Home reading "Lancelot and the round table"

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Урок домашнього читання, клас поділений на дві команди і виконують завдання, такі як знайти синоніми, антоніми та інші завдання над прочитаним текстом.
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Subject: Home reading “Lancelot and the Round Table”

Objectives: - to improve and systematize lexical material on the topic;

  • to revise grammar of the topic;
  • to improve listening, reading, writing and speaking skills;
  • to develop student’s thinking, memory, imagination and attention;
  • to practice pair and group work;
  • to inoculate habits of the literature;
  • to get ready for the final lesson.

Audio-visual aids: texts of the story; cards for groups; blackboard; papers with the tasks, poem “In days of old”, poem “One Knight’s Passion”

Lesson is done in 9th form.

Class is divided in two groups, in two “round tables”; in each group there are 8 pupils.

I. Introduction.

1. Greeting

T: How do you do, children? How are you? You look well!

2. Aim:

T: Dear children, today we are going to have an unusual lesson. We are going to make a trip in an ancient times, Knight’s times. Look at the blackboard, the topic of the lesson is “Lancelot And The Round Table”. We are going to listen to the poems, the story about Lancelot and his adventures and do some tasks.

II. Warming-up.

T: Now we listen to the poem “In Days Of Old …”

In days of old …

In days of old when knights were bold

When chivalry was invented

The ladies draped their favours

Upon the lance of their intended

A silken scarf from around her neck

A handkerchief of delicate lace

Were the favours that were most given

To encourage the knight to win the race

Sometimes their lives would be at stake

As they played their noble game

The art of war was on display

In their search for glory and fame

Both the victor and the vanquished

Fought the game with blood and honour

Their aim to please the maiden fair

To place their victory before her

III. The main part of the lesson.

1. Speaking.

T: Good for you! Well done! And now let’s start with the story. What is this story about?

Ps: (retell the story)

2. T: Thank you very much. Just we have listened the story and now each “round table” will show us a play on the base on this story. It was their home task.

Ps: (show their role plays)

3. T: It was very nice! Well done! And now let’s relax a little and do some task. Look at the blackboard.

The task is: the letters in the words below are jumbled up. Put the letters in the right order and write down the words correctly.

1. rapyers                                       4. kaolc

2. ttomob                                        5. gondra

3. khnigts                                        6. sheas

(keys: 1 – prayers, 2 – bottom, 3 – knights, 4 – cloak, 5 – dragon, 6 – ashes.)

 4. T: Well done! So, now say me, please, who is this:

Say who:

  1. had a wedding day;
  2. wore the brightest jewels;
  3. was the loveliest lady in all the wide world;
  4. greeted everyone in the Great Hall;
  5. lifted his hand and a huge round table appeared;
  6. promised to fight only for the poor and the weak;
  7. stood before the Round Table;
  8. saw a very strange sight;
  9. was moaning;

10)tormented the townspeople.

(keys: 1 – King Arthur, 2 – all ladies, 3 – Queen Guinevere, 4 – Merlin, 5 – Merlin, 6 – knights, 7 – King Arthur, 8 – Sir Lancelot, 9 – the fallen knight, 10 – dragon)

5. T: You are right and now say why it is happened:

Say why:

  1. King Arthur came to his castle;
  2. a stranger wanted to see King Arthur;
  3. Sir Lancelot’s face turned red;
  4. Sir Lancelot rode away from the castle;
  5. the knight who was badly hurt did not want any help from Sir Lancelot;
  6. Sir Lancelot rode up the hill;
  7. Sir Lancelot couldn’t see inside the open door;
  8. Sir Lancelot aimed his spear;
  9. the townspeople were afraid of the dragon;

10)Sir Lancelot never lost a battle.

6. Reading

1) T: Thank you, my dear! Now every “round table” will receive a card with some tasks. Here you must complete descriptions using the words from the boxes. Then read these descriptions.

The 1st group:

Complete the descriptions using the words from the box.

young,     handsome,     tall,     strong,     gentle,     fierce,     the greatest,    turned red

  1. Soon a … man stood before the Round Table.
  2. He was not … .
  3. Sir Lancelot was … and … .
  4. Lancelot looks as … as a leopard and as … as a lamb.
  5. Sir Lancelot’s face … .
  6. Sir Lancelot was … knight of all.

The 2nd group:

Complete the descriptions using the words from the box.

huge,    green scaly skin,    mouth that split fire,    sharp pointed teeth,    huge claws

  1. Sir Lancelot saw the most terrible sight of his life: …
  2. It was a … dragon.

2) T: So, the 1st description is about LANCELOT, and the 2nd description is about DRAGON. Now each “round table” must read and translate literarily the passage from the text.

- Literarily translation for first group:

Merlin’s voice rang out. “At this Round Table will sit the bravest knights in the world. And they will be brothers. They will travel through the land. They will fight for what is right and good. Many will die. But the fame of the knights of the Round Table will live on. Forever.”

Arthur stood. “My noble knights, let us promise together. We will fight only for what is fair and good. Never for riches. Never for a selfish cause. We will help all those who ask for help. We will stand by one another. We will be gentle to the weak. But terrible to the wicked.”

“We promise!” the knights said in one voice.

Merlin spoke again. “And here are your places.” On every chair gold letters appeared. They spelled the name of the knight who was to sit there.

- Literarily translation for second group:

Sir Lancelot saw a huge white tower on a hill. Below it was a town. He thought he would learn the answer there.  But as he drew closer he saw that the town was ruined and empty. The smell of ashes filled the air.

Then a man and a boy ran out from behind a blackened wall. “It’s Sir Lancelot! At last you have come. Our prayers are answered.”

Sir Lancelot stopped.

“Our town has been cursed!” the man cried. “But Merlin says we can be saved. By the best knight in the world. Surely that is you.”

“I am no better than many a knight. But I will try to help you,” said Sir Lancelot. “What is wrong?”

“Just go to the tower on the hill. I can not tell you more.” The man took the boy’s hand and they ran off.

7. Writing.

1) T: Good of you, my dear! Well done! Now each of us will receive individual card.

For the 1st group:

Choose the correct variant.

  1. It was … wedding day.

a) Sir Lancelot’s                            c) Merlin’s

b) King Arthur’s                            d) Sir Garlon’s

2. Queen Guinevere was … in the world.

a) the ugliest lady                           c) the loveliest lady

b) the shortest lady                         d) the bravest lady

3. Suddenly a huge … appeared in the Great Hall.

a) round table                                  c) knight

b) piano                                           d) spear

4. In the Great Hall there were … chairs.

a) 100                                               c) 50

b) 150                                               d) 200

5. “We will fight only for what is …”, said King Arthur.

a) expensive                                     c) fair and good

b) needable                                      d) called glory

6. Sir Lancelot came from … .

a) a land across the sea                     c) a land in the Pacific Ocean

b) Ireland                                          d) a land in the mountains

7. Sir Lancelot promised to return to the city of Camelot … .

a) in a year                                        c) in a month

b) in a day                                        d) in a year and a day

8. Who could make himself invisible?

a) King Arthur                                c) Sir Garlon

b) Merlin                                        d) Sir Kay

9. Why were the townspeople so afraid?

a) Because of an invisible man.

b) Because of the midgets.

c) Because of the knights.

d) Because of a monster.

10. How many years did the dragon torment the townspeople?

a) three years                                 c) five years

b) two years                                   d) ten years

(keys: 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a, 4 – b, 5 – c, 6 – a, 7 – d, 8 – c, 9 – d, 10 – a)

For the 2nd group:

Say true or false.

  1. King Arthur was coming to his palace in the city of London.
  2. It was King Arthur’s birthday.
  3. A huge round table was made of stone and wood.
  4. There were one hundred and fifty chairs around the table.
  5. The knights promised to fight only for a selfish cause.
  6. Gold letters appeared on every chair.
  7. “The greatest knight will be like the leopard and a monkey”, said Merlin.
  8. Sir Lancelot won the battle with Sir Garlon.
  9. The dragon won the battle with Sir Lancelot.
  10. Then Sir Lancelot died.

(keys: 1 – false, 2 – false, 3 – true, 4 – true, 5 – false, 6 – true, 7 – false, 8 – true, 9 – true, 10 – false)

  1. Work in groups.
  1. T: Hand over me the cards. Now look at the blackboard. Here you can see some tasks for each team. The 1st team must match the synonyms and the 2nd team must match the antonyms. Every pupil from each team goes to the blackboard and match one pair of words. Win that team who will do the task the fastest.

The 1st team:

Match the synonyms.

1. great                              a) battle

2. fame                               b) seat

3. fine                                 c) to want

4. to look                            d) smile

5. to wish                            e) nice, lovely

6. beautiful                         f) look

7. fight                                 g) huge

8. place                                h) to stare

9. laugh                                i) glory

10. sight                               j) handsome

(keys: 1-g, 2-i, 3-e, 4-h, 5-c, 6-j, 7-a, 8-b, 9-d, 10-f)

The 2nd team:

Match the antonyms.

1. empty                              a) quickly

2. fair                                   b) the rich

3. slowly                              c) to win

4. visible                              d) midget

5. the poor                            e) gentle

6. to lose                               f) full

7. giant                                  g) unfair

8. fierce                                 h) invisible

9. to do right                          i) kind

10. wicked                             j) to do wrong

(keys: 1-f, 2-g, 3-a, 4-h, 5-b, 6-c, 7-d, 8-e, 9-j, 10-i)

  1. T: One more task is for all teams.

Write down the plural form of the words below.

1. man                                     6. jewellery

2. lady                                     7. laugh

3. knight                                  8. ash

4. thief                                     9. child

5. torch                                    10. candle

III. Summing up.

  1. T: You worked today very well. Say me please, what this story teaches us.

Ps.: This story teaches us to love good things and to struggle against bad things;

to fight only for fairs and good;

to help all people who ask for help;

to stand by one another;

to be gentle to the weak.

  1. Homework.

T: Well done! So, today all you have marks. And your homework for the next time is to write a composition, to show your opinions:

The 1st team:

What is your opinion?

“Merlin said to King Arthur that the greatest knight of all would come to the king’s castle. Was he right? Do you agree with him?”

The 2nd team:

What is your opinion?

“When Sir Lancelot returned in exactly a year and a day all knights and ladies were clapping and smiling and calling his name. Why were they so happy to see him?”

  1. T: Our lesson is coming to its end. And at this end I want you to listen to the poem “One Knight’s Passion”:

One Knight's Passion

by Sea_of_okc

There is no dragon's fiery breath

No black knight's sword dealing death

No creature of the land or sea

Could keep me from possessing thee

There is no thing that I could find

Not strong ale nor sweet wine

Even Merlin's herbs and such

Pale beside my lady's touch

There is no rose could smell so sweet

No fair maiden I might meet

No body in the sky above

That could outshine my lady love

There is no challenge I won't take

No quest too bold for me to make

No ties from which I wouldn't part

To win my fairest lady's heart

On my honor this I swear

All my life with you I'll share

I pledge my sword, my heart, my name

Pray tell me lady you'll do the same

28 березня 2021
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