Hobbies: yes or no? The list of advantages and disadvantages

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Hobbies: are they just a procrastination tool or can they really be of great importance for a teen?
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On the one hand, there are many disadvantages of hobbies:

  • Some hobbies, like care racing, are expensive and lead to loss of money
  • Hobbies are time consuming (e.g. fishing)
  • There are aggressive hobbies which lead to cruelty (hunting)
  • There are many dangerous hobbies (e.g. rock climbing, scuba diving)
  • Some leisure activities are addictive and might be harmful (video games)
  • Hobbies might serve as a procrastination tool
  • People try to escape reality
  • Free time activities do not deal with personal problems which people try to escape


On the other hand, hobbies have a lot of advantages:

  • Life is boring without hobbies
  • Hobbies release stress
  • Leisure activities are a great reason to go out
  • Hobbies feel up free time and keep from bad habits like drinking or gambling
  • Practical hobbies like sewing or modelling bring additional income
  • Energetic hobbies keep us healthy
  • Hobbies give time to relax
  • Many activities help us become more confident
  • Hobbies serve as a distraction from personal problems
  • Hobbies prevent from being just a couch potato


By and large, it’s up to you whether to take up a hobby or not, but in general leisure activities obviously have more pros than issues.

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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 квітня 2023
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