Календарне планування за підручником Welcome 1

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Календарне планування за підручником Welcome 1 для вчителів Англійської мови, які викладають у початковій школі. 3 години на тиждень.
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Календарно-тематичне планування за підручником Welcome 1




Мовна компетенція

Мовленнєва компетенція









Unit 1. Hello!



Hello! Good morning, good bye, good night

Good morning, hello, goodbye, good afternoon, good evening, good night



oo – [u:]

Morning at school


Saying hello and goodbye

Reading words




Good morning, Eddy!


What’s your name?


a - [æ]



Good morning





What’s your name?


What’s your name? My name is…

is – ’s

am – ’m

a - [ei]


What’s your name? My name is…


Writing sentences of greetings



Speaking: What’s your name? How are you?


What’s your name? My name is…

is – ’s

am – ’m

a -  [æ], [ei]


What’s your name? How are you?

I’m fine, thanks

Reading words




Hello! Friend, school, teacher, parrot

Friend, school, teacher, parrot, who’s that



i – [i]

This is Oscar


Introducing friends





Hello everyone! This is Oscar.


Who’s that



i – [ai]



This is Oscar


Writing names



Who is / Who’s, That is / That’s


Who is / Who’s, That is / That’s

is – ’s


i – [i], [ai]


Who’s that?

That’s my friend





Speaking: Hello, what’s your name?


What’s your name? How do you spell it?

is – ’s

am – ’m

Spelling names


Dialogue speaking

Reading words




Hello everyone! This is my friend.


This is my…


[æ], [ei]

[i], [ai]

Two little parrots - song

Playing a game: hand’s up!



Writing about a friend























Unit 2. Family and friends!



Family and friends. Mother, father, sister, brother

Genie, lamp, grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother



e – [e]

Wendy’s family


My family

Reading words




Is this your family?


This is, That is


e – [i]


My family

Wendy’s family





Possessive adjectives.



Possessive adjectives

e – [e], [i]


This is my lamp





Speaking: Who’s that?


Who’s that?

That is / that’s

Possessive adjectives

o – [ɔ]


Describing photos

Reading words

Writing about people



Family and friends. Numbers 1-10, TV, radio, bike.

Numbers 1-10, phone book, TV, computer, radio, bike


Spelling numbers

o – [əʋ]

Masid is our secret friend

Saying phone numbers





Masid is our secret friend!



Spelling numbers

o – [ɔ], [əʋ]


Saying phone numbers

Masid is our secret friend

Filling a form



Possessive case.


This is, it is

Posessive case



Describing things

Reading words




What’s your phone number?






Saying phone numbers


Describing things



Meet my family!



Possessive case

[s], [z]

Listen and sing a song: The numbers

My family

I’m Masid the genie

Write about your family























Unit 3. A doll’s house!



A doll’s house. Bathroom, kitchen, bedroom

Doll’s house, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, garden, living room

in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the bath

Who, where


A doll’s house

Who’s in the bedroom?

Reading words




Where’s Cindy? She’s in her bedroom.

bath, doll, chair, bed, swing, bookcase

Who’s – who is

 is – i’s



Where’s Cindy?

A doll’s house




The verb “to be” (3rd person sing.)

Colours: black, white, green, blue, pink, yellow, red, brown

He is – he’s

She is – she’s

It is – it’s

The verb ‘to be’ (3rd person singular)



There’s a pink bed in the bedroom

Reading words




Speaking: Where’s Cindy?


What colour is…?

It’s …. .



Listen and colour the picture

Where’s Cindy?

What colour is…?


Describing a room



A doll’s house. Sofa, cupboard, armchair, frog

Sofa, cupboard, armchair, frog, rabbit, tree, cap, vase


Vowels and consonants

Vowels and consonants

Look at my doll’s house!

Describing pictures

Reading words




Look at my doll’s house!

In, on, under


Prepositions of place

Vowels and consonants


Describing pictures

Look at my doll’s house!




Articles a/an.


There is … in …


Vowels and consonants


Playing a game

Reading words




What’s in the living room?


What’s in the…?




Descriibing pictures


Describing a picture



This is my bedroom



Prepositions, articles, the verb ‘to be’

Wh - [w], [h]

Listen and sing a song: The Teddy Bear Song!

Describing a room

Tom’s bedroom

Describing a bedroom














Revision units 1-3




















Unit 4. Happy birthday!



Happy Birthday! CD, watch, present, cake

CD, watch, present, bat, cake, guitar, basketball, camera, blow out

Years old



Happy birthday, Eddy!

How old are you?

Reading words




Happy birthday, Eddy!

Numbers 11-20

How old are you? I’m …




Dialogue speaking

Happy birthday, Eddy!




There is / There are


There is / There are

There is / There are



Describing pictures





Speaking: Happy birthday! Here’s your present


How old, years old




Playing a game

Who are you?

Reading words

Describing a person/picture



Happy Birthday! Robot, car, twins, bus

Robot, car, twins, bus, aeroplane, clock, helicopter

Thank you!

You’re welcome!



Eddy, here’s your present!

Giving presents

Reading words




Eddy, here’s your present!


Thank you!

You’re welcome!




Playing a game

Eddy, here’s your present!




The verb “to be”


To be





Describing ourselves

Reading words




Speaking. What is it? Open it and see.


What is it?

Thank you!

You’re welcome!



Listen and choose the correct variant

Giving presents


Writing a greeting message



A birthday card



Happy birthday!

Best wiches



Listen and sing a song: Happy birthday!

Playing a game

“Who am I?”

Reading words

Writing a birthday card























Unit 5. She’s a clown!



She’s a clown! Professions

Clown, chef, policeman, ballerina, doctor

Who’s = who is


[s] [z]

School play

Playing a game

“who am I?”

Reading words




She’s a clown! Clothes

Clothes, trousers, shoes, coat, skirt, jacket, gloves, boots

Who’s = who is




Whose hat is this?

School play






This is, That is

These are, Those are

Whose, Who’s

[s] [z]


This is my skirt and these are my shoes

Reading words




Speaking. Whose jacket is this?


Whose, who’s, it’s, they’re

Possessive case



Whose jacket is this? It’s Wendy’s


Describing clothes



She’s a clown! Dress, shirt, long, small

Long, short, big, small, dress, shirt, shorts, glasses, mirror, bin, shelf, door, behind


Adverb ‘too’


Oh, no! Where are my trousers?

Describing clothes: These glasses are too big

Reading words




Oh, no! Where are my trousers?


This is, That is

These are, Those are

Adverb ‘too’



Describing people and clothes

Oh, no! Where are my trousers?

Describing people and clothes



Possessive pronouns



Possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives



Describing things, whose are they

Reading words




Whose jacket is this?


Whose is, Whose are,

It’s mine, It’s not mine




Dialogue speaking


Writing a note



This is Wendy’s father…


Where is/are

The verb ‘to be’, prepositions

[s], [ʃ], [ʧ]

Who’s Jack Smith?

Listen and sing a song ‘My father’s a policeman’

Playing a game

“Where are the clothes?”

Reading about Pat Clark and Rita Evans

Writing about Wendy’s father or Oscar’s mother























Unit 6. I can’t draw!



I can’t draw. Jump, draw, sing, hear, see.

Jump, draw, sing, hear, see, fly, read, dance, run, cook


Can / can’t

y – [i]

Look, Wendy! I can jump!

Can you swim?

Reading words




Look, Wendy! I can jump!



Can / can’t

y – [ai]


What I can do

Look, Wendy! I can jump!




Modal verb “Can”



Can / can’t

y – [i], [ai]


Can it fly?





Can you dance?



Can / can’t

y – [i], [ai]

Who can dance?

Can Oscar dance?

Reading words

I can , I can’t



I can’t draw. Drive a car, ride a bike, play soccer.

Drive a car, ride a bike, play soccer, play tennis, play the piano, play the drum, swim, fish, carpet, park, zoo, beach, cinema

Let’s – let us


y - [j]

We’re on the Eiffel Tower!

What can you do?

Reading words




Look, we are on the Eiffel Tower!


Let’s – let us

Can / can’t

y - [j]


Let’s go to the park!

We’re on the Eiffel Tower!




Can / can’t


But, and, too

Can / can’t

y - [j]


What I can and what I can’t do

Reading words




Can you sing?


But, and, too

Can / can’t

y – [i], [ai], [j]

What can we do in the park?

Can you sing?


In the park we can…



What can you do?


But, and, too

Can / can’t

y – [i], [ai], [j]

Listen and sing a song: “I can play the piano”

Let’s play:

Can you drive?

Reading about Tom

What can I do?














Revision units 4-6




















Unit 7. You’ve got a happy face!



You’ve got a happy face! Hair, eyes, happy, sad

Blonde hair, grey eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, happy face, sad face, planet, monster

Have got, has got


th [Ѳ], [ð]

Welcome to planet Ziccom!

Make a happy face

Reading words




Welcome to planet Ziccom!


Have got, has got


ee – [i:]


Describing ourselves

Welcome to planet Ziccom!




Have got / Has got


Have got, has got, have not got, has not got



Listen and sing “Face song”

Describing people

Reading words




What’s Lin like?


Have got, has got, have not got, has not got



Which one is Zog?

What’s Eddy like?

Reading words

Describing people



You’ve got a happy face! Ugly, beautiful, body, head, arms.

Ugly, beautiful, body, head, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes

Have got, has got


oo – [u:]

ee – [i:]

Look! An ugly monster!

My body

Reading words




Look! An ugly monster!


Have got, has got


oo – [u:]

ee – [i:]


He’s got hair on his arms!

Look! An ugly monster!




Irregular plurals

Man, woman, child, fish, mouse, sheep, foot, tooth

Have got, has got

Irregular plurals


Listen and sing a song: “Parts of the body”

Who has got…?

Reading words




How many arms has the monster got?


Have got, has got

Irregular plurals


Listen and colour the monster

How many arms has the monster got?

Reading words

Describing a monster



Look at my picture! It’s a monster!


Have got, has got

Irregular plurals

[s], [z]

Listen and sing a song: “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”

Let’s play: “Who’s your monster?”

Tom’s monster

Write about your monster























Unit 8. Is there any food?



Is there any food? Thirsty, hungry, rice, banana

Thirsty, hungry, rice, banana, burger, milk, pizza, fridge, orange juice, bread, ice cream, sausage, chicken, hot dog

There is / There are

There is / There are


Is there any food in the fridge?

What food is there in the fridge?





Is there any food in the fridge?


There is / There are

There is / There are



There are apples in my fridge

Is there any food in the fridge?




Some / Any


There is / There are, some, any

Types of the sentences



Are there any eggs?

I’m thirsty. Is there any orange juice?




I’m thirsty! Let’s get some milk!


There is / There are, some, any

Types of the sentences


Listen and sing a song: “I love food”

I’m thirsty! Let’s get some milk!


What’s in my fridge?



Is there any food? Water, fish, carrot, tomato

Water, fish, French fries, carrot, lemonade, tomato, beans, potato, salad

There is / There are, some, any

Types of the sentences

Vowels and consonants

I like French fries!

We’re in a café!

Reading words




I like French fries!



Articles a/an

Vowels and consonants


Have they got any French fries?

I like French fries!




Countable and uncountable nouns. a/an, some.


a, an, some

Articles a/an,

Countable and uncountable nouns

Vowels and consonants


My breakfast

Reading words




What can I get you?


What can I get you?

Articles a/an,

Countable and uncountable nouns

Vowels and consonants

Eddy’s food

In a café


My dinner



Writing a memo for mum.


There is / are,

a, an, some, any

Articles a/an,

Countable and uncountable nouns

Ch – [k], [ʧ]

Listen and sing a song: “My favourite things!”

What’s in the picture?

Reading a memo

Writing a memo for mum























Unit 9. Everyone’s having fun!



Everyone is having fun! Drink chocolate, weather

Drink chocolate, eat chocolate, watch TV, make a snowman, school trip, listen to music


Ending -ing


Are you having fun in Snowdonia?

Do you like drink chocolate?





Are you having fun in Snowdonia?

Weather, raining, snowing, windy, cold, hot, sunny

What’s the weather like?

Present Continuous


Listen and sing a song: Weather

What’s the weather like?

Are you having fun in Snowdonia?




Present continuous tense.


am/is/are Ving

am/is/are not Ving

Am/Is/Are ... Ving?

Present Continuous



What are you doing?

Reading sentences

Composing sentences



What are you doing?


am/is/are Ving

am/is/are not Ving

Am/Is/Are ... Ving?

Present Continuous


Listen to sounds and say what are they doing

Dialogue speaking


Describing what people are doing



Everyone is having fun! Lake, boat, sleep

Lake, boat, sail, wash the dishes, sleep, come, go

am/is/are Ving

am/is/are not Ving

Am/Is/Are ... Ving?

Present Continuous


Oscar, Eddy, where are you going?

What’s the weather like?





Oscar, Eddy, where are you going?


am/is/are Ving

am/is/are not Ving

Am/Is/Are ... Ving?

Present Continuous



It’s sunny! We’re going to the lake!

Oscar, Eddy, where are you going?




Present continuous tense.


am/is/are Ving

am/is/are not Ving

Am/Is/Are ... Ving?

Present Continuous



What are you doing?

Reading sentences

Describing what people are doing



Where are Oscar and Eddy? What are they doing?


am/is/are Ving

am/is/are not Ving

Am/Is/Are ... Ving?

Present Continuous



Dialogue speaking: describing pictures

Reading sentences




A postcard to mum.


am/is/are Ving

am/is/are not Ving

Am/Is/Are ... Ving?

Present Continuous

g – [ɡ], [ʤ]

Listen and sing a song: “We’re having fun!”

What am I doing?

Reading postcards

Writing a postcard to Mum























Unit 10. We play basketball every Saturday!



Days of the week

Wake up, get up, tidy, visit, week, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

What day is it?

Ending –s to verbs

[s], [z]

It’s time to get up!

What day is it?

Reading words




It’s time to get up!

Days of the week

It’s time to…

Present Simple



What do you do every day?

It’s time to get up!




Present Simple.




Present Simple


oo – [u:]


What do we do every day?

Reading sentences

Composing sentences



What does Oscar do on Mondays?




Present Simple



What does Oscar do on Mondays?

What do you do on Mondays?

Reading sentences

My week



We play basketball every Saturday! Pool, shower; time

Pool, shower, gym, theatre, work, coffee, spaghetti, breakfast, lunch, dinner

What time is it?

It’s one o’clock

Present Simple


Negative, Interrogative sentences


It’s one o’clock, it’s time for lunch

What time is it?

Reading words




It’s one o’clock, it’s time for lunch.


What time is it?

It’s one o’clock

Present Simple

Short answers

oo – [u:]


Do you play soccer?

It’s one o’clock, it’s time for lunch




Present Simple. On, at, in.


On Sunday, At noon, In the morning etc.

Prepositions of time: in, at, on



When do you have lunch?

Reading sentences

Composing sentences



What time do you get up?


On Sunday, At noon, In the morning etc.

Prepositions of time: in, at, on


What does Jack do at 6 o’clock?

What time do you…

Reading sentences

My schedule



Masid’s day.


On Sunday, At noon, In the morning etc.

Present Simple Prepositions of time: in, at, on

oo – [u:]

Listen and sing a song: “This is a time I go to school”

What does Masid do on Mondays?

Helen Sanders is my favourite singer

Write about Masid’s day














Revision units 7-10.




















Unit 11. I like spring!



I like spring! Seasons, months

Seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn, plant, hole, seed, grow, cover, water, flower

Can I help?

Imperative mood

ee – [i:]

It’s spring! I’m planting some flowers!

What’s the weather like in winter?

Reading words




It’s spring! I’m planting some flowers.

Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Make, Don’t

Imperative mood



What are you doing?

It’s spring! I’m planting some flowers!




Imperatives. Make, Don’t.


Make, Don’t

Imperative mood

ee – [i:]


Classroom rules

Reading sentences

Composing sentences



What’s your favourite season?


Make, Don’t

Imperative mood


When does Wendy plant flowers?

What’s your favourite season?

Reading sentences

Writing instructions



I like spring! Gardening, skiing, horse riding.

Catch, gardening, skiing, horse riding, wet

Like / likes

The verb “to like”

ea – [i:]

It’s spring! I’m gardening!

What do you like doing?

Reading words




It’s spring! I’m gardening!


Like / likes

The verb “to like”

ea – [i:]


I like spring because I like gardening!

It’s spring! I’m gardening!




Like / Don’t like


I like / I don’t like

He likes/He doesn’t like

The verb “to like”



Describing pictures

Reading sentences

Composing sentences



Do you like cooking?


I like / I don’t like

He likes/He doesn’t like

The verb “to like”

e – [e], [i:]


What do you like doing?

Reading sentences

What I like and What I don’t like



A letter to a pen-friend.


I like / I don’t like

He likes/He doesn’t like

The verb “to like”

ee, ea, e – [i:]


Listen and sing a song: “I like coffee”

Do you like playing tennis?

Reading a letter

Writing a letter to a pen-friend























Unit 12. My rabbit and other animals!



My rabbit and other animals. Spider, insects, vegetables, meat.

Clean, clever, spider, insects, snake, vegetables, lizard, horse, tail, cheese, meat

What colour is…?


ph – [f]

My rabbit’s name is Pinky!

What colour is…?

Reading words




My rabbit’s name is Pinky!


What do … eat?




What do … eat?

My rabbit’s name is Pinky!




Small, long, short.

Small, long, short

Has got

Has got

ph – [f]


My rabbit’s got a short tail

Reading sentences

Describing an animal



Have you got a pet?



Modal verb ‘can’



Have you got a pet? Dialogue

Reading sentences

What can animals do?



My rabbit and other animals. Tall giraffe, fast lion, fat hippo

Tall, fast, fat, giraffe, lion, hippo, monkey, elephant, tiger, baby, climb

To come from

The verb ‘to be’


Where do wild animals come from?

Elephants are very … animals!

Reading words




Where do wild animals come from?


To come from

The verb ‘to be’

f – [f]


Elephants are very … animals!

Where do wild animals come from?




Short answers.


Are they – they are / they aren’t

Short answers



Has an elephant got big ears?

I live in Africa




Do monkeys live in Africa?


Are they – they are / they aren’t

Short answers


Listen and tick the animals you hear

What’s your animal?

Reading sentences

Writing about a wild animals



My favourite animal is…


Have got, can, eat

Have got, can, eat

ph,f – [f]

Listen and sing a song: “At the Zoo”

What animal is it?

Reading about animals

Writing about a pet / a favourite animal























Unit 13. The picnic!



The picnic! Fruit, sandwich, biscuits.

Picnic, fruit, omelette, sugar, butter, sandwich, biscuits, onion, salt, cheese, flour

What’s the weather like?



We’re going on a picnic!

What food can we take for a picnic?

Reading words




We are going on a picnic!


How many

How much

Countable and uncountable nouns



How many sandwiches have you got?

We’re going on a picnic!




How many / How much


How many

How much

Countable and uncountable nouns



How much meat have you got?

Reading sentences

Composing sentences



Can I have some apples, please?


How many

How much

Countable and uncountable nouns


Listen and tick how to make a cheese omelette

At the shop

Reading sentences

Writing a receipt



The picnic! Sword, pirate, ship, basket

Sword, plate, pirate, ship, violin, London, basket, window

Who’s, What’s



You’re on my ship!

Whose basket is this?

Reading words




You’re on my ship!


Who’s, What’s




What’s in the basket?

You’re on my ship!




Question words

Who, what, where, whose, how, when

Question words + the verb ‘to be’

Question words



Who are you?

Reading sentences

Composing sentences



Where do you live?


Question words + the verb ‘to be’

Question words



Describing the room

Reading sentences

Writing the questions for a questionnaire



This is my favourite sandwich!


How many, how much, some

How many, how much, some

ee – [i]

Listen and sing a song “Let’s have a picnic!”

How many apples are there?

Make a chicken sandwich!

Write about your favourite sandwich























Unit 14. Magic moments!



Magic moments! Travel, train, motorboat.

Travel, train, wave, ski-lift, motorboat, juggle, China, water-ski, photo album

To take photos


ch – [ʧ]

I like taking photos

Where are they?

What are they doing?

Reading words




I like taking photos.


This is me

on holiday

in China!


ch – [ʧ]


Where are you?

I like taking photos

To draw yourself somewhere and write where are you



Object pronouns


Do you know her?

Object pronouns



Do you know her?

Reading sentences

Describing pictures



Who’s in the photo?


Who’s in the photo?

Object pronouns


What are they doing?

Describing pictures

Reading sentences




Magic moments! Race, match, hockey

Race, match, hockey, table tennis, volleyball, win, gold medal

What time is…?

Prepositions of time


I love sports day!

Describing pictures

Reading words




I love sports day!


What time is…?

Prepositions of time



What time is your volleyball match?

I love sports day!




Present Simple, Present Continuous  




Present Simple, Present Continuous



What do you do on Mondays?

Reading sentences

Describing activities in Pr.S. and Pr.C.



Do you play soccer?




Present Simple, Present Continuous

Vowels and consonants

Listen and colour

Do you play basketball?

Reading sentences

Writing about personal activities



My holiday.




Present Simple, Present Continuous

h – [h]

Listen and sing a song: “Happy Holiday!”

Find the differences

This is me on holiday in France!

Write about your holiday photos














Revision units 11-14

































































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