Конспект уроку на тему: "Music in Our Life" (8 клас)

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Конспект уроку на тему: "Music in Our Life" (8 клас) Підготувала: вчитель іноземної мови Безрукова Олена Володимирівна
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Урок з англійської мови


„ Музика у нашому житті „











Підготувала :

учитель англ.мови

Безрукова Олена Володимирівна









Form : 8


Theme : “ Music In Our Life “ ( Projects Presentation)


Objectives : - to summarize the knowledge which had been got       

                       At the previous lessons ;

  • to develop intellectual and creative skills ;
  • to form ability to make presentation ;
  • to activate lexical materials ;
  • to control the ability of speaking and working in groups.


Equipment : pupils` presentations, pictures of famous singers, composers, songs, multi-media board .


Type of the lesson : Project Work. Presentation.




I. Greeting

Good morning , my dear students !

The theme of our lesson is “ Music in our life “. We have studied one of the wonderful themes, which can help  developing our aesthetic apprehension of the world. And it is one of the popular topics among the youth. Today we`ll have an unusual lesson – you`ll present your projects. You have learned lots of information about musical styles, famous composers, musical instruments; you`ve translated the poem about music. And I hope that your projects will be interesting.


“ Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable “

                 Leonard Bernstein, American composer

We cannot live without music. We can listen to it everywhere even in the forest, when we walk and hear birds` singing. Music can be classical and modern. Classical music is performed by symphonic orchestras, it is serious and requires good understanding. Some people, especially teenagers, think that classical music is boring and dull. But they are not right ! Most people prefer modern music. There are different kinds of modern music : pop, rock, disco, rap, techno and others. Young people like pop, disco and rap. Older people prefer jazz, rock and pop. I`m fond of music and like to listen to classical and pop music.

     What music do you prefer ? ( P1, P2, P3…)

II. Warming-up :

Now I propose you to listen to some different styles of music and try to say what they are :

-The Blues : traditional Black American music. “ Blue” means “sad”, and many blues songs are about how hard life is.

- Gospel :originally sung by African slaves.

- Country and Western : the music of poor white Americans in the 1930s and 1940s.

-Rock and Roll : white teenagers in the 1950s discovered rhythm and blues, but many radio stations would not play “black” music.

- Heavy metal : a style based on blues and rhythm and blues, but with the electric instruments amplified so they are very loud.

-Reggae : this started in Jamaica and is a mixture of music from African roots and rhythm and blues.

-Rap : in the 1980s DJs in American clubs began half singing and half talking over instrumental records. This is called ‘rap’.

- Jazz : an American musical art form which originated around the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the southern United States from a confluence of African and European music traditions.

- Classical music.


III. Projects Presentation


T. As it is our last lesson on this topic you have to present the projects you were supposed to prepare for today. We`ve got three teams with different tasks. You must make your presentation and ask others team questions on this topic. Are you all ready ? Let`s start.


Project 1 – “ Modern Styles of Music”

Project 2 – “ Popular Singers”

Project 3 – “ Famous Composers”

Project 4 – “ Musical Instruments”


IV. Summing-up


Thanks a lot.

And now let`s summarize. Put your points for yourself and for your classmates. You can see my points and you can agree or disagree.

      During your working some pupils will read their own translation of the poem “ Music Is Everywhere…”


V. Homework


You have done a great job. And now I`d like everybody to sing our final song – “ Thank You For the Music”.







18 січня 2020
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