Конспект уроку "Родинні звязки"

Про матеріал


§Practical – to get acquainted with new vocabulary items, to form reading skills

§Cultural – to broaden pupil's outlook about the problem of generation gap

§Developmental – to develop pupil's critical thinking skills

§Educational – to bring up the feeling of respect to the family, tolerant attitude to each other

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Theme: Generation Gap


  • Practical – to get acquainted with new vocabulary items, to form reading skills
  • Cultural – to broaden pupil’s outlook about the problem of generation gap
  • Developmental – to develop pupil’s critical thinking skills
  • Educational – to bring up the feeling of respect to the family, tolerant attitude to each other

Equipment: video, proverbs, individual assignments based on the text, text for reading, handouts





1. Greeting

 Teacher: Good morning! I’m glad to see you all in high spirits and ready for effective learning. We continue studying the topic: _________________. At our previous lesson we’ve discussed the______________________. Today we’ll find out some facts about the__________________.


2. Checking hometask


3. Warming up

 Teacher: In order to tune in into studying I suggest watching a short piece of video. Your task is to watch the video attentively and try to guess in what way it is connected with the topic of our lesson. Use the following introductory phrases answering the question:


To my mind         conflicts in the family

 I think         parents and children

 The way I see it                   the topic of our lesson is …… generation gap

 I guess that         family relationships

 I believe that        family problems


4. Presentation of new material

 1) Mind map










 2) Reading

  •      Pre-reading: Write down new words and phrases in your vocabulary (generation gap, difference, generation, experience, behaviour, to influence, to interact, upbringing, to realize, to exist, to obey)

Anticipation: Each of your I suppose has had or has seen the situation when people of the older generation don’t understand the young one. What do you think they should do to understand each other? Comment on the following statement. Try to suggest your own one.


Family faces are a magic mirror.

Looking at people who belong to us, we see past, present and future.

A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another.

The family is one of nature's masterpieces.


Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it (George Orwell)

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it (Haim Ginott)


Prediction: judging by the title of the text, try to predict what this text is going to be about

  • Reading 


Generation Gap

A Generation Gap is a popular term used to describe big differences between people of a younger generation and their elders. This can be defined as occurring when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior.

Most of today’s youth is deeply influenced by the growing reach of western standards and culture. Everything about them today is influenced by the west. Be it Music, Fashion, Behavior, Trends, Clothing – EVERYTHING.

We today live in a smart world. The Internet and technology have also played its role. Today we spend time chatting with friends and relatives seven seas across may seem a good thing, but we are also losing the same amount of time that could have been used for interacting with a person personally. Another difference that plays a role is the difference in upbringing. But today the situation is friendlier. Children treat their parents like friends. This is another thing influenced by the west. Parents may or may not realize this due to the difference in upbringing and it is often treated as rude behavior and that today’s children lack respect. In some cases it is even blamed on the school where the child studies.

Similar problems exist in many families. Young people are not willing to obey blindly what is told to them. They would like to be treated as partners but at the same time they would like to rely on the elders for help and advice.


  • Post-reading


1) Answer the questions:

  • What is a Generation Gap?
  • What most of today’s youth deeply influenced by?
  • What other factors play their role in the problem of generation gap?
  • In what way children treat their parents today?
  • Is the phenomenon of generation gap widespread?
  • In what way children would like be treated by their parents?


2) Fill in the gaps:

 The problem of the _____________ is very topical today. This problem __________ in many __________. The term “________________” is used to describe big __________ between people of a ____________ generation and their elders.

 Many factors influence on the development of this problem. One of them is western _________ and _________. Another factor is the ___________. One more factor which plays its role the difference in ______________.

This list is far from being exhaustive but the following tips will help you to have good relationships with your parents:

  • communicate with each other;
  • trust each other;
  • be tolerant;
  • be attentive;
  • be honest;
  • spend time together;
  • support each other;
  • express your feelings and emotions, etc.


5. Summing up


6. Hometask (to learn by heart new words and to enlarge the list of tips which help to have good relationships with your parents (at least 5)

7. Evaluation






12 серпня 2018
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