Гра-Квест для учнів старших класів "Знайди приз"

Про матеріал

Розробка складалась в рамках проведення тижня англійської мови в школі. Розрахована на учнів 10-11 класів. Цей матеріал також можно використовувати для підсумкових уроків з тем. Дітям сподобалось.

Перегляд файлу

Картинки по запросу КЛюЧИ КАРТИНКИКартинки по запросу КЛюЧИ КАРТИНКИ             






Мета та завдання:

- підвищення мотивації до вивчення англійської мови;

- розвиток пізнавальних інтересів до культури, історії та традицій англомовних країн;

- розвиток логічного мислення, пам’яті;

- розвиток мовних та мовленнєвих умінь і навичок;

- виховання толерантного відношення до однолітків, вміння працювати в групі.


Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you today. Today I have this wonderful big box with a prize for you. But unfortunately it is locked and the key is carefully hidden. How do you think, what you should do?

Of course you task for today is to find the key! How can you do it? I offer you the quest. Do you know what the word “quest” means?


Pupils: Answer the question, give suppositions.

Teacher: Quest в перекладі з англійської  мови довгий цілеспрямований пошук,який пов’язаний з грою. Quests are active, interactive, very positive and make people cheerful, friendly and helpful. So, let’s start.

You must guess the place where the key from the box is. To do it, you must do many tasks. When your task is done, you take a card with a letter and go to the next stage (it is written on the back side of the letter). But be attentive, your time is limited! If all the tasks have been done correctly, you will have eight letters and you’ll be able to make the word from them, guess what place the key is hidden in and open the box.  If you are mistaken you don’t take the letter, so at the end you’ll have less letters to make the word.

Now you should choose the captain of your team and the person who will be responsible for checking the time.

 I give you the first prompt. Go to the national symbol of the United Kingdom.

(During the game the students should try to do all the tasks and determine the route on their own. The teacher only controls the time, the number of the task, the letters they take and the route they go. If the students are mistaken and take the wrong letter, the teacher helps them to choose the route.)


Task 1.  (3 min) What country is not represented on the national flag of the UK? You need the last letter from this country’s name. (Wales) (The students must do the task and choose the card with the letter S.  On the back side of the card it is written: NOW GO TO THE RIDDLES.)


Task 2.  (3 min) Guess a riddle. You need the first letter of the answer. What is that never “was”, never “will be” and yet “is”? (Today) (The students must do the task and choose the card with the letter T.  On the back side of the card it is written: NOW GO TO THE QUIZ.)


Task 3  (10 min) Answer the questions of the quiz. For each right question you have some points. Sum up the points, the number you’ll get is the number of the letter in the ABC. Find this letter. (Answer the questions, sum up the points. (Answers: 1 – C; 2 – B; 3 – A; 4 – A; 5 – B; 6 – D; 7 – B; 8 – C. Number of the letter 21, the letter U). On the back side of the card it is written: NOW GO TO THE READING.)









Keys to the quiz

1 – C – 2 points

2 – B – 4 points

3 – A – 4 points

4 – A – 1 points

5 – B – 3 points

6 – D – 4 points

7 – B – 1 points

8 – C – 2 points




Task 4. (4 min) Read the text about one of the greatest persons of Britain. Guess what his name is. You need the vowel that you meet twice in his name. (One of the students read the text, all the rest listen to him or her and guess the person. (The text is about William Shakespeare, letter I). On the back side of the card it is written: NOW GO TO THE MUSIC.)


 One of the most famous and certainly the greatest English writers. Was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon.

 In 1592 appeared in London as a playwriter. First play was called «Titus Andronicus».  Continued writing and created plays on historical themes, comedies and also wrote tragedy. Created greatest ones: «Macbeth» and «King Lear». All of them had a great success. Was a co-owner of «the Globe» and «the Blackfriars» theatres. “The Globe” theatre was and still is one of the best theatres in the world. Died on April 23, 1616 but works are still read and performed on stage or adapted into films.


Task 5. (5 min) Choose the music written by a popular English author whose rock operas and musicals are staged all over the world and always played to full houses. Listen to the music, remember its title and choose the picture illustrating the musical. You need the first letter of this word. (The students choose from three musical files (Andrew Lloyd Webber, The Beatles, D. Shostakovich), listen to it, remember the name of the musical and choose the picture and the right letter. (Andrew Lloyd Webber, musical Cats, the letter С). On the back side of the card it is written: NOW GO TO THE PUZZLE.)

Картинки по запросу битлз еллоу субмарин афиши Картинки по запросу шостакович вальс-шутка фотоКартинки по запросу ллойд вебер кошки афиши

Task 6 (10 min). Do the puzzle. You need the second and the seventh letter in the second word. (Modelkid; Lazybone, letters A and N). On the back side of the card it is written: NOW GO TO THE JOKE.)


Choose the correct answer and write down the letters into the corresponding squares. The correct letters (a) spell the name of a kid who does everything nicely. The incorrect letters (b) spell the name of a kid who does not like doing anything.





























1. Did you get up early (at the weekend / at weekend)?

m / l

2. Every year tens of thousands of people travel to Britain in order to improve their standard of English. For many, however, this can be a difficult experience as it involves (studying / attending) a strange school.

a / o

3. It means staying in sometimes unpleasant accommodation, and living in an (unfamiliar / unaccustomed) culture.

d / z

4. One (explanation / solution) to these problems is the Homestay method.

y / e

5. Students, (assigned / granted) a teacher appropriate to their language requirements, will stay with him or her in his or her own house for the duration of the course.

l / b

6. As well as giving (particular / individual) tuition,

o / k

7. the teacher will take the student on trips and provide information about what interesting activities are (available / ready) locally.

i / n



8. Students get between ten and twenty hours of tuition a week and are also expected to (be / join) in with the family’s daily activities.

e /d


Task 7 (2 min). Finish the joke. You need the last letter in the word.  (Boxer. Letter R)


Teacher: You know, children, I think that it is always better to give than to take.

Nick: My father always does so.

Teacher: Oh, very nice, Nick! Your father must be a very good man.

Nick: my father? He is a ______


Remember, it is a JOKE!!!


Teacher: My congratulations! Now you have 1 minute to make up the word from the letters and to find the key. Open the box and find the prize.

Teacher asks questions about the mood of the participants and asks to finish the sentences:











20 грудня 2018
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