Конспект уроку уроку у 5 класі "My Hobby"

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Конспект уроку уроку у 5 класі "My Hobby", складений згідно програми з іноземної мови та підручника Карпюк. Урок включає в себе чотири види мовленнєвої діяльності, гру, фізкультхвилинку, пісеньку.

Перегляд файлу

The  introducing part of the lesson

1. Greeting.

T. - Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you
How are you ? ( Fine, super, OK, so-so, not bad)
I see you look great. Are you ready to start the lesson?

2. Aim

T. Today at the lesson we’ll read a text, sing a song, write an exercises and play game.

3. Warming-up

-T. It’s a rather cold today. When the weather is cold and bad I prefer stay at home. And what about you ? What can you do at home in your free time ? ( play computer games, watch TV, read books, knit, sew, paint, draw)

- You are right. But you are very active person, I think. That’s why when weather is fine you take a ball and play. What ball games can you play ? (basketball, volleyball, football, tennis, ball)

- You are very sporty. What do you like to do ? ( ride a bike, rollerskate)

So, can you guess what we would be taking about in our today’s lesson?

Please, listen to the poem and complete the sentences

Free time, free time, I love my free time. 
(1) ………., movies, magazines, there is so much to do.
There is so much to do, there is so much to do.
I am never, never (2) ………., there is so much to do.

Free time, free time, I love my free time.
(3) ........... , camping, comic books, there is so much to do.
There is so much to do, there is so much to do.
I am never, never bored, there is so much to do.

Free time, (4) …………, we love our free time.
(5) ………… and flying kites, playing soccer, riding (6) ……….
Doing all the things we like, there is so much to do.
We are never, never bored, there is so much to do.

T. Let’s read and check.

4. Checking the homework


ll. The main part of the lesson

1. Vocabulary work

1).  Pupils, I’ll show you the pictures and you’ll name the kind of activity.
(pictures on TV)

2). T. Complete the sentences with the unsuitable words, two words are extra.

Fashion/ swimming/ reading books/ watching films/ listening to music/ volleyball/ surfing the Internet/ board games/ go bowling/ jogging


1. Ann’s really into ________________________ . She goes to the cinems every weekend.
2. I like _____________________________ . My favourite writer is Taras Shevchenko.
3. Ted’s keen on __________________________ . He plays for the school team.
4. Sarah likes _________________________ . Her favourite singer is Adele.
5. John is not  very keen on _________________ . He pay any attention to new trends in clothes.
6. Dave’s really interested in ________________________ . He likes looking at movie websites.
7. I quite like _____________________________ - especially in the sea.
8. Jack doesn’t like playing ___________________ . He prefers outdoor games such as football.

2. Reading

1) Ex. 1 p. 56
T. Read and name the boy’s unusual hobbies.

2) Post-reading activity

Ex. 2 p. 57
T. Say if the sentences are true or false.

3. Relaxation

T. Look and repeat  after  video

4. Writing
1) Pre-writing

T.  Pupils, let’s revise our active vocabulary

to be good at
to be keen on
to be fond of
to be interested in

2) Writing

T. And now let’s find out how clever and active you are. Make up sentences using the words denoting different activities and these structures. Write them into your copy-books.

5. Listening
1) Pre-listening.

T.  Well, tell me please, do you have family hobbies? What are they?

And now we are going to listen to the text about family hobbies. While listening you may pay attention to the hobbies of the members of the family and to the grammar  forms.

2) Listening

The text “Family’s Hobby”

I enjoy reading books. I am lucky we’ve got a big library at home. I like to read about sports and sportsmen. I am reading an interesting  story about hockey now. My father likes to read about football. He has got a lot of books about that game. My sister is fond of animals. She likes to read about them. She has got books with funny stories and fables about animals. I gave her a present yesterday: a very big and interesting book about animals at the zoo. There are a lot of funny stories in it. My mother is interested in history. So she spends her free time with a book on history. So I can say reading is my family’s hobby.

3) Post-listening

T. Say if the sentence true or false.

1. I like to read about history and museums.
2. I am interesting in hockey.
3. My father doesn’t like to read about football.
4. My sister is fond of fashion.
5. I gave my sister a big and interesting book about animals at the zoo.
6. My mother isn’t interested in history.
7. She spends a lot of time with book on history.

lll. The last part of the lesson

  1. Homework.
  1. Underline the correct word and write them.

1. I don’t do/play a musical instrument.
2. Tom likes surfing the computer/ the Internet.
3. Jane does/ plays gymnastics.
4. We go for a film/ a walk on Sunday evening.
5. I’m keen on watching/ doing sport on TV.
6. He is interested in doing/ playing video games.

2) Summing up.

Did you enjoy the lesson? What activities did you like most of all?

OK, pupils. I liked your work at our lesson. I enjoyed  your answers very much, because you did your best to be good at English.

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 листопада 2018
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