Інтелектуальна гра "The Smartest"

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Інтелектуальна гра на повторення і узагальнення вивченого матеріалу "Великобританія"
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Intellectual game “THE SMARTEST”

Dear friends! You are welcome to the intellectual English contest. Our aim is to check our knowledge and to widen our outlook. Today we’ll choose the smartest. Meet our participants: …

The First Round

1. In which of these countries English is not spoken?

a)     The USA

b)    Australia

c)     New Zealand

d)    Argentina


2.     Which of these rivers is not in Great Britain?

a)     The Severn

b)    the Colorado

c)     the Thames

d)    the Tweed


3.     Which of these countries is not in Great Britain?

a)     England

b)    Wales

c)     Northern Ireland

d)    Scotland


4.     Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords sits on:

a)     the Throne

b)    the Woolsack

c)     the Bench

d)    the Chair


5.     What town did the Beatles come from?

a)     Edinburgh

b)    Glasgow

c)     Liverpool

d)    Plymouth


6.     Famous scientists, kings, writers, poets are buried in:

a)     the  National Gallery

b)    Trafalgar Square

c)     Westminster abbey

d)    the Tower


7.     Hyde Park is situated…

a)     in Belfast

b)    in London

c)     in New York


8.     What is a double-decker?

a)     A bus

b)    Disco

c)     A taxi


9. Where is the longest underground – in London or in New York? (in London)

10. What famous writer was born in Stratford-on-Avon?  (William Shakespeare)


The Second Round

1. What was a fortress, a royal place, a prison and now is a museum? (The Tower)

2. What made Sir Benjamin Hall famous not only in Great Britain, but in whole the world?    (Big Ben)

3. What literary character do these words belong to “To be or not to be”? (Hamlet)

4. Who wrote “Alice in Wonderland”?  (l. Carrol)

5. What is the English for Червона Шапочка? (Red Riding Hood)

6. What is the name of the British flag?  (Union Jack)

7. What is Oxford famous for?   (Its universities)

8. What is the highest mountain of Great Britain?  (Ben Nevis)

9. What is the British national drink?  (Tea)

10. What is the national flower symbol of England?  (A rose)

11. What street is the home of the British press in London?  (Fleet Street)

12. What is the poorest part in London?  (The East End)

13. Is the cinema in Great Britain usually called “the pictures” or “the show”? (The pictures)

14.  In some British towns the cinemas are closed on one day of the week. What is this day?   (Sunday)

15. When was England known as Britain? About two or three thousand years ago?  (About 2000 years ago)

16. When was the Liverpool and Manchester Railway opened?  (1830)

17. The main square in London.  (Trafalgar Square)

18. What channel separates England from the continent?  (English Channel)

19. Cardiff is the capital of…  (Wales)

          The Third Round

1.  How many letters has English alphabet?  (26)

2. What is the symbol of Canada? (A maple leaf)

3. Name the tense form of the verb in the sentence: “I am going to school now”. (Present Continuous)

4. Define in one word: the period of time when you are a child. (Childhood)

5. What is the name of the first man who set foot on the Moon? (Neil Armstrong)

6.     What is the American name for the European football?  (Soccer)

7. What is the English national game?  (Cricket)

8.  A place of interest in London. Long ago it was a prison, and then became Residence of the Kings; now it is a museum.  (Tower)

9. In what part of London is Piccadilly Circus situated?  (West End)

10. What is the name of prince Charles’s wife?  (Camilla)

11. What is traditional colour in Northern Ireland?  (Green)

12. What river does London stand on?  (The Thames)

13. Who is the Queen of the United Kingdom?  (Elizabeth the Second)

14. “To be or not to be?” These words belong to…  (W. Shakespeare)

15. What is the signal of help?  (SOS)

16. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?  (Tony Blair)

17. The woman who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her charity?  (Mother Teresa)

18. What is another name for Father Christmas?  (Santa Claus)

19. What is the translation of the Scottish word “loch”?  (The lake)

20. The English scientist who was awarded a title of Fellow of the Royal Society, President of the Royal Society, a title of Lord for his contribution into mathematics and physics?  (Isaac Newton)

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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 березня 2021
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