Heart In The Focus of STEM Education

Про матеріал
This lesson allows students to playfully understand the place of the HEART in nature and everyday life, it's complexity, importance of healthy lifestyle, 3D model of the heart, DIY 3D Valentine's Day Paper Tissue Hearts, hearts in idioms and literature. Lesson Synopsis: STEM lesson gives students a possibility to learn about complexity through illustrative games, teamwork activities and design tasks. Students will gain an intuitive understanding of different values and how they determine the lifestyle of people.
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Lesson Plan on STEM Education

Complexity of Heart – It's Simple

C:\Users\Win7\Desktop\Love\bce36f83fa2d5a7f2772746322b2ed90.pngIf you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.

Carlos Santana


Lesson Focus: this lesson allows students to playfully understand the place of the HEART in nature and everyday life, algorithms of work of the heart, it's complexity, importance of healthy lifestyle, 3D model of the heart, DIY 3D Valentine's Day Paper Tissue Hearts, hearts in idioms and literature.

Lesson Synopsis: STEM lesson gives students a possibility to  learn about complexity through illustrative games, teamwork activities and design tasks. Students will gain an intuitive understanding of different values and how they determine the  lifestyle of people.

Age Levels: 14 - 18


 Learn anatomy and work of  heart  with a computer science;

 Learn about the Thoughts and the Heart, their reflection in idioms and books ;

 Learn algorithms in keeping  Your Heart Happy  and healthy;

 Learn how good is nature design of heart in different objects.

Anticipated Learner Outcomes:

As a result of this activity, students should develop an understanding of:

 values of feelings;

 the importance of taking care of the heart;

 anatomy and work of this body organ;

 teamwork.

Importance  and beauty of learning English.


Lesson Activities:

Students gain an intuitive understanding of complexity heart`s work and symbolism of  heart through illustrations with small rewards, teamwork activities and design tasks. More advanced students are introduced to the QR concepts of making heart congratulation cards.


 Teacher Resource Documents (attached) ;

 Student Worksheets (attached) ;

 Student Resource Sheets (attached).


Attachment 1.

Let's have a look at the list of the best Ukrainian clinics of cardiac surgery.

10th World Heart Congress August 23-24, 2021 Prague, Czech Republic/ Discuss cutting edge research and advanced techniques in Cardiology. Top-10 Cardiac Surgery Clinics in Ukraine are:

Kyiv City Heart Center 

Amosov Heart Institute


Boris-  Child Cardiology and Cardiosurgery Center


cardiac five





Attachment 2 .

Mykola Amosov was a true pioneer in cardiology not only in Ukraine, but in the world as well. He created the anti-thrombotic heart valves prosthesis, original model of heart-lung machine, and developed new methods of surgical treatment of heart lesions.

[photograph of Nikolai Amosov]

Amosov is widely known as a writer. His novels and essays "The Thoughts and the Heart", "Notes from the Future", "PPG-2266. Field Surgeon Notes", "The Book of Happiness and Miseries", "Voices of the Times", "Artificial Intelligence", "My Health System" have been repeatedly published in Ukraine and abroad. He died inDecember 12, 2002 (aged 89) in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Attachment 3 . In My Heart: A Book of Feelings | Read Aloud Story for Kids



Have you ever felt happiness, sadness, bravery, anger or shyness? Do you understand what it means to feel that way. Join us as we read a charming story about feelings and emotions. As part of the The Growing Hearts series; In My Heart: A Book of Feelings celebrates the milestones of a toddler’s emotional development, from conquering fears and expressing feelings to welcoming a new sibling.

In My Heart: A Book of Feelings (Growing Hearts) by author Jo Witek  and illustrator‎ Christine Roussey is avilable on Amazon here: http://fave.co/2BZlFnu



Attachment 4 .

Diy 3D Valentine's Day Paper Tissue Hearts.


1. Make a symmetrical heart template by folding a piece of paper in half and drawing on half a heart. Cut it out and open it up. You can trace this onto card if you want a stronger template.

2. Stack up your sheets of tissue paper and trace around your heart.

I did mine in stacks of 12, any more than that and I had trouble cutting them. You can use a couple of paperclips to help the sheets together as you cut.

3. Line up your tissue paper hearts. I made some with 12 layers and 24 layers.

4. Use a sewing machine and stitch through the centre of each stack of hearts. When you reach the end of your heart keep sewing and pulling the stitched thread through until it reaches the desired length. If you want you can add another heart on the same string to make a garland or leave them as single hanging decorations.

5. Fluff out the tissue paper layers and hang. I found folding and creasing each layer down the centre helped them hold their shape.

And that's it. Pretty easy, right? String them up and hang them on a door or wall or maybe even in front of a window for a super simple Valentine's Day decoration.


C:\Users\Win7\Desktop\valentine's+day+tissue+paper+heart+hanging+decorations+diy.png      krokotak | HOW TO MAKE A PAPER HEART BOOK

Attachment 5 .


Top-10 Cardiac Surgery Clinics in Ukraine

"Trust your heart", "Your heart knows the truth"...It is mentioned in the popular sayings so often there is no doubt left: heart has been one of the central images since the dawn of culture. Moreover, it is a crucially important organ. People often give it no attention until it starts to misbehave. At times like this, only the help of the best specialists could help.

Amazon.com: How Does Your Heart Work? (Rookie Read-About Health)  (9780516278551): Curry, Don L., Waddell, Jayne, Clidas, Jeanne, Ph.D.: Books


We all know the heart is a very important organ in our body. But, do you know how it works? Dr. Binocs is here to explain your heart in a simple way!

Amazon.com: Take Care of Your Heart: A Simple Guide to Care of Heart  Health, Blood Vessels, and Blood Pressure Solutions (Heart Health, Self  Help, High Blood Pressure, ... Cardiology, Hypertension, Heart Problems)

Attachment 6.   Keep Your Heart Happy

Most kids are born with a healthy heart and it's important to keep yours in good shape. Here are some things that you can do to help keep your heart happy:

  • Remember that your heart is a muscle. If you want it to be strong, you need to exercise it. How do you do it? By being active in a way that gets you huffing and puffing, like jumping rope, dancing, or playing basketball. Try to be active every day for at least 30 minutes! An hour would be even better for your heart!
  • Eat a variety of healthy foods and avoid foods high in unhealthy fats, such as saturated fats and trans fats (reading food labels can help you figure out if your favorite snacks contain these unhealthy ingredients).
  • Try to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
  • Avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit drinks.
  • Don't smoke. It can damage the heart and blood vessels.

Your heart deserves to be loved for all the work it does. It started pumping blood before you were born and will continue pumping throughout your whole life.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4eoWWepyp0&t=25s -3D  models of  organs.

STEM – це акронім, який означає науку (Science), технології (Technology), інженерію (Engineering) та математику.


Attachment 7. HEART IDIOMS.





Internet Connections:

  • Valentine’s Day STEM Challenges are a great way to keep students engaged, thinking critically, and working on hands-on problem solving and they’re great alternatives to class parties!



Recommended Reading:

 Growth of Sequences and Sorting Algorithms: Introduction to Algorithms by T. H. Cormen et al. (ISBN: 0070131511)

 Dimensional Analysis: The Pleasures of Counting by T. W. Körner (ISBN:


Optional Writing Activity:

Compare different  methods of taking care of your heart and explain why you would prefer one over the other.

 Write a short text on the importance of caring of your heart and humans feelings .

Target language:

Reading skills: reading for gist / specific information (matching headings to paragraphs, comprehension questions)

Vocabulary: topic vocabulary (heart, St.  Valentines day), general basic vocabulary(emotions, books, values, )

Grammar: present simple, adverbs of frequency

Listening skills: listening for gist / specific information (multiple matching, multiple choice)

Speaking skills: talking about love,  heart, idioms, healthy lifestyle

Writing skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4eoWWepyp0&t=25s



Opening to Lesson:

Stage 1

Begin by asking students to consider their favorite holiday in February (spring).Introduce short story about St. Valentine`s Day.

Tell students they will be investigating, researching, creating a lot of thigs connected with a heart as an organ of a human body and as the shape.

I like

I don't like

Activity 1


Body of Lesson Direct Teaching

Stage 2.  Asking Questions      Dance Your Heart Out

Extra activities:

Stage 3.  Guided Practice 1.

Ask students to draw a design on their white-board of what a heart  made of paper or designed heart shaped cards would look like.

Stage 4.  Guided Practice 2.

  • Small heart structure; 2 volunteers  come up and with QR codes show their heart shaped cards .
  • Students will watch and compare structures….may use help from the “audience” to guide their structure.

Stage 5.  Independent Practice:

  • In groups, students will assemble their own structure under the provided guidelines: tallest, free-standing structure; may only use pipe cleaners, you have 10 minutes to plan, use graphic organizer, and 10 minutes to construct your tallest building.

Stage 6.  Closing:

Have each group select the spokesperson for the group to explain the process the group went through when done.

 Stage 7.  Assessment & Evaluation.

  • Modification & Differentiation
  • Follow up and homework   
  • Lesson evaluation

Idioms with Heart

 Here’s a list of phrases and expressions that include heart and, for the most part, pertain to human feelings.

  1.      a big heart: said of someone kind and loving
    2. after my own heart: said of someone with similar preferences or values
    3. a heart of gold: see “a big heart”
    4. a heart of stone: said of someone without sympathy
    5. all heart: see “a big heart”; sometimes used sarcastically to mean the opposite
    6. at heart: basically
    7. bare (one’s) heart: share one’s feelings or thoughts
    8. bleeding heart: said of someone who is conspicuously or excessively generous
    9. break (one’s) heart: cause someone emotional distress
    10. by heart: from memory
    11–13. capture/steal/win (one’s) heart: make someone fall in love with one
    14–16. close/dear/near to (one’s) heart: loved or valued by someone
    17. cross my heart: said as an oath to assert one’s honesty
    18. didn’t have the heart: said when one cannot summon the will to do something hurtful
    19. do (one’s) heart good: said about something that will be beneficial to someone
    20. eat your heart out: said mockingly to someone expressing the desire for them to suffer; usually facetious
    21. faint of heart: lacking courage
    22–23. find a way into/to (one’s) heart: cause someone to fall in love with one
    24. find it in (one’s) heart: have the compassion or courage to do something
    25. follow (one’s) heart: do what one loves rather than what is expected of one
    26. from the heart: with sincerity
    27–28. gladden the/(one’s) heart: make someone happy or gratified
    29. harden (one’s) heart: become callous
    30. have (one’s) heart set on: be obsessed with obtaining
    31. have (one’s) (best) interests at heart: be doing something for someone else’s benefit
    32. heart goes out to: said in regard to feeling sympathy for someone
    33. heart in (one’s) mouth: said of someone who has strong emotions about someone or something
    34. heart is in the right place: said of someone well intentioned
    35. heart of the matter: essence
    36. hearts and minds: said in reference to persuading rather than compelling
    37. heart’s desire: what one wishes deeply for
    38. heart skips a beat: said of someone excited, frightened, or surprised
    39. heavy heart: sadness
    40–41. from the bottom/depths of (one’s) heart: profoundly
    42. in (one’s) heart of hearts: if one’s true feelings or thoughts were known
    43. know (one’s) heart: be aware of one’s true feelings
    44. lose heart: become discouraged
    45–46. matters/affairs of the heart: said of something pertaining to a love affair
    47. melt (one’s) heart: cause someone to experience uncontrollable emotions
    48. nearly gave (one) a heart attack: caused someone to feel anxiety or fear
    49. (one’s) heart bleeds for: one is sympathetic
    50. (one’s) heart is knocking: said of someone excited or nervous
    51. (one’s) heart is not in: one does not feel a commitment to or an interest in
    52. (one’s) heart leaps: one is excited
    53. (one’s) heart melts: see “melt someone’s heart”
    54. (one’s) heart sinks: one becomes discouraged
    55. open (one’s) heart: show generosity or kindness
    56–57. out of the goodness/kindness of (one’s) heart: because of generosity or goodwill
    58. pour (one’s) heart/soul out: see “bare (one’s) heart”
    59. put (one’s) heart into: do something with conviction or enthusiasm
    60. sick at heart: discouraged
    61–62. strike fear into (one’s) heart/into the heart of (one): cause someone to be afraid
    63. take heart: be encouraged
    64. take (something) to heart: be affected by something
    65. to (one’s) heart’s content: to the extent one desires
    66. warm (one’s)/the cockles of (one’s) heart: cause someone to feel positive emotion
    67. wear (one’s) heart on (one’s) sleeve: openly show one’s emotions
    68. with a sinking heart: said of someone who becomes discouraged or hopeless
    69. with all (one’s) heart: with great enthusiasm
    70. young at heart: youthful
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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 листопада 2021
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