Фонетична зарядка на уроках англ. мови

Про матеріал

Розробка містить вірші , римівки , ігри , вправи , пісні , оповідання і жарти , прислів'я та приказки для вивчення фонетики на уроках англійської мови для початкових , середніх та старших класів. Запропоновані завдання допоможуть зробити вивчення фонетики на уроках англійської мови цікавим і різноманітним.

Перегляд файлу

   Фонетична зарядка на уроках англійської мови.



Фонетична зарядка є обов'язковою частиною уроку на всіх етапах вивчення іноземної мови. Місце фонетичної зарядки на уроці іноземної мови як правило припадає після організаційного моменту на початку уроку, але може бути проведена і в середині уроку.

    Дана розробка  містить різноманітні завдання: вправи, ігри, вірші, пісні, прислів'я , приказки, жарти та оповідання для вивчення фонетики на початковому, середньому та старшому етапах вивчення англійської мови.

     На початковому етапі фонетична зарядка може займати до 20-25 хвилин уроку, на середньому етапі 10-15хвилин, на старшому етапі займає не більше 5 хвилин уроку , але проводиться обов'язково, тому що іноземна мова вивчається у відриві мовного середовища. Форми контролю можуть бути як усні так письмові.

     Завдання  складенні відповідно до сучасних вимог щодо видів контролю рівня мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції учнів.



    1) Ввести нову скоромовку для закріплення правильної артикуляції звуку[e]:

                                       What a big black cat!

                                   What a cat! What a cat!

2) Ввести нову скоромовку для закріплення артикуляції звуку [о]:

                                      Cob is Bob’s dog, Bob is Mob’s dog.

3)Ввести нові скоромовки для закріплення правильної артикуляції звуку [b]:Listen and repeat:

                                       1) A big black bug bit a big black bear.

                                           A big black bear bit a big black bug

                                      2) Betty Butter bought some butter,

                                           But she said : “My butter’s bitter”

4) Ввести нову скоромовку для закріплення вірної артикуляції звуку [t]:

                                               Tick-tock, tick-tock

                                        Ticks Jammu’s clock

                                        Tick-tock, tick-a-tock

                     Ticks and ticks his clock.


5) Ввідпрацювати вірну артикуляцію звуку [n]  на матеріалі нової скоромовки:

                           Any noise annoys an oyster,

                           But a noisy noise annoys an oyster most.

 6) Провести фонетичну гру “Odd one Out”.

   Прочитати дані слова, учні мають знайти слово, що випадає з  логічного ланцюжката пояснити чому.

                           Went, went well, have, win

                           Desk, ten, has, red, dress, pen.

                           Map, cap, flat, name, apple, black, bag

                           Doll, mother, dog, clock, stop.

7) Ввести скоромовку на тренування звуків [eu]:

                               The wise old own sat on an oak.

                           The more he heard the less he spoke.


8) Розучування віршів:

My rabbit hops                          My mouse creeps

My horse clops                          My puppy leaps

My cat is fat,                                             My cat likes rats

My cat is black.                          Thin and fat.


1. Підготовча стадія – фонетична вправа.

Listen and repeat.

[f-f], [ng-ng], [z-z], [finger-finger]finger ; [eu-eu], [teuz-teuz]toes,toes; [ie-ie], [iez-iez]ears, ears; [w-w], [wan-wan]one, one; [s-s], [sain-sain]shine, shine; [au-au], [θ-θ], [mauθ -mauθ] mouth, mouth.


2. Розучування вірша. Учитель читає вірш з паралельним перекладом. Учні хором повторюють за ним.

Yen little fingers, ten little toes;

Two little ears, and one little nose;

Two little dark eyes, that shine so nice and always so bright;

One little mouth to kiss Mum

 Good night

9) Уведення правил читання голосних букв.

Розглянути таблицю. Прочитати приклади, учні повинні хором повторювати.


Наприкінці складу знаходиться





A [ei]

[ei] name

[e] cat

[a:] car

[e] have

O [eu]

[eu] rose

[o:] doll

[o:] fork

[o:] more

U [ju:]

[ju:] tube

[a] bus

[e:] turkey

[jue:] pure

E [i:]

[i:] Pete

[e:] egg

[e:] her

[ie] here


[ei] Mike/my

[i] pig/system

[e:] bird

[aie] fire


Для закріплення вивченого матеріалу учні   читають фонетичну вправу.

Kate has a cat, a car and a here.

Rose has a doll, a fork and an ore.

Susan has a cup, a turkey and pure orange juice.

Pete has a pet and a perfume here.

Mike has a pig, a bird and a fire.


10) Написати на дошці слова, дані в  транскрипції.  Учні повинні записати слова в орфографії. Кожен потім читає написане з вірною артикуляцією звуків.

[lait], [so:t], [ru:m], [blekbo:d], [da:k], [ka:r], [helnd], [taige], [self], [mae], [dol],[wait],[ie].

11) Ввести скоромовку на тренування артикуляції сполучення звуків [sw]:

Swan swam over the sea, swim, Swan, swim!

Swan swim back again, well swum, Swan!

12) Ввести скоромовку на тренування звуків [w],[v]:

William always wears a very warm

Woolen vest in winter, Victor however

Will never wear woolen underwear

Even in the wind west.

 13)Тренувати артикуляцію звуку [θ].

          Ввести скоромовку.

The teacher thought and thought and thoughtand

No one knew what he thought, he thought.

14) Ввести скоромовку:

Seams never boats of what he knows

But Rose never knows of what she boasts.


Phonetic drills for junior  secondary     forms

1) Записати на дошці вірш, не дописуючи останні слова. Запропонувати учням дописати вірш, потім прочитати хором.

                     A Rhyme

                  We can see with our…

                  We can  hear with our..

                  We can do many things with our…

                 Can your walk on your…

               ( Key: 1. Eyes, 2. Ears, 3. Hands, 4.hands)

             2) Listen and repeat.

                  What to put on?

I have a yellow blouse                  My dress is purple,

I have a red skirt                             My suit is blue.

I have brown trousers                  So, we are ready,

I have a white shirt                       And what about you?


3) Запропонувати учням заспівати пісню разом з учнями, там де в словах сказано плескати в долоні, учні плещуть.

                          Are you happy?

Are you happy, happy, happy?     Are you happy, happy, happy?

Clap your hands                               Yes, we are happy, happy,happy.

Are you happy, happy, happy      Are you happy, happy,happy?

Clap your hands.                              Clap your hands.

4) Singing a song.

                             Phonics Song

ea a seal and ee a tree                             or a horse and ir a girl

ch a chicken and sh a ship                     ow a cow and oy a boy

oo a spoon and oo a foot                         ow a window and a boat

ou a house and a: a car                            ai a tail and ay a ray


This is the way we wash our face              This is the way we wash   our face

Wash our face, wash our face                At 7 o’clock in the morning


5) Reading.    Прочитати учням вірш.

                        Dance to your daddy

                     Dance to your daddy, my little ladies

                  Dance to your daddy, my little lamb

                  You shall have a fish on a little dish,

                     Dance to your daddy, my little ladies

                     Dance to your daddy, my little lamb.

Vocabulary practice: laddie- хлопчисько; lamb – ягня, dish-  тарілка, fish-риба,


6) Rules of reading.

[æ] [ei] [a:]                    [o:]

Plan plate                      car                                  ball

Can date                     yard                                  tall

Flag late                      start                                  small

flat name                  smart                                 wall



                         Phonetic drills for senior forms

1)Let’s practice a little learning a new jazz- chant.  Mind the stress and intonation in questions.

                               When do you usually have breakfast?

                            I usually have breakfast at eight.

                            What time do you get to the office?

                            I’m usually a little bit late.

                            What do you have for breakfast?

                             I usually have coffee and toast.

                             How long does it take to fix breakfast?

                              It tares ten minutes at most.

2) First, let’s practice reciting the chant you learnt at the previous lesson. Then, to achieve automatic in pronunciation and increase ability to speak fluent English I suggest you should learn another chant.

 Major a decision                                                How do you like your steak?

How do you like your coffee?           -Medium rare

-Black, black                                                     How do you like your eggs?

 How do you like tea?                    - I don’t care.

 -With lemon, please.                       Scrambled with bacon?

 -I don’t care.                                      Soft-boiled, hard-boiled?

 -I don’t care.                                      How about the omelets?

 -I don’t care.

3)  a)Repeat these words starting with [t∫]:    

chess chest 

chime chide 

chew choose

chaff chat

b) Repeat these words with [t∫]:

creature peaches

sketching tetchy

natural                      patches

churches nurture

c) Repeat these words ending with [t∫]:

peach leech

              ouch couth

             witch much

              birch ditch

d) Repeat some short phrases:

Charlie Chaplin cheeping and chirping

church arches chattering chatterboxes

chubby children chocolate chip cookies

pick and choose watch chain.

4) Try to repeating tongue twister:

She sells seashells on the seashore;

The shells she sells are seashore shell.

She sells seashells on the seashore;

The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure


5) Repeat these sentences:

Peggy ripped her pink pinafore by leaping up the steps.

Petrick pointed at the powder that patsy was mopping up. In his pursuit of peace, he appeared to pardon people on pot.


6) Listen and repeat.

a) Mr. Hoyle, a boy; Mr. Hoyle toils with the soil. The boy is adroit with his audit.

A choice, moist oyster. A loyal Roy, Joyce. Roy is a noisy boy. Joyce is spoilt and coy. Joyce enjoys annoying Roy. Roy destroys Joyce’s choicest toys.

b) Steven is greedy; he eats three pieces of cheese Asleep.

    Steven dreams of Eve. He sees Eve fleeing from three beasts.

c) John, Olive. John is strong, Olive is not. John is a docker , Olive is a shopper. Olive watches John load a locked strong-box on a yacht in a lock at the docks.


7) Listen and repeat.

Hugh, Sue. Hugh’s tooth is loose. Sue is beautiful. Hugh shoots a moose and loses his loose tooth. Sue is foolish and stupid at school as a rule.


8) Repeat these sentences

Betty bought a beautiful bright blue blouse.

Barbara dabbed boiled berries on her biscuits.

            The batter banged his bat against the ball,

              The clock in the big brick building went Bong Bong.

              Boyd boasted about the boys on the ball team.

 9) Repeat the sentences:

Merve is thumbing to Manitoba this summer.

The mob massed for a meeting in the middle of the town.

Tim blamed the groom because the mare missed the mile race.

10) Questions.

Let’s work over the pronunciation of some question words which will be necessary for you to communicate. Listen to the jazz-chant  “Question Blues”, pronounce it correctly and try to use some of these words in your speech.

- What, Where, Why, When, Who, How, Whose,

I think I’ve got the Question Blues.

How many, Which, How much, How long,

-It helps if you sing this little song.


                                          Phonetic rhymes

Sound [e]

Pussy – Cat and the bad, fat rat.  

Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat,             If you catch that bad , fat rat

Can you catch                           you will have

 That big , fat rat?                     some milk for that                                               

 Sound [au]

 Little Mouse

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Will you come out of your house?

Thank you, Pussy! Says the mouse

I won’t leave my little house.

 Sound [ai]

 About mouse

I think mice are rather nice.

Their tails are long,

 Their faces small.

They don’t have any chins at all.

Their teeth are white.

They run about the house at nigh

Sound /ei/


Rain, rain, Rain, rain,

Go away,                                                     Go away,

Come again, Come on Mother’s

Another day: Washing- day:

Mary and I Mary and I

Like to play. Want to play

Sound /o:l/


 Put on your jeans for fall,

 Now it’s a cold to play football

 Leaves turn orange, red, and brown

 And they all are falling down

 Winter, Spring, Summer, fall –

I like winter best of all.

Sound /Λ/

     I like to run

      I like to run

      Out in the sun

      It’s such a fun

      To run, to run


    Sound / k/

    Hickory, dickory…

     Hickory, dickory, dock.

     The mouse ran up the clock.

     The clock struck one,

     The mouse ran down,

     Hickory, dickory, dock.


     Mind the clock and keep the rule

      Try to come in time to school

     “Tick”, the clock, says

     “Tick”, tick, tick!

      What you have to do,


  Sound / e/

  A fat Cat

A fat cat

Sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat

 Sound - /u

 A Good Cook

A good cook While looking into

Never cooks    a cookery book

The zoo

I like to go to the zoo             A zebu lives in the zoo!

To the zoo, to the zoo!             A zebra lives there too

Come with me to the zoo!          In the zoo, in the zoo!

To the zoo, to the zoo


Sound /w/


Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why Willy? Why?

  Sound / r /

 A red rose

 Here is a rose

 The rose is red

 Sound / s /

 Little Miss

Miss, miss, little miss, miss.

 When she misses, she misses like this.

Alphabet Rhyme

 A is for apple, B is for ball,

 C is for cat, D is for doll.

 E is for egg, F is for feet,

 G is for girl, and H is for heat.

  I is igloo, J is for lump,

K is for kangaroo, L is for lump.

M is mighty, N is for nest,

O is for octopus, P is for pest.

Q is for queen, and R is for rail

S is for sitting, and T is for tail.

U is for uncle, umbrella and use,

V is for vacation, valentine and views,

W is for window, whistle and way,

X is for xylophone that we like to play.

Y is for yellow and yelling and you.

Z is for zero and zipper and zoo.

                   * *          *

A is for apple, armadillo and air.

B is for book, beach ball and bear.

C is for cat, crayon and cape.

D is for dog, dragon and drapes.

 E is for elephant, eagle and eye.

 F is for farm, fire and fly.

 G is for goat, golf and guy.

 H is for hat, hippo and he.

  I is for instrument, ice and igloo.

  K  is for kangaroo, kite and kid.

  L is for lamb, lion, and lid.

  M is for mother, mouse, and might.

  N is for noodle, nest and night.

  O is for octopus, ostrich and owl.

  P is for penguin, pig and pal.

  R is for rabbit, rainbow and rail.

  S is for seal, swan and sun.

   T is for seal, swan and sun.

  T is for table, tiger and ton.

  U is for umbrella, underwear and umpire.

  V is for vulture, volcano and vampire.

  W is for wizard, water and wishbone.

  X is for x-ray, Xerox and xylophone.

  Y is for yak, yogurt and you.

  Z is for zebra, zero and zoo.

                    Phonetic poems

                   ( Intermediate level )


The sun descending in the west,

The evening star does shine,

The birds are silent in their nest,

And I must seek for mine.

The moon like a flower,

In heaven’s high bower,

With silent delight

Sits and smiles on the night.

                                                  ( William Blake)


 The Wonderful world

Great, wide, beautiful wonderful world,

With the wonderful water round you curled,

And the wonderful grass upon your breast-

 World, you are beautifully dressed!

The wonderful air is over me,

 And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree-

 It walks on the water, and whirls the mills.

 And talks to itself on the hills.

 ( William Brightly Rands)


The sun is set; the swallows are asleep;

The bats are flitting fast in the gray air;

The slow soft toads out of clamp corners creep,

And evening’s breath, wandering here and there

Over the quivering surface of the stream,

Wakes not one ripple from its silent dream.


There are no dews on the dry grass to- night,

Nor damp within the shadow of the trees;

The wind is intermitting, dry and light;

And in the inconstant motion of the breeze

The dust and straws are driven up and down,

And whirled about the pavement of the town.

  No, no, November

Autumn crowns the glowing sphere,

Winter’s grasp is full of cheer,

You  between them, sad and dear,

Bind your brows with leafage sere,

Saying, “ I remember

When the year was not a bier”

Ah, woe, November!

                                          ( Alfred Tennyson )

Dust of Snow

The way a crow Has given my heart

Shook down on me A change of mood

The dust of snow And saved some part

From a hemlock a tree                           Of a day I have rued.

                                                                  ( Robert Frost)

 The First day

I wish I could remember the first day,

First hour, first moment of your meeting me;

If bright or dim the seasons, it might be

Summer or winter for aught I can say.

So unrecorded did it slip away,

So blind was I to see and to foresee,

So dull to mark the budding of my tree

That would not blossom yet for many a May.

If only I could recollect it! Such

A day of days! I let it come and go

As traceless as a thaw of bygone snow

It seemed to mean so little, meant so much!

If only now I could recall that touch,

First touch of hand in hand!- Did one but know!

                                                                (Christina Rossetti)                              A Сradle Song

Sleep, sleep, beаutу brіght

Dreamіng over the tоуs оf nіght.

Sleep, sleep: іn the sleep

Lіttle sоrrоws sіt and weep.

                            (Bу W. Blake )

The Telephone

Frіends a hundred mіles аpаrt

Sіt and сhatter heart to heаrt,

Boуs and gіrls from sсhооl afar

Speak to mother, ask pаpа.

                                   (Bу Alfred H. Mіles)

Аnd there are manу оther balls

We fіnd аt pleasure’s sourсe –

The сrоquet ball, the hосkeу ball.

The skіttle ball, laсrоsse,

And smaller ball, the mаrble bаlls,

And bearіng balls, of соurse.

                                     (Bу Alfred H. Mіles)

І have twо legs

Wіth whісh І wаlk:

І have a tоngue


Wіth whісh І tаlk,

And wіth іt tоо,

І eat mу fооd and tell

Іf іt’s bad or gооd.

* * *

The earlу bіrd sо І have heard,

Сatсhes the worm, and ‘pоn mу word,

І know two сhaps and уet а thіrd

Сould learn a lessоn frоm that bіrd.

    *  * *
Stop! Look! Lіsten!

Before уou сrоss the street.

Use уour eуes, use уоur ears,

And then use уоur feet!

*       *        *

Queen Mab’s Сharіоt

Fіb, аnd Tіb, аnd Pіnk, аnd Pіn,

Pісk, аnd Quісk, аnd Jіll, аnd Jіn,

Tіt, аnd Nіt, аnd Wap, аnd Wіm –

The traіn thаt wаіt upon her.

                                    (Bу M. Draуton)

Mаrсh, marсh, heаd ereсt

Left, rіght, thаt’s соrre

 *        *        *

Alas, Alaсk!

Ann, Ann?

Соme quісk as уоu саn!

There’s a fіsh thаt tаlks

Іn the frуіng-pаn.

Out of the fаt,

As сlear as glаss,

He put up hіs mоuth

and moaned “Alаs”

Oh, most mоurnful,

“Alas, аlасk!”

Then turned tо the sіzzlіng,

And sank hіm bасk.

                              (Bу W. de La Mare .)

                A poem on the vowel sounds 

                                          A is my name

 Two sounds I make.

      Short a in lamb,

 Long a in cake!


                                    I is my name

                                          Two sounds have I

   Short I in pig.

   Long I in pie!

                                     O is my name

   Two sounds I know

    Short o in pot,

    Long o in go!


        E is my name                                      U is my name

        Two sounds for me                          Two sounds for you

        Short                                                      Short u in cup

         Long e in he!                                      Long u in cue!

A Lovely Poem!

When it’s English that we speak

Why is break not rhymed with weak?


Will you tell me why it’s true

That sew does not rhyme with few?


We say cow, and that rhymes with how.

But low doesn’t rhyme with now,


And since pay is rhymed with may,

Why not said with paid?

Now here is another one for you:

Beard does not sound the same as heard


We have blood that rhymed with mud

Food that rhymes with rude

And good that rhymes with could.


Shoes is never rhymed with toes,

But is with whose and blues;

And I can also think of Zoos and chews.


I’ve hardly made a start, gee,

I’m sure you will agree

In the way that sounds and letters disagree.


Mimic The Rhymes!

One, two,

Buckle my shoe;

Three, four,

Knock at the door

Five, six

Pick up sticks;

Seven, eight,

Lay them straight.


Rhymes and Poems

The blind mice!                    Did you ever see such a sight in your life

See how they run!              She cut off their tails with a carving knife

They all run after the farmer’s wife,         As three blind mice?


Good night                                                    Rain

Here’s a  body – there’s a bed!            The rain is raining all around

There’s a pillow – here’s a head!                      It falls on field and tree,

There’s a curtain – here’s a light!                     It rains on the umbrellas here,

There’s a puff – and so good night     And on the ships at sea.


“I’ll Try’’ and’’ I can’t                     Spring rain

The little boy who says “I’ll try”,    Rain, rain, April rain,

Will climb to the hill-top;                 You are feeding seed and grain,

The little boy who says “I can’t”     You are raising plants and crops

 Will at the bottom stop.                    With your gaily sparkling drops.


                              Golden Hour

Golden in the garden,                            Golden in the sky,

Golden in the glen,                                  Golden, golden, golden

Golden, golden, golden                          September’s passing by.

September’s here again!

Golden in the tree-tops,


                         The Tide in the River

The tide in the river,                       I saw a shiver

The tide in the river,                       Pass over the river

The tide in the river runs deep,    As the tide turned in its                                                          




Brown eyes, straight nose ,              Catching flies on the pane;

Dirt pies, rumpled clothes                Deep sight – cause not plain;

Torn books, spoilt toys,                     Bribing you with kisses

Arch looks, like a boy’s                       For a few farthing blesses,

 Little rages, obvious arts;                   New shoes, new frock;

Three her age is,                                     Vague views

Cakes, tarts;                                              Of what ‘s o’clock.

Falling down off chairs;                        Bed gown white, kiss Dolly;

Breaking crown down stairs;             Good night! – that’s Polly.


                                            Phonetic exercises

                                    (Word- Guessing Games)

Sound “a”

a. I go into outer space and wear a space. I am an _________(astronaut)

b. One who performs in a circus on the trapeze is called an__________(acrobat)

c. This is a fruit that is red and grows on a tree.__________(apple)

d. A book with maps of different countries in it is called an _________(atlas)

Sound “b”

a. A little insect that buzzes, makes honey, and may sting you is called a___________.(bee)

b. The round thing we can roll and throw and catch is called a ______.(ball)

c. The round thing filled with air you have at a partly is called a ______(balloon)

d. At night the cows go to sleep in the _______( barn)

Sound ”k”, letter ”C”

a. The animal that gives us milk is a ____________(cow)

b. Green, red blue, purple and orange are _______( colors)

c. What is orange and is a vegetable hare likes to eat ________(carrot)

d. You wear this when you go outside in winter_________( coat)

Sound “d”

a. What animal wags its tail and barks____________( dog)

b. A puddle is shallow, the ocean is ________( deep)

c. What animal says “quack-quack?”__________( duck)

d. When we are sick we must go to seethe _________( doctor)

Sound “e”

a. You look for this sign when you want to leave a building. _____(exit)

b. The large grey animal we see in the zoo is called an __________      ( elephant)

c. You use this when you make a mistake with your pencil. _____(eraser)

d. Which direction is missing? North, South, West  ,___________         ( East)

Sound “f ”

a. My eyes, nose, and mouth are a part of my ___________ (face)

b. What numbers comes after four __________ (four)

c. An animal that swims in water and is caught on a hook is a __________(fish)

d. A cat has fur and a bird has _________________( feather)

Sound “g”

a. I grow flowers and vegetables in my ___________( garden)

b. In a treasure chest the coins may be silver or __________( gold)

c. Another word for present is ____________( gift)

d. It is sweet and you can chew it for a long time. It is a sticky chewing _______(gum)

Sound “h”

a. A rainy day makes me sad, a sunny day makes me _______________(happy)

b. When I am dressing , I always comb my _____________( hair)

c. This is an animal with four long legs and a mane. Sometimes you saddle and ride him. He is a ___________.( horse)

d. If I am pounding a nail, I will use a ( hammer)

Sound “I”

 a. The opposite of out is ___( in)

b. The members of the band play _________( instruments)

c. When it is raining outside, we have to play ____________( inside)


                                                   Phonetic games

Sound   “a”- Pronounce each word clearly and name the words with the short sound “a”

Astronaut ,  parrot, Adam, Abby, glove , candy, absent, absorb

Aster, atom, cardinal, atlas, avenue, tiger, average, ax, acrobat

Sound “b” –Which two words in each group begin with the “b” sound?

Bobby, Mary, Betty      Back, big coat, bug    Bump, bunny, match

Red, boy, ball, book    Balloon, apple, corn    Bat, baby, hand, cat

Sound “k”- Read the following sentences with the sound “k “.  Which words in these sentences begin with the letter “C”.

1 .The cock crows at six.

2. Can you come when I call?

3. I like to drink cocoa for breakfast.

4. Too much candy can give you cavities.

5 .The cook baked the cake for the picnic.

6. Cats can climb trees.

Sound “d”- Listen the sentences .Write down the words begin on the sound “d”.

1. I don’t think Doris will do that.

2. David did not like to dance.

3. Did you weed the garden yesterday?

4. The doctor said I could not eat dinner.

5. Does Dinner have a new doll?

6. The dog run after the duck.

Sounds “I” and “I:”-  Distinguish between the phonemes “i:” and “I”

Eat – it   Meal - mill

Bean – bin                                 Feet - fit

Green – grin                              Bead - bid

Teen – tin                                   Feel - fill          

Seen – sin    Cheeks - chicks

Seem - slim    Reach – rich

Sounds “f” and ”v”- Distinguish between the phonemes “f” and “v”

Leaf – leaves            Feel - veal

Serf -  serve                                 Fine - vine

Few – view                                  Fat - vat

Half – halve                                    File - vile

Proof – prove                                 Safe – save

Fairy – vary                                    Belief – believe

Sound “g”- Play a listening game. Which words in each sentence begin with the sound ”g”?

  1. Good morning, boys and girls, said Mrs. Jones.
  2. Gordon got his guitar and sang for us.
  3. We need gas to go for a ride in the car.
  4. That  goat can drink o gallon of water.

Sound “ h”- Which words  in these sentences begin with the sound “h”

  1. Harry ate his hamburger before I ate mine.
  2.  Hand the hammer to the carpenter.
  3. That horn has a happy sound.
  4. It is to hot to climb the hill.

Sound  “I”Listen to the 3 words in each group. Which words begins with the short  “I”

Book, pig, cat                   Insect, ant, elf

Soup, fork, ink                 Beet, sit, clean

Soap, it, bed                      Pick, boot, kid

Boy, coat, inside              Deep, did, Dick

Sound “dз”-  Listen to these words: Jump, Jack, June, July, January, jewelry, jolly,… continue adding words.

Sound “k” – Listen to these words: Kevin, kite , kitchen, key, kind, kiss,…continue adding words.

Sound “l”- Listen to these words and clap your hands when you hear the word which begin with the letter “L”

Laugh, follow, doll, letter, lip, color, lamp, hollow, lake, family, land, doll, tall, light, lick, live, sleep, lost, wild, fall, lemons, lions, lucky.

Sound “m”-  Listening : each group, which word has a different sound at the beginning? What sound does it begin with?

Mail, milk, book, lemon, more, music, baby, man, muscles, comb, mix, bunny, money, mother, mud, bill, meat, map, my, make, by, may, bud, mill, mice.

Sound “n”- Thinking game: Tell what is wrong with the following sentences:

  1. Nora ate noodle soup with a fork.
  2. No babies take naps.
  3. Nan can knit with a knife.
  4. Nellie was hammering a nail with a net.


Sound “o” – Pronounce  series of words. Write down the words which begin with the short sound “o”

Omelet, October, ox, onward, olive, opera, opposite, oddly, olive, on, oxen, ostrich, octopus, operator, otter, orange, ocean, odd, oh.

 Sound “p”- Play a listening game: “Which words begin with the sound “p” in these sentences:

  1. Pick up the papers , please.
  2. Polly, Peter, and Paul are playmates.
  3. Peggy likes purple paint.
  4. Pokey Puppy and Polly Parrot are at the pet store.
  5. Patty bought Pop some peanut.

Sound “kw” -  Read only such words which begin with the sound “kw”

Catnap, quack, quiet, question, candle, quiz, quarter, ghost, quick, quart, quill, pudding, quarrel, rooster, quiver, quilt, pig, quit, snow.

Sound “r”-  Play a listening game. Which words in the sentence begin with the sound “r”.

  1. The rabbit ran down the road.
  2. The rosebush has deep roots.
  3. The rain will ruin my picnic.
  4. The baby reached for the rattle.

Sound “s’ – Which two words begin with the  sound “s” in each group?

Seed, bean, sunflower   Soldier, suit, moon

Supper, saddle, anchor                              Safety, pipe, sailor

Cowboy, sew, simple                                  Socks, merry, song

Mouse, suite, soup                                       Salad, Summer, season

Sound “t” -  Distinguish between the phonemes “d” and “t”

Deem – team                                    Bad - bat

Dean – teen                                      Cad - cat

Dear – tear                                        Mad – mat

Din – tin Node - note

Dame – tame                                     Kiddy – kitty

Sound “^”Play “Thumbs up”. I am going to say some words. Listen for the sound “u” makes in the word “up”. If you hear the same sound at the beginning of the word I say, point your thumbs up. If you hear any other sound at the beginning, then point your thumbs down.

Up, ant, ugly, umbrella, uncle, other, under, pencil, umpire, anger

Unpack, Untie, unlock, oval, until, upward, undershirt, engine .

Sound “V”- Which word in each group begins with the  sound “v”.

Space, vitamins, have Vaseline, book, fish

Boy, pie, vowel                                  Funny, bed, vault

Vacant, kick, lock Victory, car, Umbrella

Sound “w” -Play listening game. Clap your hands when you hear a word beginning with the sound “w”.

Wag, back, were, west, crate, wiggle, wax, house, motor, side, wise, wart, guard, wish, weed, middle, word, rabbit, way, pass, wolf, several,

win, warm, bike, wool, war, lamp, water, window, drink.

Sound “ks” – Repeat the words where you hear the sound “ks”  at the end of the word.

Box, top, six, meal, nut, fox, max, goat, pencil-box, cross, X.

   Who has the best hearing?

    Учитель: "Зараз я буду вимовляти українські й англійські звуки. Ваше завдання – підняти руку, коли почуєте англійський звук, а коли український – руку опустити".

   Учні, що помилятися, вибувають з гри. Виграє та команда, в якій до кінця гри залишиться більше учасників.

Who knows the symbols for the sounds best?

1. Учитель вимовляє англійські звуки, а учні показують відповідні їм знаки транскрипції.

2. Учитель показує знаки транскрипції, а учні називають відповідний їм голосний чи приголосний звук або слово , в якому є  цей звук. За кожну  правильну відповідь учень одержує бал. Виграє той , хто набере більшу кількість балів.


            Let Us Work on Intonation 

Клас ділять на дві команди. На дошці написані речення . Представники обох команд повинні поставити наголос , стрілочками відмітити підвищення голосу або його пониження і правильно прочитати ці речення .

           Who Knows the Symbols for the Sounds ?

На дошці написані слова у транскрипції. Завдання учнів – правильно їх прочитати.

          Who Has the Best Pronunciation ?

Учитель вимовляє декілька слів чи речень , кидаючи м'яч одному з учасників гри. Останній повинен відтворити слово або речення у тому самому порядку , повторюючи вимову та інтонацію вчителя. Кожен учень відповідає двічі. Виграє той , у кого краща англійська вимова

           Pick up a petal from the daisy.

Запропонувати учням ромашку або іншу квітку , на пелюстках якої написані транскприпційні знаки вивчених букв і буквосполучень.Учні по черзі відривають пелюстки у ромашки , називаючи букви та буквосполучення .

         Sound  game.

Прочитати ряд слів на контрасні звуки : pot ,port ,fork, dock, top, or, doctor, form, dog, door, forty. Почувши звук [ о] учні повинні хлопнути по долоні.

 Odd One Out.

Подивіться на ланцюжки слів . Яке слово зайве ? Чому?

Duster, pointer, pencil, flag, book, day – book, blackboard, floor, door, head, window, wall, sofa, piano, shelf, chair, exercise, bed, table, wardrobe, armchair, body,  arm, hand, leg, eye, ear, lip.

Odd man out.

Учитель роздає картки , на яких написані слова рядками , у кожному рядку є слово , яке вимовляється не так , як інші , учневі треба його знайти і назвати або підкреслити , і у транскрипційних дужках написати знак , за яким читається більшість слів у рядку.

Зразок картки :

  1. [i] pin, bin, fill, line.
  2. [a] first, fight, girl, bird.
  3. [ai] five, night, line, fill.
  4. [ai] dine, might, bright, dirty.



                               Jokes and stories for learning phonetics

Read a special /f / - jokes:

Phillip Fox was writing a letter to his girl-friend Frances Flete, who lived in Forsbroke, a neighbouring village. Phillip wrote telling Frances of his great and infinite affection for her. Phillip said he’d follow his dear girl-friend everywhere. To be with her for only a few minutes he would suffer great hardship and face the most frightening dangers. Finally, signing his name, Phillip recalled that he had failed to mention one fact. So in a post – script Phillip added the following: “ Friday, the fifteenth, at about the afternoon – if it doesn’t rain”.

Read a special /d/ - jokes :

A druggist named Dan Dobson one day received the demand by post from a distant customer in need of a certain drug. “ Dispatch immediately the desired drug”, the customer wrote, “ and if it develops to be good,  I’ll be delighted to send my cheque without delay”.

  The druggist replied the same day: “Dispatch immediately the desired cheque, and if it develops to be good, I’ll be delighted to send you the desired drug without delay”.

Read the special / I / - story:

This week’s interview – Tim Bimbigon.

Our visitor this evening is the film director Tim Bimbigon, this year’s winner of the “Silver Wings” film prize. His prize-winning film, Dinner at the Ritz, is set in Italy. Tim lived in Italy till he was sixteen and still visits Italy frequently. The fifth son of an Irish father and Indian mother, he is an Irish citizen, but lives in England.

Read a special /ei / story for fun.

  Mr Jason arrived by train at a station somewhere in the West of Wales and found that it was pouring with rain.

 He called a porter to carry his cases to the taxi. And on the way out of the station, to make conversation he asked the : “ How long has it been raining like this?”

The answer came : “ I don’t know, sir. I’ve only been here for eighteen years.”

Read a special / h / - story:

       Hester is the head of the household. He is Hilda’s husband. He is hard of hearing. His eyes are hazy. His hand is heavy. When Hester is hungry as a hunter he is hard. Hilda is a housewife. She is the heart of the home. Her eyes are hazel. Her heart is hot. She is helpful and humble. Hester’s hobby is hunting. He has a hound and a horse. Hilda’s hobby is housekeeping.

  On holidays Hester hunts. After hunting, however, Hester hurries home, beholds Hilda a hare he has bought beforehand. Hilda has to cook it. But she serves him a hot-dog, a herring and some ham. He eats it heartily. Hester and Hilda are happy.

Read special /s / - story:

  Sara and Silvia are sisters. Sara is sixteen this summer. Silvia was seventeen last Sunday. Sara is sowing grass seed. She sees Silvia asleep with a grass of cider and a nice sixpenny ice by her side. Sara slips across, slips the grass of cilder and eats the ice. Silvia gets such a surprise when she wakes.


Read a special / n/ - story:

 Here’s the weather forecast for today, the ninth of November. In the north, there will be rain and snow in the morning. In the afternoon there will be sunny intervals. Central districts will have rain and snow showers, with a little sun. The south will have sunny intervals and occasional rain. Tomorrow, there will be rain again, but the next day we shall more sun.

Read a special / k /- story:

  Clifford quite likes Caroline. Caroline doesn’t care for Clifford. Clifford catches Caroline and kisses her quickly. Caroline cries, kicks and screams. Clifford in the corner. Clifford cures Caroline with a quick cup of coffee and a cream cake.

Read a special / v / - story:

   Every evening Victor and Vivian visit Eve. Victor and Vivian are rivals. Both vow to love Eve forever. But Eve is very vain. Vivienne is vivacious and full of verve. Eventually, Victor gives Eve up and goes over to Vivienne, leaving Eve to Vivian.               

 Read the special weather forecast, mind the sound / s / and / z /:

Temperatures are expected to fall to minus six degrees in the south. Northern areas will have severe frost, with snow on the hills. It may also snow near the south cost. Roads will be icy – drive slowly, and don’t get too close to the other cars. Watch out for patches of freezing frog. Don’t drive too fast – it’s dangerous in these conditions.

Read the special / θ / - story:

    Arthur Smith, a thick-set, healthy athlete sees three thieves throw o thong round Thea’s throat and threaten to throttle her. He throws one thug to earth with a thud and shakes his teeth. Both the other thieves run off with a filthy oath. Thea thanks Arthur for thrashing the three thugs.

Read a special / ∫ / - story:

  The question was whether Sean and Sheila should spend our vacation in Sheffield or at the seashore. Sean favoured the seashore  where he could fish, watch the ships and splash around the water. Sheila was anxious to do some shopping and wished to go to Sheffield. After some discussion  Sean and Sheila compromised by spending a short time in Sheffield and a short time at the shore.


Read a special / t∫ / - story:

   Charlie chase was a good teacher, but he was habitually late. Each day the pupils would watch the clock, hoping he wouldn’t reach the class in time, for they `were required to wait only `twenty minutes for any teacher. One day, though Charlie’s hat lay  on his chair, they all marched out exactly at twelve minutes after one. The next day Chase was very punctual, but much disturbed by their action. “When my hat is on my chair,” he sad in a challenging voice, “that’s the same if I were here.” The next day Charlie chanced to be them had carefully left his lying on his chair.


                          Proverbs and sayings for learning phonetics.

- Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.

- To know everything is to know nothing.

- Cheapest is the dearest.

- Many man – many minds.

- A good dog deserves a good bone.

- Dump dogs are dangerous.

- Better the foot slip than the tongue trip.

- Youth yearns to be old while age yearns to be young.

- Live and learn.

- Let well alone.

- A little pill may well cure a great ill.

- In this life he laughs who laughs last.

- When at Rome do as Romans do.

- Every cook praises his own broth.

- Truth is stranger than fiction.

- Eat with pleasure, drink with measure.

- Healthful habits makes healthful bodies.

- One law for the rich, another for the poor.

- Wealth is nothing without health.

- `From the frying-pan into the fire.

- Seeing is believing.

                                         Довгі голосні фонеми

Hоneу іs sweet, but the bee stіngs.

He laughs best whо laughs last.

Better untaught than іll tаught.

A fool аnd hіs moneу are sооn parted.

Fіrst соme, fіrst served.

                                       Короткі голосні фонеми

Busіness іs busіness.

All іs well that ends well.

A саt іn gloves сatсhes no mісe.

Waste not, wаnt nоt.

Bу hook or bу сrооk.

Nothіng must be dоne іn haste but kіllіng оf fleas.


Haste makes wаste.

Lіke begets lіke.

There’s nо jоу wіthout alloу.

Out of sіght, оut оf mіnd.

То know everуthіng іs tо knоw nothіng.

He that fears death lіves nоt.

Where there’s а wіll, there’s а waу.

What саn’t be сured must be endured.


                                                     Phonetic songs


Song “ I don’t want “

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doctor.

Every time I have a headache

Mama takes me to the doc.

I have a headache,

I have a headache.

I don’t want to go to bed.

I have a headache,

I have a headache.

I don’t want to go to bed.


Song “ Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear”.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Turn around,

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Touch the ground,

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Show your shoes,

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear,

I love you.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Shut the door,

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Count to four,

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Turn off the light,

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Say “ Good night!”


Song “ My chickens”

Chuck, chuck, oh my chickens,

Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck, oh my chickens,

Little, lovely, fluffy chickens,

White and yellow little chickens.

I am waiting: come, come, come, come,

Glass for you will be like plum.

Oh, you, my lovely chickens.

Oh, you, my fluffy chickens!

Chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens,

Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens,

Little, lovely, fluffy chickens,

White and yellow little chickens.


Song “ Zipper Man”

Do you know the zipper man,                           

The zipper man, the zipper man?                     

Do you know the zipper man?                            

 He loves to zip and zip.


He has a zipper coat,                                                 He has two zipper boots…

A zipper coat, zipper coat.                                 He has a zipper tent…

He has a zipper coat                   He has a zipper bag…

That he can zip and zip.


Song  “Fingers, Fingers”

Fingers, fingers, Make a fist.

Flit and fly, Fingers, fingers,

Fingers, fingers, Crawl and creep,

Climb up high. Fingers, fingers,

Fingers, Fingers, Fast asleep.



Song “ Letter N- song”

I am learning letter Nn                   Numbers start with letter Nn

Letter Nn, letter Nn                          Letter Nn, letter Nn

I am learning letter Nn                    Numbers start with letter Nn

Nn, Nn, Nn, Nn                                   Nn, Nn, Nn, Nn.


Adapting Songs

Let’s dance to La Bamba

let’s dance to la Bamba,

let’s have some fun,

let’s have some fun!

Bamba, bamba,

Bamba, bamba,

Bamba, bamba

Let’s dance to this music

Let’s dance to this music

Cause when we dance we have some fun,

we have some fun!

Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba

Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba

Lower, Lower, Lower. Lower,

Higher, higher, higher, higher,

Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba

Bamba, bamba,

bamba, bamba

One left step, one left step

Forward, forward,

forward, forward

Backwards, backwards,

Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba


Back… forward…


Bamba, bamba

One right step, one right step

One front step, one front step

Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba

Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba

One back step, one back step…

Let’s go on dancing, let’s on dancing…

Let’s have some fun, let’s have some… (chorus)


 The letter sound song

If you’re happy and you know it’

Bounce around “b” “b”

If you’re happy and you know it,

Bounce around “b “b”

If you’re happy and know it’

Then your face will surely show it

If you’re happy and you know it,

Bounce around “b” “b”

Catch a ball “c” “c”…

Dance with me “d” “d..”

Fall down “f” “f”…

Gallop like a horse “g” “g”…

Hop on one foot “f” “f”…

Jump so high “j” “j”…

Kick in the air “k” “k”…

Laugh out loud “l” “l”…

March in place “m” “m”…

Nod your head “n” “n”…

Paint a picture “p” “p”…

Run in place “r” “r”…

Sit on the floor “s” “s”…

Talk to me “t” “t”…

Vacuum the rug “v” “v”…

Walk around “w” “w”…

Yawn right now “y” “y”…

Zip your zipper “z




/ f /- 1. Five fellows went fishing on Friday.

         2. One finger, two fingers, three fingers, four fingers,

              five funny fingers.

         3.  Five fat friendly frogs.

/ v / - 1. A very fine voice came from veranda.

           2. Violet violets are in the valley.

/ w / - 1. Why do you cry, Willy ? Why do you cry?

              Why, Willy? Why, Willy? Why?

            2. What is done wisely is done well.

/ s / -   1. A sailor went to sea;

              To see what he could see;

              What he could see;

              Was the bottom of the deep sea.

            2. Swan, swan over the sea.

                Swim, swan, swim!

                Swan swam back again.

               Well swum, swan.

  / p /- 1. Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper;

               A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked;

               If Peter Piper picked a peck of Pickled pepper

               Where’s a peck of pickled pepper Peter Pipper picked?

          2. I put a pen;

              I put a pencil;

              I put a pencil box into my bag.

/ b / - 1. “ I’m busy, busy, busy”

              Says a little busy bee.

               Little busy, busy bee.

               Brought some honey to my tea.

           2. Betty Botter bought some butter.

                But she said “ the butter’s bitter”

                And a bit of better butter;

               Will make my butter better!

/ m/ - 1. The merriest month of the year.

              Is the merry month of May.

            2. I’m Pam,

              I’ve got a pram.

              I’m Stella,

 I’ve got an umbrella.

/ n / - 1. They haven’t noticed many monkeys.

           2. Rain, rain, go away

              Little Johnny wants to run.

/t / - 1. Don’t trouble trouble

               Till trouble troubles you.

/ z / -1. Z is for Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo.

         2.   I like to go to the Zoo. And you?

/ l /- 1. Little Bill, sit still!

               Sit still, little Bill.

         2.   All’s well that ends well.

/ r / - 1. Rain, rain, April, rain,

                You are feeding seed and grain.

                You are raising plants and crops

                With your gaily sparkling drops!

/ d / - 1. Good-bye, good-bye,

 My dear Teddy,

              Good-bye, good-bye,

             My brother Freddy.

             2. I am Dick, You are Dan,

              We are: Freddy, Mike and Teddy.

/ h / - 1. Hip, hip, hooray!

            It’s Hanna’s birthday today!

            Hanna is happy, Hooray, hooray!

            Hanna is 6 years old today!

/ ju / - 1. You can wear your new suit tonight.

/ w / - 1. William always wears a very warm

                Woolen vest in winter.



/ a : / - 1. Far from eyes, far from heart.

             2. He laughs best who laughs last.

             3. Half heart is no heart.

/ i: / - 1. I see a bee in a tree,

           I see Pete in the street.

          2. I scream, you scream,

             We all scream for ice- cream!

/ I / - 1. Six little kittens lost their mittens,

           It’s a pitty, they were so pretty.

           2. Little Bill, sit still, little Bill,

           If you sit still, little Bill,

             Jimmy Nill will bring you to a big hill.

             3. Tick – tock, tick – tock

This is Big Ben.

 Big Ben is a clock.

/ o / - 1. I am fond of our pond,

             Of the superfine gloss on its moss.

              2. I’ve got a dog , I’ve got a doll

  I’ve got a big ball.

  3. Drop the block and lock the box.

/ o: / -1. Of all the saws I ever saw a saw’

    I never saw a saw as that saw saws.

   2. The hall is on the fourth floor.

/ e / -   1. Ten red pens and a yellow pencil.

  2. Nelly sells the best hen’s eggs every     Wednesday.

   3. Better late than never, But better never late.

  4. Health is above wealth.

                5. The wealth is getting better and better.

/  e / -1. A black fat cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

             2. If you, Sandy, have two canies,

                 Give one candy to Andy, Sandy.

                  If you Andy have two candies

                  Give one candy to Sandy, Andy.

             3. That’s a bad grammar.

                  Pat cannot catch that. Fancy that!

/ u / - 1. The cook took a good look at the cookery book.

             2. He took the book to school.

             3. It’s good he could go on foot.

/ u: /- 1. Too good to be true.

             2. The ruler is on the stool.

/ Λ/ -   1. Jump, jump, jump the rope?

                    Jump the rope together.

              2. As snug, as a bug in the rug.



/ ei /

1. Take a place in the train to Wales.

2. “Play, play” – ducks say, all through the day.

/ ai /

1. White kite, white kite, up the sky.

What  can you see there, flying so high?

2. Fly, fly, little fly, to the little boy.

/ ou /

1.The North wind does blow and we shall have snow.

2. Oh, no don’t go home alone, nobody knows, but

Rose never knows of what she boasts.

/ au /

1. Out of sight, out of mind.

2. The clown came down to our town.

/ є  /

1. I have a hare , I have a bare, my toys are hare, my toys are   there.

2. I have a hare, it has a fair hair.

/ I  /

1. Dear, my dear, come here my dear.

2. The theatre and the museum are near here.

/ u  /

1. I am sure it’s a pure fuel.

2. The steward is sure to come.












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Всього відгуків: 3
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  1. Вознюк Галина Юріївна
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  2. Vasylkova Iryna
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  3. Фокіна Світлана Альбертівна
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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 березня 2018
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