Конспект Уроку для 5 класу

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку для учнів п'ятого класу за темою Україна до підручника Оксани Карпюк з використанням мультимедійних технологій (презентація і завдання до уроку додаються)
Перегляд файлу
  1. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.
  2. The Ukrainian flag has got tree stripes on it.
  3. The other symbol of Ukraine is chestnut tree.
  4. The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.
  5. Ukrainian people are proud of their Motherland.
  6. Kyiv is a very modern city.
  7. The 28th June is the Independence  Day.
  8. Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia ,Romania and Kazakhstan.
  9. In Kyiv you can see many high buildings


1.Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.

2.The Ukrainian flag has got tree stripes on it.

3.The other symbol of Ukraine is chestnut tree.

4.The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.

5.Ukrainian people are proud of their Motherland.

6.Kyiv is a very modern city.

7.The 28th June is the Independence  Day.

8.Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia ,Romania and Kazakhstan.

9.In Kyiv you can see many high buildings


1Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.

2.The Ukrainian flag has got tree stripes on it.

3.The other symbol of Ukraine is chestnut tree.

4.The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.

5.Ukrainian people are proud of their Motherland.

6.Kyiv is a very modern city.

7.The 28th June is the Independence  Day.

8.Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia ,Romania and Kazakhstan.

9.In Kyiv you can see many high buildings


1.Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.

2.The Ukrainian flag has got tree stripes on it.

3.The other symbol of Ukraine is chestnut tree.

4.The Dnipro is the longest river in Ukraine.

5.Ukrainian people are proud of their Motherland.

6.Kyiv is a very modern city.

7.The 28th June is the Independence  Day.

8.Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia ,Romania and Kazakhstan.

9.In Kyiv you can see many high buildings





Лобасова Мария
13 вересня 2021
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