Extracurricular Activities of the English Circle "Discovery"

Про матеріал

Позакласна робота з іноземної мови є вагомою складовою всього навчально-виховного процесу початкової школи. Вона розкриває низку додаткових можливостей як для вчителів, так і для учнів. Грамотно організована і проведена позакласна робота не лише поглиблює і розширює знання з іноземної мови, але й сприяє зацікавленню учнів у її вивченні, підвищенні мотивації до знайомства з її культурою. Вона систематизує та вдосконалює набуті знання і навички, розвиває комунікативну компетенцію, допомагає розкрити вміння і таланти учнів.

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Extracurricular Activities

of  the English Circle









КЗ «Олександрівське НВО №1»

загальноосвітня школа

 І-ІІІ ступенів №1

Вчитель Железковська О.Ю.


Halloween Party

Objectives: to teach students customs and traditions of celebration of the Halloween holiday in the English-speaking countries.

Task: to bring up sense of respect to history and to the culture of the country, the language of which they study;

To practice  speech activity and activate a vocabulary on the topic Halloween";

To develop creative fantasy and initiative.

To develop cognitive interest of children.Перейти к: навигация, поиск 

Equipment: posters,a pumpkin, handouts, taperecorder


The Main Characters:  

Part 1.

The Main Witch: hello friends! Let’s begin our holiday, the Witch Holiday/

 (candles, music)

30 days has September, April
June and November
All the rest have 31
Excepting February alone
Which has 28 days clear
And 29 in each leap year

Girls and boys
Go out to party
The moon is bright
On Halloween night

Take your candle
Take your mask
The moon is bright
On Halloween night.

Look for witches
Look for ghosts
The moon is bright
On Halloween night.

 (Children with music come into the hall in the suits of different evil spirits, stand in front of the audience. Two leaders begin the)

Witch 1:
It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night

Witch 2:
Skeletons and ghosts and Ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

Witch 3:
In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat
Tonight we are the King and Queen
For, Oh, tonight it`s Halloween. (all run away)

Witch 4: Dear children! Do you know where this holiday gets its name? Listen! Halloween means “holy evening” or “All hallows Evening”. It is the evening before “All Saints` Day”, November, 1 according to the western Christian church calendar.

Witch 1: October, 31 was also the eve of the Celtic new year, a time when ghosts or evil spirits walked the earth. Costumes and jack-o-lanterns were thought to protect people from any harm these spirits might cause.

Witch 2; Oh! I see somebody is flying here.

(3 witches run into the hall and recite their poems)

W5: I am a witch, I  wear a tall black hat
I have a big black cat
I  sit on a broom stick as I  go by
And “O-oo-oo-oooh” I cry.

W6: I wear long black hair
I fly through the air
I sit on a broom stick as I go by
And “O-oo-oo-oooh” I cry

W7: I have a book of spells
My secrets I never tell
I sit on a broomstick as I go by
And ‘O-oo-oo-oooh” I cry.

The main Witch: My dear gests! I am a symbol of Halloween
And what other symbols of Halloween do you know. Look and guess!


Part 2. Shadow-show.

The 1-st leader.
We have made a shadow-show
To tell of Halloween.
If you will follow closely,
There is much that can be seen.

First, we`ll draw the curtain,
And then turn on the light. (the light is turned on)
Here we see an old, old witch
Who flies abroad all night.

She sits astride her broomstick;
Her hat is black and tall
Around about her shoulders
She wears an old black shawl. (the light is turned off)

The 2-nd leader.
Next we see a cat so black
With tail that`s very long.
Each of his four little feet
Have claws both sharp and strong. (the light is turned off)

Black cats belong to Halloween.
They have for many a year,
As anyone will tell you.
That`s why we showed them here. (the light is turned on)

The 1-st leader.
Next we see a Jack O`Lantern
Carried by a child
The eyes are large and shining
I like the way he smiled. (the light is turned off)

They made him from a pumpkin,
Big, and fat, and yellow,
They carved him with grinning face
He is a jolly fellow. (the light is turned on)

A witch: Now you can see a fairy tale about a small ghost who could not say “Wooo…”

The Performance " The Ghost Who Could Not Say 'Wooo...!'

Fortune Teller: I want to tell you a story about the ghost who could not say "Wooo..." A young ghost, Gilly by name, was walking about the dusty road. Then he stopped, sat down on a stone and began crying. At that moment Polly Mouse was passing by.

Polly Mouse: What's the matter?

Gilly Ghost: Oh, Polly, I can't say that word.

Polly Mouse: What word?

Gilly Ghost: The word all ghosts say when they go out haunting on Halloween.

Polly Mouse: I'd be glad to teach you.

Gilly Ghost: You are a real friend.

Polly Mouse: Listen to me, " Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Gilly Ghost: No, Polly, that isn't the ghost word.

Mr. Cat: Of course, it isn't the ghost word. What a silly Mouse! And what a silly ghost not to know such an important word.

Gilly ghost: You are right. I can't go haunting if I can't say a word.

Mr. Cat: I'll teach you, "Mew, mew, mew!"

Gilly Ghost: I’m sorry but that is not the ghost word either.

Mr. Cat: Let me think ... I know who will teach you. He knows everything.

At that very moment Mr. Pumpkin came out of the bushes.

Gilly Ghost: Will you teach me to say that word?

Mr. Pumpkin: Of course, I will! Wooo-oo!

Gilly Ghost: Wooo-oo! That's it! That's it!

Miss Witch appeared.

Miss Witch: Gilly Ghost that is the best "Wooo...!" I have heard tonight. I'm proud of you. Hop on my broomstick and I'll take you out to haunt with the other ghosts.

A Bat
I am a bat with wings so wide.
I fly across the moon.
Perhaps you`ll see me Halloween.
You know, it`s coming soon. (the light is turned off)

Bats come out on Halloween;
They are weirdest things.
They have small furry bodies
And hooks upon their wings. (the light is turned on)

A Goblin.
I am a small goblin,
My ears are flat and wide.
I like to play a merry prank,
And then I run to hide. (the light is turned off)

The 2-nd leader.
This concludes our shadow-show
We`ve thrown upon the screen,
And now we wish for each of you
A happy Halloween.(all sing a song “Trick-or-Treat”)
The moon is full and the moon is bright
And we shall see what can`t be see tonight:
Skeletons and ghosts, werewolves form their tombs
Witches on their magic brooms
In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock the doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the King and the Queen
For, oh, tonight is Halloween!

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat!
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take!
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some!
You had better do it quick
Or, we`ll surely play a trick.
(The heroes go around the hall and take sweets and  frighten sprinkling)

The main Witch: Oh! There are lots of sweets here!
Halloween is coming, Halloween is coming…

Part 3.  Competitions.

Personages (by choir)
Halloween is coming.
What will you be?

The 1-st team
We might be pirates on the deep blue sea. (They link triangular scarfs on heads as pirates)

Halloween is coming
What will you be?

The 2-nd team. We might be jack-o- lanters winking at you. (they stick pumpkin’s badges)

Halloween is coming
What will you be?

The 3-d team:
We might be vampires drinking your blood (They stick emblem-badges)

Halloween is coming
What will you be?

The 4-th team:
We might be awful ghosts scaring you (They stick emblem-badges)

 (The personages make competitions)

My favourite game is “Broom Race”
A witch once went for a ride on her broom
Up through the frosty sky.
I zoomed and zoomed
And I dipped and zipped
And I winked at the moon
As I passed by.
(The Witch makes a competition and gives her portrait to the winner)

2. Cat:

Therе are black cats
They are my friends
Please, pin the tails
And win the games. (4 participants from the team)
(The cat gives the winner his portrait. The winner will be that team wich has more tails in wrong)

Jack O`Lantern:
Now let`s play a game called “Patching Jack O`Lantern”
There are some parts of each pumpkin.
Please, try to find the missing parts.

3. Monster: (The picture of a Monsterwith description)
There is a big monster. It has a big head and small body.
It has three long legs and four strong arms.
It has got a long tail.
It has three small eyes and six long ears. It has very big teeth.
It doesn`t have any hair.

4. Unscramble the words. Write the letters in the correct order.
- msak, -olewnleHa, -kpinpum, -ctiwh, -emutsoc, -soghts

Key: mask, Halloween, pumpkin, witch, costume, ghosts

5. Matching the words with their definitions.
1) jack-o-lantern a) the season which comes after summer and before winter
2) a pumpkin b) an autumn holiday for children
3) a treat c) a large, round, orange vegetable
4) autumn d) a pumpkin with a face out in it
5) Halloween e) a very funny Halloween game
6) bobbing for apples f) a gift such as money or candy

6. Use the following code to learn the secret. Write the letters in the correct dots.
Code: A-1, B-2, С – 3, В – 4…
(Look out! Here comes a wicked witch! Run!)
(The witch appears and catches the participant of the team who couldn’t disappear and decode the title and run away)

7. Trick -or-Treat Maze.

The Conclusion of the party.

Rewarding of winners

The team which won gets a pumpkin with sweetnesses.

At the end children sing a song.

1.The pumpkin in the patсh
The pumpkin in the patсh
Hi-ho on Halloween
The pumpkin in the patсh.

2. The pumpkin calls a witch.
3. The witch calls a bat.
4. The bat calls a ghost.
5. The ghost scares us all.
6. We all scare the ghost.
(Children drive away the evil spirits. All are satisfied and laugh)



If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.

If you are happy and you know it
Snap your fingers
If you are happy and you know it
Snap your fingers
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Snap your fingers

If you are happy and you know it
Stamp your feet
If you are happy and you know it
Stamp your feet
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Stamp your feet

If you are happy and you know it
Say: "O.K. "
If you are happy and you know it
Say: "O.K. "
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Say: "O.K. "

If you are happy and you know it
Do all five
If you are happy and you know it
Do all five
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Do all five


Knock Knock Trick or Treat

Songs from Super Simple Songs

Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a ghost
I'm a little ghost

Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a cowboy
I'm a little cowboy

Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a witch
I'm a little witch

Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a monster
I'm a little monster

Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a ballerina
I'm a little ballerina

1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3 4

Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Who are you?
I'm a pirate
I'm a little pirate

Knock Knock,
Trick or Treat,
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween

      Halloween doesn’t sound like a fun time at the beginning but somehow people make a lot of fun activities during the time. I am sure everyone would have some fun Halloween school party ideas back in the time you were in school.

  1. Halloween Costume -- Everyone dresses in a Halloween costume. Eat, drink and dance!!
  2. Halloween MAZE -- If you have enough spaces and budget, set up a maze and let's everyone play in a group. Have your team dress in a scary ghost to haunt the players inside. The first, or fastest, group who come out of the maze will get the prize. Don't forget to play it in the dark and extremely concern about everyone's safety. It could be a scary Halloween School Party Ideas!!!
  3. Ghost Guessing Game -- Have your team dress in a ghost costume. They have to cover their face and important parts of the body in a different way. For example, mummy covers their face with tissue paper etc. Let's the participants guess who are the ghost under the cover.
  4. Ghost Competition -- Announce before the party day that you will have every group build or make some creative pieces of art about Halloween such as mask and ghost costume etc. Invite specialists or well-known people to be a judge and announce the winner on the party day.
  5. Charity Halloween School Party Ideas -- Bring valuable or memorable items for the bidding. Collect money or spare some income for charity to make your party more valuable.














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