Конспект уроку з ангдійської мови для 4 класу на тему: "In the world of animals"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку сприяє формуванню навичок усного мовлення, розвиває емоційну реакцію в ході бесіди та виховує шанобливе ставлення до природи
Перегляд файлу

Тема: In the world of animals.

Мета. Продовжувати відпрацьовувати лексичний матеріал в усному мовленні. Добиватися правильної вимови ЛО та відповідного інтонаційного оформлення висловлювання. Практикувати учнів в аудіюванні. Продовжувати формувати навички усного мовлення. Удосконалювати техніку читання. Розвивати увагу. Виховувати любов до природи та тварин.



  • Сприяти формуванню навичок усного мовлення шляхом створення ситуацій діалогу та підготовки повідомлення;
  • Закріпити знання тематичної лексики і мовних зразків;
  • Розвивати емоційно правильну реакцію в ході бесіди.


  • Розвивати логічне мислення,пам'ять,увагу,сприйняття;
  • Виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови,як до засобу спілкування,як до джерела отримання цікавої інформації та нових знань;
  • Розвивати здатність до мовного здогаду,комунікабельності,здатність здійснювати репродуктивні і продуктивні мовні дії.


  • Формувати потреби і здатності до співпраці та взаємодопомоги,почуття відповідальності при роботі в парах,групах;
  • Виховувати шанобливе ставлення до природи;
  • Виховувати культуру спілкування,мовної взаємодії;
  • Сприяти зниженню рівня тривожності та подоланню замкнутості в спілкуванні


Засоби навчання:

Листи-роздруківки тестових завдань;плакати.тематичні малюнки;роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку

1. Привітання

-Good morning, children!

-I'm very glad to see you!

-How are you?

-Sit down, please, and let's start.

-At first, let's talk about today's weather. Tell us about today's weather.

(один учень розказує про погоду)

-What day is it today?

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

Let's read the rhyme.

(учні читають разом з вчителем)

Let's go to safari park

To see the animals when dark.

The bear's big, the hedgehog's small

The brave lion lies along!

The elephant is strong and grey

The panda sleeps the whole day

Only hungry crocodile

Watches me, and waits and smiles.

-Now listen to the animal sounds.

-What animals did you hear?

-Good. Who can tell me what the theme of our lesson today?

1. Основна частина

 -Let's remember what animals do you know.

-You will get two cards with the name of the animals. In the first card put the missing letter in the gap. In the second, change the letters to get the name of the animal.

(Після перевірки назви тварин вивішуються на дошку)

Card 1.                                                                                                    Card 2.

-Look at the blackboard.

-Let's play with the ball. Answer my questions when you catch it.

Which animals can swim?

Which animals can fly?

Which animals can run?

Which animals are big?

Which animals are small?

Which animals have got a tail?

Which animals are you afraid?

Which animals do you like?

 -Now you must guess what animal is it? (один учень виходить до дошки та загадує загадку, учнi вiдгадують, малюнок тварини вивішується на дошку)

I live in the woods.

I'm very big and furry.

I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs.

I like to eat fish and berries. I am a... (bear)


I live in lakes and rivers.

I eat fish and birds.

I have four legs and a long tail.

I have lots of pretty teeth. I am a... (crocodile)


I'm very, very big.

I like to eat peanuts and hay.

I have four legs and two big ears.

My long nose is called a trunk. I am an...(elephant)

 -At home you prepared stories about these animals. Let's listen them! (учні виходять до дошки та розказують розповіді про цих тварин)

Elephants are wonderful animals! They are the largest animals in the world that live on land. Elephants live in families. They are plant-eaters. Because they are such big animals, they need to eat a lot of leaves and grass. They spend twenty hours a day eating! Elephants have four teeth and two "tusks." An elephant's trunk is part nose and part upper lip. Elephants can breathe through their trunks. They can also smell and pick up things with it. They can use it to put food into their mouths, and can spray water with it! When it is hot, elephants like to get into water. They talk to each other by making sounds. Elephants can live eighty years!

Crocodiles are reptiles. They are fast and have sharp teeth. They have the strongest bite of any animal in the world. Crocodiles can survive for a lone time without food. Most crocodiles live in fresh water rivers and lakes but some live in salt water. They eat fish, birds and other animals.

Bears are large animals. They walk on all four paws but can rise up on their hind legs. Bears are able to see very well and they can see in color too. They have a wonderful sense of smell. Bears are meat eaters, but most of them eat berries, roots and nuts too. They love human food and dog food. Bears are shy and they can be spooked or frightened. They aren't monsters as they are often portrayed.

Now let's watch the video about wild animals.

- Let's talk about the animals you just saw in the video. Ask and answer the questions. (учні ставлять один одному питання та дають вiдповiдi)

 1. What animals are called wild?

2. How are baby lions called?

3. What animal is a tiger?

 4. What family the tigers belong to?

 5. What animal is a bear?

 6. What have kangaroos got?

7. What is zebra looks like?

 8. How is the elephant's nose called?

9. What does the deer eat?

10. What family foxes belong to?

11. Where do monkeys live?

12. What group monkeys belong to?

13. What have rhinoceros got?

  • Фізкультхвилинка

 -And now stand up, watch the video and repeat after animals (учні дивляться відео та повторюють рухи за тваринами)


-Have you got any pets at home?

-What pet have you got?

-Now, let's ask each other about our pets









1. Have you got a pet?






2. What pet have you got?







 (два учнi проходять по двох рядах та ставлять питання, заповнюють таблицю, результати виписуються на дошку)

-How many pupils have got cats?

-How many pupils have got dogs?

-How many pupils have got hamsters?

-How many pupils have got parrots?

-How many pupils have got fish?


-What are the most popular pets in our class?

-What pet would you like to have?

-Where would you go to buy a pet?

-Let's visit one pet shop!

Boy: Morning!

Shop-girl: Good morning! Could I help you?

Boy: Yes, please. I'd like to buy a pet.

Shop-girl: What about this nice parrot?

Boy: Can it talk?

Shop-girl: Oh, yes! Just listen!

Boy: Hi, bird!

Parrot: Hi, boy!

Boy: Great! I'll certainly buy this clever bird!

Shop-girl: Good. I hope you won't be sorry. The bird is really very clever. Not only can it talk, it can sing!

Parrot: Tra-la-la, tra-la-la...

Boy: Oh, what a bird!!!

Shop-girl: But do you know how to look after the parrot?

Boy: I hope I do. My Dad taught me how to do it. Thanks a lot! Good bye!

Shop-girl: Bye! And thank you.

 -We can watch a lot of animals at the zoo, we can have a lot of animals at home, but tell me what is the most important we can do for animals?

-To take good care of them

-Do you remember we read a text about it? Let's read it again and talk.

Animals in our life

   There are a lot of animals on our planet. Animals play a very important role in our life. They give us milk, meat and clothes. Animals can be wild and domestic. We like to watch them in parks and Zoos. We can also see them in the circus or in the street. We keep animals in our houses as pets. A lot of people love animals. They feed animals and take care of them.

    But millions of animals die every year because of bad ecology, because cruel people don't feel responsible for animals. They frighten animals, hurt and harm them. They kill animals. These people have forgotten that every living thing has the right to live.

     Nowadays, all over the world many kind people are trying to save animals, birds and fish from the death. They organize Wild Animals' Parks and other organizations to help animals. Animals can be friends for people and they really need their help. Be friendly with animals.

1) What role do animals play in our life?

2) What do animals give for people?

 3) Where can we see animals?

 4) Should people take care of animals?

5) What are people trying to do for animals?

6) How can we help them?

Thank you for your answers.

-We'll try to define what we SHOULD DO and what we SHOULDN'T DO with animals.


to be friendly with animals;

to feel responsible for animals;

to be friends for animals;

to kill animals;

to hurt animals;

to harm animals;

to save animals from the death;

feed animals and birds;

help animals;

frighten animals;

save animals;

love animals;

take care of animals


2. Заключна частина

-Well done, my dear children!

-What did we talk about today?

-What is the most important for animals?

-Today you have worked very well! Well done!


3. Домашнє завдання

-And here is your home task. I want you to do the project "My favorite animal" for the next lesson. Please, draw a picture of the animal you like and write about it.

-Thank you and have a good day. Bye-bye, my dear friends

До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
19 грудня 2022
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