Казка англійською мовою "12 місяців"

Про матеріал

Відповідно до річного плану роботи школи був запланований тиждень англійської мови. В ході тижня була проведена інсценізація казки "12 місяців". Малята залюбки брали участь в інсценізації.

Перегляд файлу



Мета: Закріпити вивчений матеріал з теми « Пори року. Місяці. Погода.»

            Знайомити зі святами та традиціями країни мову якої вивчаємо.

 Розвивати творчі здібності дітей.

 Підтримувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.

Обладнання: тематичні малюнки ,презентації, атрибути до казки , яблука.

     Хід уроку

Ведучий: Hello boys and girls. All people like fairy tales. Do you know a story about 12 months? Today we” ll see them in our classroom. They” ll help us to revise seasons, weather, English holidays and traditions. Come in please! Who are you? (заходять 12 місяців)

In January falls the snow

In February cold winds blow

In March peep out the early flowers

And April comes with sunny showers

In May the roses bloom so gay

In June the farmer mows his way

In July brightly shines the sun

In August harvest is begun

September turns the green leaves brown

October winds then shake them down

November days are bleak and drear

December comes and ends the year.

Ведучий: Wait, wait . You three come here. Who are you?

Січень: We are winter months. My name is January. I begin the year. I am cold and frosty.

Ведучий: What do you bring to us?

Січень: Snow, snow thick white snow.

Wrap up like an Eskimo,

Build yourself a snowman ,

Ski and skate so well you can.

I bring New Year. We bring a lot of fun and presents.

Грудень: I am December . I start winter and finish the year. I am very cold. I bring Merry Christmas.

Winter is the time,

When children skate and ski.

And Grandfather Frost

Brings New  Year Tree.

Ведучий:  And you February?

Лютий: My name is February. I am short. I have 28 days. And we have St. Valentine” s Day on the 14th of February.

Rose is red, violets are blue,

Honey is sweet and so are you.

Ведучий: So you are winter. It” s very cold.( виходить зима)

Зима: Hello. My name is winter. Look and listen about me

It is winter. Winter months are December, January, February. Winter begins in December . Days arelshort, nights are long. The weather is cold in winter .All is covered with snow. Drifts are deep. Rivers and lakes are covered with ice. Animals and plants sleep. Winter is a good time for sports. We celebrate Christmas in winter . Winter ends March.

English people have many holidays. I want to tell you about some of them.

Ведучий: Thank you . The next three please. Who are you?

Березень: Spring is here. My name is March.

Pass the happy news along,

Listen to the birds” sweet song-

Spring is coming, winter” s gone!

Pass the happy news along.

Ведучий: What do you bring to us?

Березень: I bring the first spring flowers. I bring them to my mum.

Квітень: Hello! I’m April. I bring April Easter with coloured eggs and chocolate rabbits.

Easter Rabbit –hop, hop ,hop.

Little ears – flop, flop, flop.

Easter Rabbit Bunny is very, very funny.

He hops, and skips, and brings

Children heaps of Easter eggs.

Spring is good time, warm and sunny.

Травень: I am merry month of May.

I bring green trees, flowers and merry songs of birds.

In the merry month of May

All the little birds are gay.

All they hop and sing and say:

Winter days are far away,

Welcome, welcome, merry May.

( виходить дівчинка – весна)

Весна: I am spring . Look and listen about me. ( презентація)

I am spring. Spring month are March, April and May. Days get longer, nights get shorter. It is warm in spring. Nature is awaking . The sky is blue, the sun is bright. Snow is melting, streams are flowing. Snowdrops bloom in spring. Birds are returning. Farmers work in the fields. I don’t like early spring.

Ведучий: Come in please. Who’s next?

Серпень: We are summer months.

Ведучий: What are your names?

Червень: I’m June. I am hot.

 Flowers here, flowers there

 Flowers grow every where

Липень : I’m July. I am very hot.

 I like summer

 I like the sun

 I like summer

 With lots and lots of fun

Серпень: And I’m August.

 We like to swim, we like to play

 Come to the river with us today

Ведучий: Please, come in June, July and August.(входить дівчинка літо)

Summer: Hello. I am summer. Look and listen about me.(презентація)  It’s summer. Summer months are June, July and August. Days are long, nights are short. The weather is warm or hot. The sun shines brightly in a blue sky. The trees are green, flowers bloom. Sometimes it rains. Summer is a time of haymaking. There are a lot of insects in summer. Children have got holidays in summer. They have a good time at the camp, in the village or at the sea. Summer is a nice season.

Ведучий: Thank you. You are great. Our guests, you may sit down. Who’s next? You are autumn, I think.

Листопад: Yes. We come after summer.

Вересень: Hello, my name is September. I start autumn.

Yellow, red and green and brown

See the little leaves come down

Dancing, dancing in the breeze

Falling, falling from the trees.

Ведучий: Ok. And you, October:

Жовтень: I bring rain.

Rain, rain, go away

Come again another day.

Листопад: I am November. I bring cold wind and snow.

What a rainy season

The sky is dark and grey

No sunshine anymore

No playing outdoors.

Ведучий: Thank you. And you are autumn? (заходить дівчинка осінь)

Autumn: Hello. I am autumn. Listen about me. (презентація)

 It’s autumn. Autumn months are September, October, November. Days get shorter, nights get longer. The weather is dull, nasty, rainy and windy. The sky is grey and cloudy. The sun is not bright. It often rains in autumn. Nature prepares for winter sleep. Birds fly away to the South. Animals prepare food for winter. Trees are brown, red and yellow. Insects look for hiding places. Autumn is a harvest time. Autumn gives us tasty fruit and vegetables.

Ведучий: Thanks. I see that you know this holiday very well. Good for you. And now you’ll have a little surprise from our pupils- . Enjoy the show.

Ведучий:Thank you for coming to us today. You were very active at our party  and  Autumn gives you presents. Goodbye, pupils.

 Всі учасники свята “Seasons” співають  пісню “Autumn”.






20 червня 2018
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