Гра-квест "Treasure hunt"

Про матеріал
Ця гра-квест може бути цікавим доповненням до пришкільного англомовного табору, або може бути використана під час проведення наприклад такого виховного заходу, як тиждень англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу

Station 1

1.He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he? (A priest)

2. Imagine you are in a darkroom. How do you get out? (Stop imagining )



Station 2

Geography Quiz

1. What is the name of the biggest ocean on Earth?

2. What is the biggest state in the USA?

3. What is the capital city of Australia?

4.  Which country is Helsinki  the capital city of? 

5. True or false? The Dunay is the longest river in the world. 



1. The PacificOcean

2. Alaska

3. Canberra

4. Finland

5. False


Station 3

Decode the rebus



Station 4


 Do the crossword. What can you do in the summer?




























Station 5

Form new word with every letter of this words:

R                                                              G

A                                                              O

I                                                               C

N                                                              A

B                                                              M

O                                                              P










Station 6

Choose the correct variant for true facts

  1. Life on Earth can / can’t exist without plants.
  2. A few / No plants eat animals.
  3. The tallest tree in the world is about 100 / 200 metres high.
  4. Chocolate is made from beans that grow on a tree / the roots of a small bush.






Station 7

Write a rhyme                                  

Hot – a lot

Sun – fun                                               

Walk – talk

Swim – dream                                                                     


























Похожее изображение



















I like crosswords.


Знайди назви кольорів


T   H   N   B   L   U    E    E

S   Y   M   R   H   W   J    H

H   P    L    O   H   G   R   S

U   U   Z    W   G   R   E   Y

O   R   A    N    G   E   D   D

U   P   W   Z    R   E   A    J

W  L   Q    P    I    N   K   K

Y  E    L    L    O  W  Z    R


List to find:


BLUE                               ORANGE

BROWN                           PINK

GREEN                             PURPLE

GREY                               RED




True or False?


  • Summer is the coldest time of a year.
  • Elephants are bigger than dogs.
  • There are ten colors in rainbow.
  • Ten plus nine is twenty-one.
  • Coffee is a drink.










True or False?


  • Summer is the coldest time of a year.
  • Elephants are bigger than dogs.
  • There are ten colors in rainbow.
  • Ten plus nine is twenty-one.
  • Coffee is a drink.



Find verbs and circle them (Знайдіть дієслова і обведіть їх):




GO     WRITE      DOG    POST   EAT


DO      PIG      READ    BOY    PLAY




Відповідь: wash, run, sing, write, eat, go, sit, do, read, play.













Rout for team 1:


  1. Dead Valley (Backyard)
  2. Jungles (flowerbeds)
  3. Waterfall (playground –турніки)
  4. Cave of horror (Hall)
  5. Ship (Stadium)
  6. Wild forest (front yard)
  7. Beach (gym)
  8. Treasure island (rest room)



Rout for team 2:


1) Jungles (flowerbeds)

2) Waterfall (playground –турніки)

3) Cave of horror (Hall)

4) Ship (Stadium)

5) Wild forest (front yard)

6) Beach (gym)

7) Dead Valley (Backyard)

   8) Treasure island (rest room)



Rout for team 3:


1) Waterfall (playground –турніки)

  1. Cave of horror (Hall)
  2. Ship (Stadium)
  3. Wild forest (front yard)
  4. Beach (gym)
  5. Dead Valley (Backyard)
  6. Jungles (Flowerbeds)
  7. Treasure island (rest room)


Rout for team 4:


1) Cave of horror (Hall)

2) Ship (Stadium)

3) Wild forest (front yard)

4) Beach (gym)

5) Dead Valley (Backyard)

6) Jungles (flowerbeds)

7) Waterfall (playground –турніки)

8) Treasure island (rest room)






Rout for team 5:


1) Ship (Stadium)

2) Wild forest (front yard)

3) Beach (gym)

4) Dead Valley (Backyard)

5) Jungles (flowerbeds)

6) Waterfall (playground –турніки)

7) Cave of horror (Hall)

8) Treasure island (rest room)




Rout for team 6:


1) Wild forest (front yard)

2) Beach (gym)

3) Dead Valley (Backyard)

4) Jungles (flowerbeds)

5) Waterfall (playground –турніки)

6) Cave of horror (Hall)

7) Ship (Stadium)

   8) Treasure island (rest room)


Rout for team 7:


1) Beach (gym)

2) Dead Valley (Backyard)

3) Jungles (flowerbeds)

4) Waterfall (playground –турніки)

5) Cave of horror (Hall)

6) Ship (Stadium)

7) Wild forest (front yard)

   8)Treasure island (rest room)


















It is situated in the middle of our school.

(Answer: Back yard - заднє подвір’я)


You can see many nice flowers here.

(Answer: Flowerbeds - клумби)


Pupils do physical exercises here and breath fresh air.

(Answer: Playground - турніки)


The entrance to your school is called….?

(Answer: Hall - вестибюль)



You can play football, run and do physical exercises here and also breath fresh air.

(Answer: Stadium – стадіон біля школи)


This is the face of your school.

(Answer: Front yard – парадний вхід)



You have your physical training lessons here during your school year.

(Answer: Gym – спортзал)


Teachers always have some rest in this place after working day or during some celebrations

(Answer: Rest room – кімната психологічного розвантаження)




До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 6 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
18 березня 2022
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