчителем англійської мови Міняйло Клавдією Василівною, Дніпровського наукового техніко-економічного ліцею № 61 "ЕРУДИТ", ДМР.
Перегляд файлу

Структура плану розгорнутого уроку

Тема: Environment and Greener Living «What is Fly-tipping?»


-         активувати навчальний матеріал, удосконалювати лексичні навички з теми, практикувати учнів у читанні  медіа компетентності, обговорити проблеми навколишнього середовища, зокрема викидання сміття у непризначених для цього місцях та способи їх вирішення, формувати комунікативні навички;

-         розвивати вміння критичного мислення, мовну здогадку, здатність логічно мислити; розвивати діалогічне і монологічне мовлення, здатність до підприємництва;

-         виховувати екологічну культуру,  почуття відповідальності за навколишнє середовище, любов до своєї країни, культуру спілкування.


Учні повинні знати:

-         лексичний матеріал з теми;

-         проблеми, що пов’язані з забрудненнями навколишнього середовища, а саме викидання сміття будь-де, запобігти цьому і запропонувати способи їх вирішення.

Учні повинні вміти:

-         вживати новий матеріал в контексті мовлення;

-         сприймати на слух текст з метою отримання загального уявлення;

-         максимально розуміти, всю інформацію, що   в тексті;

-         давати поради вирішення проблем з охороною навколишнього середовища, викидання сміття в непризначених; для цього місцях;

-         визначати ключові ідеї, ставити доречні питання, використовувати медіа продукт;

-         помічати протиріччя, рефлексувати.

Тип: Урок формування медіакомпетентності учнів.

Вид уроку: Урок-бесіда з використанням інноваційних технологій.

Обладнання: комп’ютерна презентація, оформлення класної кімнати постерами і фото; аудіо запис тексту «What is Fly-tipping?»; роздатковий матеріал, підручник англійської мови для 9 класу (А.Несвіт, Київ: Генеза, 2017), музичний супровід.

Методи та прийоми:

-         Phonetic Drill

-         Дискусія “Think and Say”

-         Робота в парах і групах «The Circle of Ideas»

-         Монологічне та діалогічне мовлення Game «Press», Making a dialogue, Answer the questions

-         Використання інформаційної компетентності з підтримкою аудіо і відео ресурсів

-         Проблемна ситуація

-         Релаксація

-         Майстер-клас «No time to lose: recycle, reduce, reuse»

-         Team «Greener Living»

-         Poetry moments

Структура уроку з хронометражем

I. Початок уроку. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного спілкування (Starting up. Lead in) (2 хв.)

1) Організація класу. Привітання (Beginning. Greeting)

2) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (Aim)

II. Warming up activity. Speaking and Listening (5 хв.)

  1.     Phonetic Drill
  2.     “Think and Say”

III. Основна частина (Main part) (35 хв.)

  1.     Перевірка домашнього завдання (Check on homework)
  2.     Game «Press»

3) Listening and Reading

- Problem situation. Answer the questions before listening

- Vocabulary. “The circle of Ideas”

- Listen to the text “What is Fly-tipping?” 

- Match the phrases

- Listen and read again. Complete the statements

4) Writing

5) Relax

6) Team “Greener Living”

7) Майстер клас “No time to lose – reduce, recycle, reuse”

8) Poetry moments

IV. Заключна частина уроку (Summary of the lesson) (3 хв.).

  1.     Підведення підсумків уроку
  2.     Домашнє завдання


Розгорнутий план уроку

                      Хід уроку (Procedure)


I. Початок уроку. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного спілкування (Starting up. Lead in)

1) Організація класу. Привітання (Beginning. Greeting ).

T. Good day, everybody of you, my dear friends! How are you today?

Ps. We are all in a good mood. Thank you!

T. Our lesson is special because we have an important topic to discuss. Today, I’d like you to be more attentive, more confident and more active. I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it.

2) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (Aim).

T. I’d like to introduce the  theme of this lesson and my expectations from your work. So, the theme is «What is Fly-tipping?» (Слайд 3).

At today’s lesson we’ll:

-         learn some new words and phrases;

-         get to know some more information about environmental problems and discuss them;

-         review the courses of pollutions and ways of their reducing;

-         exchange our opinions about ecological problems in the world and our city;

-         develop language skills on listening and reading; critical thinking;

-         improve our   skills;

-         become more environmentally educated (Слайд 4).

The motto of our lesson is «If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it» (Слайд 5).

II. Warming up activity. Speaking and Listening

  1.     Phonetic Drill

T. Be ready to make physical activity for our lips and tongues for speaking, let’s revise some English proverbs and quotations about Greener Living and Environment.

 Listen and repeat. Audiо - addition 1. (Слайд 6).

- The landscape belongs to the person who looks after it;

- The goal of life is living in agreement with nature;

- Look after this planet, it’s only one we live;

- Nature is a symbol of spirit.

2) “Think and Say”

T. Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems. Our planet is in danger and we must do everything possible to save the nature, ‘cause we are a great part of it. I want you to look at the screen (Слайд 7), where can you see a quotation. Please, share your opinions.

«The moment the angel enters a life it enters an environment. We are ecological from day one» James Hillman.

(Possible answers)

P1. I agree with this statement. When I was born, I became the part of the environment. I can influence the outcome of the action. I can take care of environment.

P2. We have to take care of our planet Earth. To my mind “Angels” are looking for environment and thanks to it, people can live. If everybody think, that he is an angel who can save his planet, it will help each other. If people don’t build factories, don’t pollute rivers, seas, angels will be kinder and more tolerant.

III. Основна частина (Main part)

  1.     Перевірка домашнього завдання (Check on homework)

(Students of 3-4 people  act like journalists. Read messages of damage events that have happened in the world or their country, give arguments)

  1.     Game «Press»

T. What do we throw away? Look at the screen. How long can these items stay in the ground? After read Ex.1 p. 276 and complete the table. Copy it into your copybooks (Слайд 8, 9 ).

3) Listening and Reading

- Problem situation. Answer the questions before listening

T. You can see some photos (Слайд 10).

Please, describe the problems they illustrate. What can we do to make less trash at home/ in our school/ in Dnipro/ in the world?

(Possible answers)

P1. We can do a lot. We must stop doing harm for nature. The protection of nature is our duty. Nature is a real treasure house. There is no other way out but to stop pollution.

P2. We should save the nature from ecological catastrophe. Litter in the city streets and highways spoils the view. We mustn’t be indifferent to this situation. People started pollution, and people can stop it.

P3. People must live in harmony with nature. We much concerned about throwing waste everywhere. We have one Earth for all those who love it and who don’t. but we should always remember the wise advice of the great English writer John Galsworthy who said, “If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it”.

-         Vocabulary. “The circle of Ideas”

(Copy and cut out the cards with words and their definitions. Ask the students  to match the words to their definitions. Don’t help with translation; let the student use the context to understand the meanings of the words ). Додаток 1.


  • illegal – not according to or authorized by law;
  • to dump – to drop smth.in a careless way;
  • a bulky item – things, like household items, which are of great size, large, thick and massive;
  • a taxpayer – a person who pays taxes;
  • to clear something away – to remove something that you have finished using or no longer want in order to make a place tidy;
  • to commit a crime – to do something illegal;
  • a vehicle – a means of transporting something;
  • to seize – to take prisoner;
  • a waste disposal site – recycling center;
  • to dispose – to clear something away;
  • hazardous substance – the waste, such as broken glass, toxic chemicals;
  • to disturb – to upset something


-         Listen to the text “What is Fly-tipping?”                             (Audio addition is added. Text; part 1, 2).

What is Fly-tipping?

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping or rubbish or bulky items such as unwanted furniture, pieces of used equipment, etc. on land not licenced to receive it. Fly-tipping is dangerous, because it pollutes the land and waterways. Besides, it costs the council taxpayer significant amounts of money to clear the rubbish away.

When people dump household, industrial and commercial waste illegally they commit a crime.

Fly-tipping is often associated with dumping waste from vehicles. The person who owns such a vehicle can also be brought to trial, even if only the vehicle, not the driver, is identifiable. The police also have the powers to seize vehicles which have been used for fly-tipping.

Local Councils in the UK usually provide waste disposal sites and recycling centers where people can safely and legally dispose of unwanted items.

What to do about fly-tipped waste

If you discover fly-tipped waste, do not:

  • touch the waste – it main contain broken glass, toxic chemicals or other hazardous substances;
  • disturb the site – there may be the evidence that could help identify the fly-tippers and lead to their prosecution.


  • visually try to work out what the waste consists of and how to much of it there is;
  • make a note of the day, date and time you saw the tipping;
  • report fly-tipping to your teachers at school or your parents, they will take necessary measures.


-         Match the phrases


1. bulky

a) dumping

2. to clear

b) measures

3. to commit

c) furniture

4. hazardous

d) brought to trial

5. to take

e) a crime

6. to be

f) items

7. illegal

g) away

8. unwanted

e) substances


-         Listen and read again. Complete the statements.

  1. Fly-tipping is …………….. .
  2. Fly-tipping costs the council taxpayer ……………….. .
  3. …………………. is a serious criminal offence.
  4. Local Councils in the UK usually provide ……………….. .
  5. If you discover fly-tipping waste, don’t touch the waste - ……….. .
  6. Report fly-tipping  to your teachers at school or your parents, ………………………………………………………………… .





4) Writing

T. Work in short (small) groups. Write about your experience in helping our planet to stay clean. Act out the dialogue as in the example, using these words and word-combinations.


to pollute the air with fumes or cars, to use dangerous chemicals at home and in the garden, to use plastic package, to make fires in the parks and woods, to cut down the trees, to throw the litter in the streets (yards, corridors of the houses), etc.


to use bikes (public transport) rather than cars, to use less chemicals in the gardens and at home, to use less plastic packaging, to clean the way territory, to plant more trees, flowers, etc.



P1. Nowadays the problem is ………………… . It’s the result of economic difficulties.


P2. To avoid ……………… , new cleaning structures and recycling centers may be built in our city where people can safely and legally dispose of unwanted items.

P1. As for me we should ……………………….. the place we live in.

                                                   P2. You are right. If you don’t think               

                                            about the future, you will not have it!




5) Relax

T. The music time is for students and teacher. Listen to the sounds of nature and birds. Just have fun! (Listen to the video-addition “Relax”)



6) Team “Greener Living”

T. Today we have some guests at the lesson. They are representatives of “Greenpeace” organization. They have prepared some ecological slogans:

  • Don’t throw  the waste everywhere;
  • Become more environmentally educated;
  • Don’t disturb the natural balance;
  • Reuse litter;
  • Create nature parks;
  • Don’t cut down trees;
  • Don’t pick up wild flowers;
  • Save the nature;
  • Think about the future!


7) Майстер клас “No time to lose – reduce, recycle, reuse” у музичному супроводі “We are the champions”.

T. Students demonstrate the things which are reduced and reused. All items are made of waste, unwanted furniture, pieces of used equipment such as plastic bottles, wood, leather, glass. Look! Fly-tipping isn’t dangerous for your lives. You can touch it or even try to wear on!










   8) Poetry moments. Додаток 2.

Written by Veronika Trophimova, the pupil of the 9th form


Look! What’s around you?

Here’s everything in clue.

Garbage swim in river here

Why didn’t clean you there?

Nature’s dying and you, too.

What would happen if we do?

Something better and not wrong,

Something, good? You are not along!

We’ll fight for our lives,

We’ll fight for nature’s love.

Only human could it stop,

‘Cause we made it start.


IV. Заключна частина уроку (Summary of the lesson).

T. What was interesting for you at the lesson? What was difficult for you? You worked hard. Your marks are ……. . Remember the proverb “If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it”.

Homework. Write about the place where you live. What do you do to protect the environment?



Додаток 1


  • Vocabulary. “The circle of Ideas”


(Copy and cut out the cards with words and their definitions. Ask the students to match the words to their definitions. Don’t help with translation; let the student use the context to understand the meanings of the word ).





7.a vehicle


a) not according to or authorized by law


g) a means of transporting something;


2.to dump


8.to seize


b) to drop smth.in a careless way


h) to take prisoner


3.bulky items


9.to dispose


c) things, like household items, which are of great size, large, thick and massive


i) recycling center


4.a taxpayer


10.to disturb


d) a person who pays taxes


j) to clear something away



5.to clear smth. away



11.hazardous substance


e) to remove something that you have finished using or no longer want in order to make a place tidy


k) the waste, such as broken glass, toxic chemicals


6.to commit a crime


12.a waste disposal site


f) to do something illegal


l) to upset something



Додаток 2

  • Poetry moments

Let’s together protect the forest

Let’s together protect the forest,

Cause to all living it is so dearest!

Its destruction for all is simply horrid

And negligence makes it so sorest.

Be not just a forest tourist,

But stand up for the protection of what is so dearest,

It will make you kind and honest.

So, let’s together take care of forest!

Written by Mykola Ribinskiy, the pupil of the 9th form



  • Fairy tail

by Alina Medvedeva, the pupils of the 9th form

А Plastic bag and a glass bottle

One day a plastic bag flew around the world. Strong wind blew right into the unhappy bag. And when wind stopped to blew, the bag fall near a glass bottle. She looked at him and think “wow, did it destiny prepared such a gift?”.

-            Oh! I am so sorry, I just flew and fall.. – apologetically said bag.

-            It is ok! Don’t worry! Hmm… What’s your name stranger?

-            Um.. Did you ask me? – incomprehensibly asked bag.

-            Do you see anybody here besides you? – the bottle is getting angry.

-            Sorry-sorry.. My name is Thomas. And you?

-            Lisbon. Nice to meet you, Thomas.

-            Nice to meet you too. Do you want to walk for this wonderful park? - a little embarrassed suggested a plastic bag.

-            Yeah. Come on.

They walked all day, until it was dark. The bag and bottle stopped near bench and just they looked at each other in love. Thomas came closer to her and embraced her.

-            I like you, Lisbon.

-            I like you too, Thomas.

Who would thought?! The destiny brought two lonely souls! This is love at first sight!

On a surprisingly pink sunset, Thomas kissed her and without any resistance she succumbed to him. They were happy at this moment. But their romantic moment interrupted one boy. His name – Jake. Everybody in this city know him as clean and neat. He caught plastic bag in right hand and glass bottle in left hand.

-            Argh.. These people know, that the garbage should be thrown in the trash? - the guy didn’t restrain his indignation.

-            Nooo, Lisbon!

-            Thomaas!

The bag and bottle tried to touch each other, but the distance was great and they can’t do it.

-            I love you so much and I happy that I spent time with the bag like you, Thomas! – Lisbon was crying very hard, because she know, what was waiting for her. And in the last bottle’s words he threw her into the bin for glasses. Thomas was waiting for same things. And it happened. But he flew into the bin for bags.

On this note love has ended. Now we are waiting for how this garbage will be recycled and        new relationships will appear!



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
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