Календарне планування 4 клас Калініна Л. Англійська мова

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Календарне планування. 4 клас. Автор: Л. Калініна. Англійська мова. Допоможе вам швидко і без проблем підготувати календарне планування. Тільки встановіть дати.
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Складено до підручника: Л.В. Калініна, І.В. Самойлюкевич. Англійська мова : підруч. для 4-го кл. спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. – Київ : Генеза, 2015 згідно з чинною навчальною програмою зі змінами, затвердженими Міністерством освіти і науки України
(наказ МОН України від 22.12.2014 №

                                                                                           Календарно-тематичне планування уроків

до підручника Л.В. Калініної, І.В. Самойлюкевич «Англійська мова. 4 клас»

для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови


№ уроку

Тема спілку-вання

Мовленнєві функції

Функціональ-ні експоненти

Мовленнєва компетенція

Мовна компетенція


Do it Yourself






















Introductory lessons based on the revision of the material of grade 3


Lessons 12

Talk about your first day at school

Розповідати про свої відчуття
1-го вересня та літні канікули

- I’m so glad…

-I missed…

- I was…all summer long

“We are in Grade Four”

SB Ex.4,5, p.5


 Ex.1, p. 3

Ex.3, p.4

Ex.5, p. 5

Ex.6, p. 6

Ex.9, p.7

“Holidays in Autumn”

SB p.6-7

Describe a photo (a picture) of a nice autumn day

 WB Ex.3-4,


/ͻ:/   /ɪ/

Back to School

SB p.4

- grade;



-to stay;       - indoors.

Revision of Grammar of grade 3

Draw a picture of a nice September Day




Lessons 35

Learn to talk about friendship

Описувати своїх друзів

- I have got…

- Our interests are…

-First, we adore, second, we are fond of…


SB p.9


Ex.1, p.8

Ex.3, p. 9

Ex. 5, p.10

“About Friends”

SB p. 6-7

Writing a ‘Thank you Note’

SB p. 11

WB Ex.4, p.9

/ɪ/   /ǝʊ/


 SB p.9

- adventure;


-to worry about smth.

“You look upset! I’m in trouble”

SB p.9

Make a ‘Thank you Note’ for your friend

Lessons 6–8

Learn to introduce your international friends

Розповідати про своїх зарубіжних друзів

- My international friend is from…

-She/he is…

- We like…

“Introducing your international friends”

SB p.13


Ex.1, p.12

Ex.3, p. 13

Ex. 5, p.14

Ex.6, p.14

Ex. 9, p. 15

“How to make an international friend”

SB p.15

Writing a letter to an international friend

SB p.15-16

WB Ex.8, p.12


“My International Friends” SB p. 13


- to make a friend;

- to become friends.

- Where are you from?

- I’m from…

WB Ex.5,


Make a colourful picture for your letter

Lessons 9–11

Learn to tell the news to your friends

Розповідати про те, що трапилося з тобою одного разу у школі

- What’s the news of the day?

- Once my teacher…

-My friend…

“Telling the news of the day”

SB p.17-18


Ex.1, p.16

Ex.3, p. 17

Ex. 5, p.18

Ex.6, p.19

Ex. 9, p. 20


SB p.19

Writing a note to a friend about the news of the day

SB  Ex.10, p. 20

WB Ex.12, p.15

/eɪ/  /u:/

The news of the day SB p.17

- to hear a real story;

-to happen to smb;

- to dislike.

- The balloon goes up=the balloon went up

- What is it?=What was it?

SB p.18

WB Ex.9, p.13

Make a picture leaflet ‘The News of the Day’

Lessons 12–14

Learn to talk about what you learnt from friends

Розповідати та розпитува-ти, чого ти навчився у своїх друзів

- personally I…

-I learnt to…from…

- Besides, I have got…

“Thank you, friends”

SB p.22


Ex.1, p.21

Ex.3, p. 21

Ex. 5, p.22

Ex.6, p.23

Ex. 9, p. 24

“My Friends”



Writing a Thank you Note to your friends

SB p.24

WB Ex.15-16, p.17

/w/   /aɪ/ “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”

SB p.21

- to explore the earth;

- the whole wide world;

-to learn to do sth from sb.

-to learn-learnt

-to run-ran

-to walk-walked

SB p.22

Make a picture for your ‘Thank you Note’

Lessons 15–17

Learn to talk about your best friend

Описувати своїх друзів дитинства

- I can say that…

-We were such…

-We often…

“Mary’s Best Friend”,

SB p. 26


Ex.1, p.25

Ex.3 p. 26

Ex. 5, p.27

Ex.6, p.27-28

Ex. 9, p. 29

“Childhood Friends”



Writing a letter to your childhood friend

SB p.29

WB Ex.20, p.20

/ æ /   /ǝʊ/

“Maru had a little Lamb”

SB p.25

- to share;

- to hop scotch;

-to miss sb a lot.

He/she/it was…

You/we/they were…

Make a front page for your letter

Unit 2


Lessons 1820

Learn to talk about your free time

Обговорюва-ти свої заняття у вільний час

- I like…in my free time;

-Sometimes I can…

“Free Time Talk”

SB p. 31

SB Ex.1 p.30

Ex.3, p.30

Ex.5, p. 32

Ex.6, p.33

“Jack’s Free Time”

SB p.33

Writing for your diary

SB p. 33

WB Ex.3-4, p.22-23


“Jack and Jane”

SB p. 30

- to roller skate;

-to bake;

-to climb the hills.

I can cook the tastiest food.

high-higher-the highest

SB p.31

WB Ex.2, p.21-22

Make a front page for your diary

Lessons 2123

Learn to describe your hobby

Розповідати та розпитува-ти про улюблені заняття та захоплення

- I’m interested in…

- I enjoy…

-…is my hobby


SB p. 35

SB Ex.1,3, p.34-35

Ex.5, p.35-36

Ex.6, p. 36

Ex.9, p.37

“Friends and their Hobbies”

SB p. 37

Writing about your hobby in a diary

SB p. 37

WB Ex.8, p.26-27

/e/  /w/

“Bird Watching”

SB p.34

- to knit;

-to embroider;

-bird watching;

-animal feeding.

It is so nice!

They are so beautiful.

Make a colourful picture of your hobby in a diary

Lessons 2426

Learn to talk about sports

Розповідати про свій улюблений спорт

- …is one of the best hobbies for me;

- I often…

“Hobby Talk”

SB p.39

SB Ex.1 p.38

Ex.3, p.39

Ex.5,6, p. 40

Ex.9, p.41

“Good Athletes”

SB p.41


Writing about the sport you take in your diary

SB p.41

WB Ex.12, p.29

/ɪ/   /ʊ/

Hey Diddle Diddle

SB p. 38-39

- gym;



-to look sporty.

It is one of my best hobbies.

I must work.

SB p. 39

WB Ex.10, p.28

Make a sport page for your diary

Lessons 2729

Learn to talk about Ukrainian athletes

Описувати своїх улюблених спортсменів в Україні

- …is very popular in Ukraine;

- my favourite athlete is…

- I’m a big fan of…

“Gold Fish”

SB p.43

SB Ex.1,3, p.42

Ex.5, p.43

Ex.6, p.44

“Sport Heroes”

SB p.44

Writing about your favourite Ukrainian athlete

SB Ex.10, p.45

WB Ex.15-16, p.31-32

/ æ /   /ʊ/


SB p.42

- popular;

- boxing;

-sport fan;

-to be good at.

He is a swimmer.

Make a page about a popular Ukrainian athlete in your diary

Lessons 3032

Learn to talk about British sports

Розповідати про англійський спорт

- children in Britain…

- boys usually…

-as for girls…

“British Sports Talk”

SB p.47

SB Ex.1, p.46

Ex.3, p.47

Ex.5,6, p. 48

“Henry’s Sport” p. 48-49

Writing about British sports in you diary

SB p. 49

WB Ex.20, p.35

/a/   /h/

“A Hobby Horse”

SB p.46

- horse riding;

-car racing;

-to play rugby.

Horse riding is more popular with parents

WB Ex.18, p.34

Make a picture page about British sport for your diary

Lessons 3334



Unit 3


Lessons 3537

Learn to talk about your native place

Описувати своє рідне місто

- My …is very…

-You can see…there

- …makes my place look…

“A Town or a City?”

SB p.51-52

Ex.8 p.52-53


SB Ex. 1, p.50

Ex. 3,4, p.51

“Village Fun”

SB p. 53-54

Writing about the  place you live in for your school newspaper

SB p.54

WB Ex.3-4, p.37-38

/ɪ/  /aʊ/

SB Ex.2 p. 50

- city;



-busy streets.

What makes your town cosy?

My town is famous for its gardens.

SB Ex.6,7 p. 52

Make a postcard of the place you live in

Lessons 3840

Learn to talk about the street and the house you live in

Розповідати про вулицю та будинок, у якому ти живеш

- I live in…street

-My street is…

- My house is…


SB p.56-57

SB Ex. 1, p.55

Ex. 3,4 p.56

Ex.8, p.59

Ex.12, p. 61

“About Kate’s House”

SB p. 58-59

Writing about your street and your house for your school magazine

SB p.59

WB Ex.8, p.40

/i:/  /p/


SB p. 55

- lane;



-shopping centre.

I live in Sadova street.

I live in the same street.

SB Ex.6, 7 p. 57

Draw a picture of your street and house

Lessons 4143

Learn to talk about your flat/house

Розповідати та розпитува-ти про будинок/квар-тиру, у якій ти живеш

- What street do you live in?

- What floor do you live on?

“There’s no Place like Home”

SB p. 61-62

SB Ex. 1, p.60

Ex. 8, p.63

Ex.11,12,  p. 65

“Home, Sweet Home”

SB p. 64

Writing a letter to your e-pal about the house/flat you live in

SB p.65

WB Ex.12, p.44

/ æ /   / ͻ:/

SB Ex. 2     p. 60

- upstairs;


-a two-room flat.

Does your flat differ from mine?

There are some rooms upstairs.

SB Ex.6 p. 62, Ex. 7 p. 63

Draw a picture of your flat/ house

Lessons 4446

Learn to talk about your favourite place at home

Розповідати про своє улюблене місце вдома

- Of all the rooms I like…best

- It is…and…

- I like to spend…

“Discussing your favourite places at home” SB p. 67

SB Ex. 1 p.66

Ex. p.67

Ex. 11,12, p.70

“Children’s Talk”

SB p.68-69

WB Ex.15-16, p.46-47

/ə:/ /ɑ:/        / ͻ:/

“Betty Bloom’s Room”

SB p.66

- an armchair;



I like this place best.

Is there much furniture?

WB Ex.14, p.46

Draw a picture of your fantasy favourite room

Lessons 4748


Unit 4


Lessons 4951

Learn to talk about your school bag

Описувати свій шкільний портфель (рюкзак)

- My…is very…

- You can see…there;

- …makes my school life…

“The Right Schoolbag”

SB p.72-73

SB Ex.1 p.71

Ex. 3,4, p.72

Ex.8, p.74

Ex.11,12,  p. 75

“A Day in the Life of a School bag”

SB p. 74

Writing a thank you note to someone who bought your schoolbag

SB p.74

WB Ex.4, p.50

/ æ /   /e/

/ʊ/     /i:/

“My School bag”

SB p.71

- backpack;



I put my books to use in the lesson.

SB Ex.6,7 p. 73

Draw the picture of the right school bag

Lessons 5154

Learn to talk about your school uniform

Описувати та розповідати про свою шкільну форму

- I wear a school uniform and…

-Besides, it is…

-Generally, we…

“School Spirit”

SB p.78

SB Ex.1 p.76

Ex. 3,4, p.77

Ex.8, p.79

Ex.11,12,  p. 80

“Why Wear a Uniform?”

SB p. 80

Writing a description of an ideal school uniform

SB Ex.13, p.81

WB Ex.8, p.53

/a/    /h/

“Where can I buy a school uniform?”

SB p. 77

- school blazer;

- tie;

-school logo.

School children should wear a uniform.

The safer, the better.

SB Ex. 6,7 p. 78-79

WB Ex.5, p.51-52

Draw your school logo

Lessons 5557

Learn to talk about your classroom equipment

Розповідати про обладнання свого класу

- In my classroom there are…

- …is the newest device

-It’s fun…

“Let’s get connected”

SB Ex. 5, p. 83-84

SB Ex.1, p.82

Ex. 3,4, p.83

Ex.8, p.85

Ex.11,12,  p. 86

“Mexican Classrooms Go High-tech ”

SB p. 85-86

Writing an e-mail to a foreign friend asking for more information about their classroom equipment

SB Ex.13, p.86-87

WB Ex.

/eɪ/   /ǝʊ/

“Going High-Tech”

SB p. 82-83

- equipment;


-DVD player;

-to go high-tech.

I don’t mind watching videos.

Neither do I.

SB Ex.6,7, p. 84

WB Ex.10, p.54


Draw a picture of a modern classroom

Lessons 5860

Learn to talk about your school playground

Описувати улюблену гру на шкільному майданчику

- I like playing…

-During…we go…

-First of all…

“Break Time”

SB p.89

SB Ex.1, p.87

Ex. 3,4, p.88

Ex.8, p.90

Ex.11,12,  p. 92

“School Playground Culture”

SB p. 90-91

Writing about your school playground

SB Ex.13, p. 92-93

WB Ex.16, p.58

/u:/   /k/

“School Games”

SB p. 88

- to skip;

-to hop scotch;

-break time.

- It can’t be the end of break. Can it?Yes, it can.

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 89-90

Draw a picture of your school playground

Lessons 6162


Unit 5


Lessons 6365

Learn to talk about celebrations

Розповідати про улюблене святкування

- Personally I…

-My special holiday…

-I enjoy…

“Oksana’s Family Holiday”

SB p. 94-95

SB Ex. 1, p.93

Ex.3,4, p.94

Ex.8, p.96

Ex.11,12,  p. 98

“Myo’s Special Celebration”

SB Ex.9, p.96-97

Writing about your birthday

SB Ex.13

 p. 98

WB Ex.4, p.61

/eɪ/   /aɪ/

Celebrating Holidays SB p. 93

- to celebrate;

-to decorate;

-assembly hall.

Where are you going with such a big bag?

Your pie is so tasty.

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 95

WB Ex.2, p. 60

Draw a picture of your favourite holiday

Lessons 6668

Learn to talk about autumn celebrations in different countries

Розповідати про улюблене свято осені

- My favourite autumn holiday is…

-We celebrate it on…

- On this day…

- Traditionally…

“Celebrating Thanksgiving”

SB p. 100-101


Ex. 1, p.99

Ex.3,4, p.100

Ex.8, p.102


“To Each His Own”

SB Ex.9, p.103

Writing about your favourite autumn holiday in Ukraine

SB Ex.13,    p. 105

WB Ex.8, p.64

/ɑ:/   /v/

Autumn Holidays

SB Ex.2,   p. 99

- pumpkin;



-to take pictures.

There is one day a year we give thanks to God.

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 101-102

WB Ex.6, p.63

Make a greeting card for any autumn holiday

Lessons 6971

Learn to talk about New Year and Christmas

Описувати святкування Різдва у своїй родині

- We celebrate Christmas…

-We decorate…

-Children believe…

“Happy New Year”

SB p. 107

SB Ex. 1, p.105

Ex.3,4, p.106-107

Ex.8, p.109

Ex.11,12,  p. 112

“So many Countries so many Customs”

SB Ex.9, p.109-110

Writing questions about Christmas to your international friend

SB Ex.13,

p. 112

WB Ex.12, p.68

/ɪ/   / ŋ /

New Year

SB p.106



- reindeer;




Don’t you celebrate it?

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 108

Draw a Christmas card

Lessons 7274

Learn to talk about winter holidays

Розпитувати та розповідати про улюблені зимові свята

- What holiday…?

-…is my favourite …

- What traditions are on this holiday?

“The Weather Person”

SB Ex. 5, p.114-115

SB Ex. 1, p.113

Ex.3,4, p.113-114

Ex.8, p.115

Ex.1, p. 118

“Favourite Winter Holidays”

SB Ex. 9, p. 116-117

Writing a letter to Eric and Mira answering their questions

SB Ex.13,

 p. 118

WB Ex.16, p.70-71

/w/    / ð /

Winter’s Fun

SB p.113

- grounhog;


-a whipping rod.

It’s windy and frosty.

I am eager to know about it.

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 115

Draw a picture of your favourite winter holiday

Lessons 7576


Unit 6


Lessons 7779

Learn to talk about the secrets of the sky

Розповідати про секрети неба

- I’m interested in…

- I often ...in the daytime;

- I can see …in the sky

“An Open Secret”


Ex. 5,        p. 120-121

SB Ex, 1, p. 119

Ex. 3,4, p. 120

Ex. 8, p. 122

Ex. 11,12 p. 123

“Why the Sky is so High?”

SB Ex. 9, p. 123

Writing about your sky watching for your school magazine


Ex. 13, p.124

WB Ex.4, p.74

/u:/    /aɪ/

A September Walk

SB Ex. 2, p.119

Stars p. 120

- rainbow;



They were hiding away.

That is the way they get ready for winter.

SB Ex. 6-7, p. 121-122

WB Ex.2, p.72

Draw a picture of a night sky

Lessons 8082

Learn to talk about the secrets of water

Описувати секрети води

- There’s nothing like…for me;

- One day…

- The reason is…

“Experimenting with Water”

SB Ex.5 p. 126-127

SB Ex, 1,   p. 125

Ex. 3,4,      p. 126

Ex. 8,         p. 128

Ex. 11,12, p. 129

“Where Water Comes from”

SB Ex.9, p.128-129

Writing a letter to your schoolmates about water economy


Ex. 13,

p. 129

WB Ex.7-8, p.75-76

/t/   /d/

at the seaside

SB Ex. 2,   p. 125

- to experiment;

-to freeze;

-well water;

-tap water.

- It froze, didn’t it? – Yes, it did.

SB Ex. 6-7, p. 127

Draw a picture where water comes from

Lessons 8385

Learn to talk about the secrets of plant life

Розповідати про секрети рослин

- Personally I like…

- There is…in my garden

- I can…

“Our Class Window Garden”

SB Ex.5, p.132


SB Ex, 1,  p. 130

Ex. 3,4,     p. 131-132

Ex. 8,        p. 133

Ex. 11,12, p. 135

“The Little Rose Plant”

SB Ex.9, p. 134

Writing a notice inviting classmates to set up window gardens in the classroom


 Ex. 13, p. 35

WB Ex.12, p.79

/aʊə/  / æ /  /i:/

SB Ex. 2,   p. 131

- soil;

- seed;


-window garden.

- I’ve done it many times.

- Good for you.

SB Ex. 6,7, p.133

Draw a picture of your favourite plant

Lessons 8688

Learn to talk about the secrets of animal life

Розповідати про домашнього улюбленця

- I have always longed for…

- One day…brought me…

- I called…

- We often…

“Nature Through a Magnifying Glass”

SB Ex. 5,   p. 135-136

SB Ex, 1 p. 136

Ex. 3,4 p. 137

Ex. 8,        p. 139

Ex. 11,12, p. 141

“A Perfect Pet for Harry”

SB Ex. 9, p. 139-140

Writing questions about animal life to the National Geographic Kids Website

SB Ex.13,  p. 141

WB Ex.16, p.82

/e/   /p/

My parents sent me to the store

SB Ex. 2,  p. 136

- to explore;



-nature corner.

The spikes look like the teeth of a comb

SB Ex. 6,7,  p.138-139

Draw a picture for the “Jungle Book” by R. Kipling

Lessons 8990


Unit 7


Lessons 9193

Learn to talk about travelling in different seasons

Описувати подорожі в улюблену пору року

- I like travelling in…

- My family and I…

- We enjoy…

“Summer Travel”

SB Ex. 5 p. 143-144

SB Ex.1,   p. 142

Ex. 3,4, p.143

Ex. 8, p. 145

Ex. 11,12, p. 147

“Every Season is Good for Travelling”

SB Ex.9, p. 146-147

Writing about your favourite season for travelling

SB Ex.13,  p. 148

WB Ex.4, p.85-86

/r/    /e/


SB Ex. 2, p. 143

- to sunbathe;

-to sledge;

-places of interest;


We were travelling all summer long.

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 144-145

WB Ex.2,


Draw a picture about travelling in your favourite season

Lessons 9496

Learn to talk about travelling in Ukraine

Розповідати про свої подорожі Україною

- We decided to travel…

-It is so exciting…

-I had a special time in…

“Travel Plans”

SB Ex. 5,  p. 151

SB Ex.1,   p. 149

Ex. 3,4, p.150

Ex. 8,        p. 152-153

Ex. 11,12, p. 155

“Travelling Diary” SB Ex.9, p. 154

Writing a page in a diary about travelling in Ukraine

SB Ex.13,  p. 155

WB Ex.8, p.88-89

/eɪ/   /ʊ/

“I like to Travel”

SB Ex. 2, p. 150

- picturesque;


-a sightseeing tour.

I am going to ride a bike. We are going to visit Poland.

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 152

WB Ex.6, p.87

Draw the most memorable place you’ve visited in Ukraine

Lessons 9799

Learn to talk about travelling round the world

Розповідати про свою подорож або подорож друга за кордон

- I (he/she) was on holiday…

-It was…

-…is a fantastic place

-Most of all…

“Going Abroad”

SB Ex. 5,  p. 158

SB Ex.1,   p. 156

Ex. 3,4, p.157

Ex. 8,        p. 159

Ex. 11,12, p. 161-162

“Around the World”

SB Ex.9, p. 160-161

Writing about your dream travel abroad

SB Ex. 13, p.162

WB Ex.12, p.91

/ ə:/   /ͻ:/

SB Ex. 2, p. 157

- abroad;




I have a few photos.

There are fewer people.

They are safer and more comfortable.

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 159

Draw a postcard of any place abroad you/your friend visited

Lessons 100102

Learn to talk about your most unforgettable travelling experience

Описувати найцікавішу подорож

- Once…

-It was a really…

-…is famous for…

-Here I…

“In the Carpathian Mountains” SB Ex. 5 p. 164-165

SB Ex.1,   p. 163

Ex. 3,4, p.163-164

Ex. 8,        p. 166

Ex. 11,12, p. 167

“Unforgettable Impressions”

SB Ex.9, p. 166-167

Writing a short article about the most memorable holiday SB Ex. 13 p. 168

WB Ex.16, p.94-95

/ ŋ /     /ɪ/

“Travelling is Exciting”

SB Ex. 2, p. 163

- attraction;


-to try sth new.

While I was climbing I lost my shoe.

SB Ex. 6,7, p. 165-166

Make a page for your class book “We are travelling”

Lessons 103105





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