Конспект уроку для 4-го класу на тему "Working day"

Про матеріал

Урок з використанням інтерактивних методів навчання ( асоціативний кущ, мозговий штурм, робота в парах і малих групах, граматичний ланцюжок). Учні працюють за підручниками Family and friends 2, видавництво Oxford. На уроках активно використовуються додаткові матеріали з інших джерел.

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Чернігівська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 35

Чернігівської міської ради Чернігівської області





Working day

урок у 4-му класі



англійської мови

                                                       Бабич А.В.






Чернігів 2017-2018 н.р.


Функції предмета:

1.Освітня: Активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, удосконалювати вміння й навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, формувати в учнів комунікативні компетенції, розвивати і удосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції.

2.Розвивальна: Розвивати навички читання, сприйняття на слух, говоріння; логічне мислення та творчі здібності учнів, граматичні навички; мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні

3. Виховна: Зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого матеріалу, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; виховувати звичку до систематичної розумової праці, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи; виховувати прагнення до активного та здорового способу життя засобами англійської мови.

Очікувані результати: Учні повинні показати знання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу по темі «Робочий день» при різних видах роботи, уміння працювати в парах та групах.

Обладнання уроку: НМК Family and friends 2, відео та аудіо матеріали до НМК Family and friends 2,Class Audio,  Track 20(85), до журналу «Piznaiko» №1 січень 2007, DVD курс ,, Magic English” (№08 tick tock time - magic english – disney на каналі You Tube), роздатковий матеріал для складання «Mind Map» та тексту методом «Пазл», папір та клей для групових проектів, картки зі словами для складання речень методом « Order the words »

Тип уроку: . Урок практичного застосування знань, навичок і умінь з використання інтерактивних методів навчання.

Хід уроку:

І. Вступ.


T: Good afternoon, children.

Ps: Good afternoon, Alla Vasylivna.

T: Nice to meet you! Sit down, please.

2. Warming up:

T: Look at the screen (board) and say: what is this video (picture) about and when does the girl(boy) get up. (Можна використати уривок відео, малюнок чи серію малюнків, що зображують ранкову частину робочого дня учня з указаним часом виконання різних дій )

Текст до відео чи малюнків:

Get up early in the morning. Make your bed.

Go quickly to the bathroom. Turn on the tap.

Wash your hands and wash your ears, don’t forget.

Don’t forget your neck, my dear, don’t forget …



Ps: Video is about girl’s (boy’s) working day. She (He) gets up early in the morning.

T: That’s right. It is very good to get up early in the morning.

( Прибрати екран. На дошці написане число і тема уроку)

Now work in pairs, fined the words according to the topic and make a Mind Map

(Діти у парах отримують набори слів та словосполучень, вибирають ті, що відповідають темі)


                                                                                 watch TV                 have a music lesson

                                                                               get up                              have breakfast

                                                                   go to school go home 

                                                                 have   dinner  in the morning

                                                             in the afternoon    in the evening

                                                                       at night do my homework

                                                               help my mum  visit my grandma

                                                                  go swimming  read a book

                                                                 play with friends                          listen to music

                                                                             make a bed                     have lunch


І. Основна частина.

1. Writing:

T: Write down todays date. Make sentences: put the words in the correct order.

  1.early/ get/ We/ up/ in/ morning./ the

  2.wash/ I/ face/ clean/ and/ teeth./ my

  3.goes/ to/ He/ school/ the/ afternoon/ in

  4.has/ the/ in/ Ann/ dinner/ evening.

  5.go/ Children/ to/ at/ bed/ night/ at/ o’clock./ ten

(Checking the answers: pupils also work at the board)

2. Brainstorming:

 T: Now, answer my questions. What do you do in the morning ( afternoon, evening, at night) ?

Ps: I get up in the morning. … (Діти говорять всі можливі речення по даній темі)

3. Relaxing. (Фізкультхвилинка. Учні імітують рух стрілок годинника та маятника відповідними рухами рук)

T: Let’s remember the time. (The song «Tick-tock-time»)

It’s one o’clock. It’s two o’clock.

It’s three o’clock. It’s four o’clock.

It’s five o’clock. It’s six o’clock.

Tick-tock- tick-tock- tick-tock-time


What time is it?

One, two, three, four, five o’clock.

It’s seven o’clock. It’s eight o’clock.

It’s nine o’clock. It’s ten o’clock.

It’s eleven o’clock. It’s twelve o’clock.

Tick-tock- tick-tock- tick-tock-time

What time is it?

One, two, three, four, five o’clock.


4. Reading.

T: Now, get in groups. Order the parts of the text to make a story about somebody’s working day. Pay attention to odd-one-out sentences. ( Групи отримують текст, розрізаний на частини. Серед них є частини від інших розповідей. Дітям потрібно знайти зайві частини, скласти текст і підібрати малюнок відповідного героя)


Картинки по запросу couch potato

Coach Potato

He gets up at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Then he has lunch and watches TV.

He doesn’t study and doesn’t work.

He never helps about the house.

He doesn’t do sports.

He reads only comics.

He sleeps, eats and watches TV or DVD all day long.

He goes to bed very late at night.

Картинки по запросу goofy a sportsman

Goofy The Sportsman

He gets up at six o’clock in the morning.

He makes his bed, washes his face and cleans teeth.

After that he goes to the sports field.

He runs and does morning exercises.

Then he has breakfast, helps about the house and goes to the sports club.

He has lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon and has a rest.

Then he does sport again.

In the evening he goes home and has dinner.

He helps about the house and reads books.

He goes to bed at nine o’clock.


Похожее изображение


She gets up very early, washes her face, cleans teeth and dresses.

Then she cooks breakfast and prepares clothes for her stepmother and stepsisters.

She does all the housework.

She never has full breakfast, lunch or dinner.

She never rests. Her friends, mice and birds, always help her.

She likes to sing and wants to be happy.

She is very tired in the evening.

She goes to bed late at night.

(Pupils present their texts.)

T(after the each text) : Is it a good working day?

Ps: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

T: Why do you think so?

Ps: Coach Potato gets up late. He never helps about the house. He doesn’t do sports. His working day is bad.

  Cinderella gets up very early. She works all day long but she never rests. Her working day is bad.

    Goofy The Sportsman gets up early, does sport and helps about the house. His working day is good.


5. Listening.

T: There are some people with unusual working day.

     They work at night so they sleep in the afternoon.

     Now, open your CBs p.59, ex.1. Look at the pictures and listen to the story.



Choose the correct answer:

  1. a) This is Nick’s dad.

b) This is Ruby’s dad.

c) This is Ann’s dad.

     2.  a) He is a doctor.

          b) He is a policeman.

          c) He is a pilot.

T: Listen once more and write the time and the part of the day (morning, afternoon, evening or night)

For example : Seven o’clock in the morning.

You have five points.


Adding task: Pupils present their «Working Days»


І. Заключна частина.


T: All pupils worked great  today.

And I want to know when do you go to bed.

Let’s play a game: I’ll start.

 I go to bed at eleven o’clock at night.

 P1: Alla Vasylivna goes to bed at eleven o’clock at night. I go to bed at nine 

 o’clock at night.

 P2: P1 goes to bed…

2.Ending of the lesson.

T: Thank you very much.

I’ll check your listening and give the marks. 

The lesson is over. Good buy.





















1. Тема асоціативного куща.


























2. Слова для асоціативного куща.

get up


have breakfast

go to school

go home


have dinner

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening

at night


do my homework

help my mum

visit my grandma

go swimming

read a book

play with friends

listen to music

watch TV


have a music lesson

write an email






























don’t like










doesn’t like

pencil case


have a rest

clean teeth

brush hair


make a bed

have lunch

have lessons

wash a face/hands

clean teeth

have a rest

3. Речення для завдання: Order the words. (Розрізати на окремі слова і перемішати)

We get up early in the morning. I wash my face and clean teeth.  He goes to school in the afternoon. Ann has dinner in the evening. Children go to bed

at  ten o’clock 

at  night


4. Малюнки для роботи з текстом.(Для 3-х груп)




Картинки по запросу couch potato


Coach Potato     




Картинки по запросу goofy a sportsman

Goofy The Sportsman

Похожее изображение



Картинки по запросу couch potato

Coach Potato



Картинки по запросу goofy a sportsman

Goofy The Sportsman

Похожее изображение



Картинки по запросу couch potato

Coach Potato


Картинки по запросу goofy a sportsman

Goofy The Sportsman


Похожее изображение






5. Речення для складання розповідей (розрізати) .


І група


He gets up at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Then he has lunch and watches TV.

He doesn’t study and doesn’t work.

He never helps about the house.

He doesn’t do sports.

He reads only comics.

He sleeps, eats and watches TV or DVD all day long.

He goes to bed very late at night.

She does all the housework.

She never has full breakfast, lunch or dinner.

After that he goes to the sports field.

He runs and does morning exercises.

She is very tired in the evening.

She goes to bed late at night.




ІІ група

He gets up at six o’clock in the morning.

He makes his bed, washes his face and cleans teeth.

After that he goes to the sports field.

He runs and does morning exercises.

Then he has breakfast, helps about the house and goes to the sports club.

He has lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon and has a rest.

Then he does sport again.

In the evening he goes home and has dinner.

He helps about the house and reads books.

He goes to bed at nine o’clock.

    He gets up at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Then he has lunch and watches TV.

He sleeps, eats and watches TV or DVD all day long.

He goes to bed very late at night.

She gets up very early, washes her face, cleans teeth and dresses.



ІІІ група

She gets up very early, washes her face, cleans teeth and dresses.

Then she cooks breakfast and prepares  clothes for her stepmother and stepsisters.

She does all the housework.

She never has full breakfast, lunch or dinner.

She never rests. Her friends, mice and birds, always help her.

She likes to sing and wants to be happy.

She is very tired in the evening.

She goes to bed late at night.

He doesn’t study and doesn’t work.

He never helps about the house.

He doesn’t do sports.

He reads only comics.

He makes his bed, washes his face and cleans teeth.


6 Завдання для аудіювання.




Ruby: My Dad works at night.

Dad: Hello! I’m Ruby’s dad. I’m a pilot. I fly big planes. I work at night.

1. I get up at ten o’clock at night.

2. I go to work at eleven o’clock at night.

3. I go home at six o’clock in the morning and have breakfast with Ruby.

4. I have lunch with Ruby’s grandma at twelve o’clock.

5. I go to bed at three o’clock in the afternoon.



Перше слухання тексту:


1. a) This is Nick’s dad.

    b) This is Ruby’s dad.

    c) This is Ann’s dad.


2. a) He is a doctor.

    b) He is a policeman.

    c) He is a pilot.


Друге слухання тексту:


Написати, о котрій годині і в яку частину доби відбувались дії.

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________



5. ______________________________________________________________


1. a) This is Nick’s dad.

    b) This is Ruby’s dad.

    c) This is Ann’s dad.


2. a) He is a doctor.

    b) He is a policeman.

    c) He is a pilot.













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