Граматичний Тест .Умовні речення.

Про матеріал
Тест розроблено для вдосконалення граматичних навичок Вживання майбутнього часу та граматичної структури to be going to ,а також умовних речень.
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                                                             Writing grammar

10th form


 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  1 If I miss this bus, I ………………… (be) late for work.

 2 If we ………………… (clean) the beach, it would look nicer.

 3 When the sun sets, it ………………… (get) dark.

 4 If I were you, I ………………… (donate) my old clothes to charity.

 5 If the polar ice melts, low-lying lands ………………… (flood).

 6 Unless we stop global warming, crops ………………… (fail).

 7 If you heat water, it ………………… (boil).

 8 If we don't turn off the lights, we ………………… (waste) energy.

 9 If I were you, I ………………… (recycle) your old newspapers; it’s easy.

10 If everyone ………………… (use) public transport, there would be less pollution.

2.Choose the correct item.


1They're going to/They'll buy low energy light bulbs when they go to the shops.

 2 Will you/Are you going to do the recycling for me, please?

 3 It's too hot in here. I'm going to/I'll open the window.

 4 Watch out! You’re going to/You will drop the rubbish on the floor!

 5 I don’t think it will/is going to rain today; the weather report was fine.

3. Fill in the gaps with: will, be going to or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets

1Jim …………………………………… (work) on a marine rescue boat this summer.

2The students …………………………………… (collect) donations after school today.

3I don’t use this computer anymore. I
………………………… (donate) it to the community centre.

4   (you/attend)
WWF meetings this afternoon? ..........................

5.It’s get dark in here. I  (swich on) the lights.






Writing grammar


10th form


1Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  1 If I were you, I ........... (not/have) a bath every day.

 2 If we ...........(protect) the environment, the world will become a better place to live in.

 3 When ice melts, it(become) water.

  4 Thousands of animals (lose) their homes unless we stop global warming.

 5 If you (cycle) to work, you would help to reduce air pollution.

 6 If I were you, I (walk) to work instead of driving

  7 Unless people .......(care) the environment, the amount of drinking water will decrease.

  8 Thousands of  creatures .(dye)  unless we stop global warming.

   9 If everyone.......(recycle) rubbish, it would help to reduce air pollution.

10 When the sun sets, it ………………… (get) dark.


2.Choose the correct item.

 1 Because of the flood/drought many animals have no drinking water.

 2 Sean donates/wastes a lot of water when he brushes his teeth.

 3 Can you buy me a jar/tin of jam from the shop, please?

 4 Kim threw the milk container/carton into the recycling bin.

  5 The town council/campaign decided to place bottle banks in every neighbourhood.


3.Fill in the gaps with will, be going to or the present continuous.


1. Be careful! You (drop) that box of newspapers!

2. Shelly  (not/go) to the beach clean-up


3. It’s cold in here. I  (close) the windows.

4. (you/study) Environmental Science when you leave school?

     5. I think my parents(give) their old fridge to charity.








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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
15 листопада 2020
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