Famous facts about food

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Famous facts about food 1.Do you know the story of Coca-Cola? 2.Ukrainian cuisine 3.The Hot Dog 4.McDonald`s 5.Peanut Butter
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                     Famous facts about food

                    Texts for reading


Do you know the story of Coca-Cola?

The Coca-Cola story began in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886. John S. Pembertn invented a new drink that contained the South American coca leaf and the African cola leaf and the African cola nut. But the inventor couldn`t think of a good name for the new drink. His partner proposed the name of Coca-Cola and wrote the new name in a special way - and that became the famous trademark.

A trademark is a special name,sign or word which is marked on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer, and which legally only be used by the producer.

Thirty years later the famous Coca-Cola special bottle first appeared.

For many years, the company made only Coca-Cola. Then they introduced new drinks - Fanta. Sprite and TAB - in the 1960s , and Diet Coke in 1982.

The recipe of Coca-Cola is a secret. The taste of the drink is the same in any place of the world. For example, in Kyiv, Dnipro, Lviv and many other Ukrainian and foreign cities these drinks are produced too. Though Coca-Cola and other drinks are produced all around the world the receipt is known only to few people in America. They supply special concentrate to their partners. That is why the taste of Coca-Cola is the same everywhere.

In 1985 the company changed the recipe! But the public was very unhappy. And soon the company brought back the original recipe : <Coca-Cola Classic>.

Today they sell Coca-Cola in 195 countries. Hundreds of millions of people drink it every day. It has become the most famous trademark in the world.






  1. Put the events in the logical order.
  1. His partner proposed the name for a new drink.
  2. Today Coca-Cola is sold in 195 countries.
  3. The receipt is known only to few people in America.
  4. The public was unhappy when the recipe was changed.
  5. Thirty years later the famous Coca-Cola special bottles first appeared.
  6. The Coca-Cola story began in Atlanta, Georgia. in 1886.
  7. The recipe of Coca-Cola is a secret.
  8. John S. Pemberth invented a new drink.
  9. The taste of Coca-Cola is the same everywhere.
  10.                     It has the most famous trademark in the world.


                II. Match the words and make up the word-combinations:


  1. to invent
  2. a trademark
  3. to produce
  4. a new drink
  5. a recipe
  6. few
  7. public
  8. to bring back
  9. to supply
  10.                     to introduce
  1. громадськість
  2. фабрична марка
  3. представляти
  4. повертати
  5. постачати
  6. винаходити
  7. виробляти
  8. небагато
  9. новий напій
  10. рецепт



  1. 1 6; 2 8; 3 1; 4 5; 5 7; 6 3 ; 7 9 ; 8 4 ; 9 2; 10 10.
  2. 1f; 2b; 3g; 4 i; 5j; 6h; 7a; 8d; 9e; 10 c.







Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine is closely linked to the customs , culture and way of life of the Ukrainian people. It is famous for its diversity and quality of flavour.

The most popular Ukrainian dish is < borsch>. This thick and delicious soup is prepared with a variety of ingredients including meat, mushrooms, beans, and even prunes.

Mushroom soups , bean and pea soups, soups with dumplings and thick millet chowders are also popular.

<Holubtsi> , or stuffed cabbage, is another favourite dish, as are < varenyky> filled with potatoes , meat , cheese, sauerkraut, or berries such as blueberries or cherries.

Varenyky are often mentioned in folk songs.

Ukrainians like dairy products .Some samples: cottage cheese pancakes, <riazhanka> (fermented bakes milk).

There are no holidays without pies, < pampusky> (type of flitter) , < baba> (a tall, cylindrical cake), honey cakes.

Ukrainian sausage is very tasty. It is preserved in a special way - in porcelain vessels smothered in melted fat.

Of course , every region of Ukraine has its own recipes and traditions.



Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Like, diversity, sauerkraut, closely, tasty, flavour, dish, region, folk, stuffed cabbage, holidays.

  1. Ukrainian cuisine is _________ linked to the customs and culture.
  2. It is famous for its __________ and quality of ___________.
  3. The most popular Ukrainian __________ is borsch.
  4. Holubtsy or _________is another favourite dish.
  5. Varenyky can be filled with potatoes , meat, cheese,________ or berries.
  6. They are often mentioned in _______songs.
  7. Ukrainians _______________dairy products.
  8. There are no ________  without pies.
  9. Ukrainian sausage is very________________.
  10.                     Of course, every _____________of Ukraine has its own recipes and tradition.



1 closely; 2 diversity, flavour; 3 dish; 4 staffed cabbage; 5 sauerkraut; 6 folk; 7 like; 8 holidays; 9 tasty; 10 region.


The Hot Dog

In the home country of Germany , the hot dog was called the frankfurter. It was named after Frankfurt , a German city.

Frankfurters were first sold in the United States in the 1860s.

Americans called frankfurters < dachshund sausages>. A dachshund. is a dog from Germany with a very long and short legs. < Dachshund sausage> seemed like a good name for the frankfurter.

Dachshund sausage first became popular in New York, especially at baseball games. At games they were sold by men who kept them warm in hot-water tanks, the men walked up and down the rows of people, they yelled, < Get your dachshund sausages! Get your hot dachshund sausages!> People got the sausages on buns , a special bread.

One day  in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist named Tad Dorgan  went to a baseball game. When he saw the men with the dachshund sausages, he got an idea for a cartoon. The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun with a dachshund inside - not a dachshund sausage, but a dachshund. Under the cartoon , he wrote < Get your hot dog!>

The cartoon was a sensation , and so was the new name. If you go to a baseball game today , you can still see sellers walking around with hot- water tanks. As they walk up and down the rows they yell, <Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs!>



Is the statement TRUE (T) or False (F)?

  1. The hot dog was named after Frankfurt, a French city.
  2. If was first sold in the USA in 1860s.
  3. A dachshund is a cat with a very long body.
  4. The hot dog first became popular in New York.
  5. People ate hot dogs at baseball games.
  6. They got the sausages in special bags.
  7. Tad Dorgan got an idea for a cartoon.
  8. He knew the spelling of the word <dachshund>.
  9. The cartoon was a sensation.
  10.                     Today you can still see sellers of hot dogs at baseball games.



1 F; 2T; 3F; 4T; 5T; 6F; 7T; 8F; 9T;10T.



  •  There is one mistake in every sentence. Find it.

The hamburger has no connection to ham. It got its name from the German toun of Hamburg , which was famous for its ground steak. German immigrants to the United States introdused the < hamburger steak>.

At the St Louis World`s Feir in 1904 , hamburger steaks were served on buns for the first time. Hamburger on buns were convenient and tested good. This became the usual way of ating hamburgers .

How did the hamburger become the most popular , most tipical American food? The introduction of the ban is an important part of the answer. Another important part is McDonald`s , the first-food restaurant.

The first McDonald`s was opened in San Bernardino , Califonia in 1949. Hamburgers were the main item the restaurant`s manu. People liked the restaurant`s fast-service. By the 1960s there were meny McDonald`s restaurants. McDonald`s was a part of nearly every comunity in the United States. There were also other fast-food restaurents that sold hamburgers. McDonald`s alone sold millions of hamburgers a yeir.

Today , of cource, there are McDonald`s restaurants around the word . The food they surve is considered typically American. And although McDonald`s has expended its menu , the main item on that menu is- as allways- the hamburger.



Connection, town, introduced, fair, tasted, eating, typical, ban, fast, California, menu, many, community, restaurants, year, course,serve, expanted, always.



Peanut Butter

  Americans love to eat peanut butter. But what is peanut butter? It is a thick , creamy paste. You buy it in a jar at the grocery store. Manufacturers roast peanuts and take off the skin. Then they grind them into a thick paste - that`s peanut butter!

  The peanut is not really a nut, but a pea. It is a strange pea because it grows underground. But peanut plants also have green vines with yellow flowers. These vines or stems grow above the ground. Peanuts are very healthy for you. They have more protein than a steak and they have many vitamins.

  The peanut comes from South America, but peanut butter is a food that is only “American”. Peanut butter started in 1890 in St. Louis. A doctor make some peanut butter. He gave it to patients who could not eat regular food. Later, peanut butter was popular as a health food.

  Peanut butter is very popular with children in the United States. Perhaps their favourite way to eat it is a sandwich. Many children add jelly to their peanut butter sandwiches, This makes a favourite snack or lunchtime meal.




Choose the best possible answer.

  1. Americans love to eat _____________________.
  1. meat
  2. eggs
  3. peanut butter

     2. We can buy peanut butter at a _____________________.

  1. department store
  2. grocery store
  3. baker`s

      3. Manufacturers ____ peanuts.

              a) roast

              b) boil

              c) steam

     4. Peanut plants have green vines with yellow _____.

              a) berries

              b) leaves

              c) flowers

      5. Peanuts have _____ protein than a steak.

              a) more

              b) much

              c) less



   6. Peanut butter is a ____________.

               a) food

               b) dish

               c) vitamins

   7. Peanut butter is very popular with _________.

  1. grown-ups
  2. people
  3. children




1 c; 2 b; 3 a; 4 c ; 5 a; 6 a ; 7 c.








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