Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 9 класу на тему :Подорож до Шотландії.

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 9 класу на тему :Подорож до Шотландії.
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Урок-презентація з англійської мови у 9 класі


Тема уроку: Подорож до Шотландії



 to develop students' skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech;

 to teach students to express their opinion;

 to develop students' skills in reading;

 to develop students' skills in listening;

 to develop students' skills in writing;

 to teach students to respect the traditions of other countries;

 to help students to understand the culture of other countries.


Обладнання: презентація.




Не that travels far knows much.

J. Clarke


                     1. Greeting. Introduction to the lesson

   Teacher -Class

Teacher: Good morning, dear friends. I'm glad to see you. How are you today? I think everything is O.K. Are you ready to start our work?


2. Warming up

T. I want to draw your attention to the blackboard where the quotation from John Clarke is written: "He that travels far knows much" (слайд № 2). I think these words can be the motto of our lesson. Let's try to prove that Clarke was really right. What do you think about this quotation? How do you understand these words? What's your opinion?

(Pupils exchange their opinions and make a word-map using the expressions:

I think...

To my mind...

In my opinion...

It seems to me...)

Possible answers:

Pupil 1. I think it's true. Travelling develops our outlook.

P2. To my mind, if you visit different countries, you get acquainted with traditions and customs of these countries.

P3. No doubt travelling develops our imagination.

P4. Naturally, travelling is exciting, because it means adventure, and adventure is necessary. 

P5. That's right. When we travel, we move from one place to another, so travelling gives us movement and keeps us from growing stale and old.

P6. I want to add that travelling gives us knowledge.

P7. I share your opinion and want to add that travelling helps us to study foreign languages alive.

P8. In my opinion travelling is great and exciting. You can see a lot of interesting buildings, castles, monuments and so on.

P9. I support your idea. There is a proverb "Seeing is believing". When I travel, I always try to take pictures of places of interest to enrich my album.

P10. Don't forget, if you travel, you meet different people and make friends. I think it's great to have many friends in foreign countries.

T. Let's summarise everything you have said. Look at the blackboard and read once again why it is necessary for us to travel. (слайд № 3)

Т. Why did I begin our lesson from this quotation?

P 1. Maybe we shall travel today?

T. Yes, you are quite right. We shall make an imaginary trip to one of the English-speaking countries.

By the way, what English-speaking countries do you know?

Possible answers:

PI. Great Britain.

P2. India.

P3. New Zealand.

P4. Australia.

P5. Canada.

P6. USA.

P7. Some African countries.

T. As you've guessed, today we are going to speak about an English-speaking country. But which one? Look at the blackboard. You can see a crossword puzzle there. (слайд № 4)                  



T. Let's read the descriptions of the countries and try to guess what country it is. If the answers are correct, you'll find the name of the country we are going to visit today. (вчитель роздає картки учням з описом країн)

      Let's read the descriptions of the countries.

P1. This country is situated in the southern hemisphere. When it is midnight in Great Britain, it is the noon of the next day in this country. Many people came to live here at the end of the 18th century.

T. What country is this?

P1. I think it's Australia.

P2. This country lies in the middle of the North American continent. Its area is over 9 million square kilometers. The country consists of 50 states. Its national emblem is the bald eagle. The flag is called "The Stars and Stripes".

T. What country is this?

P2. I think it's the United States, because it consists of 50 states.

Р3. It is not a large country. It is situated in Europe. It is much smaller than France or Norway. It consists of four parts, but English is the national language in all parts of the country.

T. What country is this?

P3. I think it's Great Britain, because it consists of four parts.

P4. This is a country of bright colours, elephants and tigers.

T. What country is this?

P4. To my mind it's India.

P5. This country is called the "Upside down country". The hottest summer month is January and the coldest winter month is June. It lies in the southern hemisphere.

T. What country is this?

P5. I think it's New Zealand, because it is called the "Upside down country".

P6. It is a very large country. Its territory is about 10 million square kilometers, people speak English and French there.

T. What country is this?

P6. I think it's Canada, because people speak English and French there.                    


  T. Read the name of the country you have found. (слайд № 5)

 Pupils. Scotland.

T. You are right. It's Scotland and the topic of our lesson is "A Visit to Scotland". (слайд № 6)  


 3. Phonetic Drill


Т. In order to travel to Scotland we need some specific vocabulary. Look at the blackboard, listen and repeat after me the words (слайд № 7):

Gaelic — the national language

Loch — a lake

Burn — a stream

Tattoo — a military parade

Bagpipe - a musical instrument

Tartan  — a fabric

Kilt - a skirt

Clan - a family

Mac - "the son of

Caber — a pole

Fling — a dance

(Pupils repeat  the words one after another.)



                             4. Practice

 a) Brainstorm.


 T – P1, P2, P3...

T. By the way, what do you know about Scotland? Let's read the factfile. (слайд № 8)

(One of the pupils reads the factfile.)

Name: Scotland

Area: 78,769 sq km

Population: 5,200,000

Capital: Edinburgh

Political system: A part of the United Kingdom; has its own parliament, legal system, and even its own international football team.

Language: English, Gaelic

T. What does Scotland mean for you? Is it worth seeing?

T – P1, P2, P3...

Possible answers:

P1. To my mind Scotland is famous for its beautiful large lakes. Everybody knows about a mysterious Loch Ness Monster. Maybe it really lives there? It seems to me this country is worth seeing.

P2. In my opinion Scotland is famous for its art festivals, holidays, sport games and of course its national kilts and bagpipes. It's worth seeing.

P3. Scotland is the birthplace of a world-known poet Robert Burns. Every year on the 25th of January Scottish people celebrate his birthday. They recite his poems, sing his songs. This country is worth seeing.

T. You are quite right. It's worth seeing. But how can we get there? Choose the best means of transport.

Possible answers:

P1. I think the jet plane is O.K. It's fast.

P2. To my mind we can cross Europe and get to Scotland by train. Express trains are comfortable, and you can have a good time with your neighbours.

P3. Don't forget that Great Britain is a sea country. So we can go there by ship.

P4. I support ... 's idea. The plane is the best. You can quickly get from Donetsk to Edinburgh by jet airplane. It's safe, fast, and comfortable.

Т. All right. Today we'll go on an excursion and visit some places of interest in Scotland. We'll go there by plane.


b) Watching and Reading.

Т- Cl

Т – P1, Р2, РЗ...

Т. We are in the capital of the country. I think you are lucky because you are going to see a lot of places of interest, among them: Edinburgh, Workshops of Bagpipes, The Royal Mile, The Palace of Holyroodhouse, King Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh Castle, The Firth of Forth.

T. This presentation will help you to make the excursion alive. Here is our route. Look at the blackboard and read information about the places of interest.

P1. Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is one of Britain's most attractive cities.

It is a city for people who like to walk. You are never far from green parks, gardens and hills even in the main shopping streets. It's a busy modern city, but history is everywhere. On the top of the highest hill in Edinburgh there is Edinburgh Castle. Soldiers have marched through its gates for nearly a thousand years. It was the home of Scotland's royal family until the year 1603 when King James the Sixth of Scotland became king of England as well and went south to live in London. (слайд № 9)

P2.This famous road is called the Royal Mile. It begins at the castle and goes eastwards. Off the Royal Mile you can explore old narrow streets on foot. You'll find some interesting shops. (слайд №10)



P3.The kilt, the most important part of Scotland's national dress, is made from tartan cloth. To make a kilt it takes eight metres of tartan cloth. Kilts are worn by men and women, but a man's kilt has a pocket made from leather and silver. It's worn in front and is called a sporran. (слайд № 11)

P4. Bagpipes - the national instrument of Scotland. In this workshop, craftsmen make wooden pipes. The bag is made of leather and covered in tartan. (слайд № 12)

P5. At the other end of the Royal Mile is the Palace of Holyroodhouse. It was built by a Scottish king before Scotland and England were united to make Great Britain. Now Holyroodhouse is a second home for the British king or queen, who usually visit Edinburgh in summer. When the royal family is not there, you can visit the palace. You can see the staterooms and walk around the guldens and the ruins of the abbey, a much older building. (слайд № 13)

P6. Behind the Holyroodhouse is one of the Edinburgh's nine hills. This one is a long-dead volcano; it's called King Arthur's Seat. (слайд № 14)

P7. From the top you can look northwards to the great river, the Firth of Forth, and the road bridge which crosses it. The road bridge is modern, but the rail bridge is quite old. It has carried trains to the Highlands for more than a hundred years. (слайд № 15)


c) Listening

Т- Cl

Т – P1, Р2, РЗ...

T. Now let`s see if you were attentive readers. Listen to my statements and find out if these statements are right or wrong. Correct the wrong statements:

1. Edinburgh is the city for those who like to walk.

2. Edinburgh Castle is situated on the top of the lowest hill.

3. Edinburgh Castle was a home of the English royal

family until 1603.

4. The famous road is called the Royal Mile.

5. It takes seven metres of tartan cloth to make a kilt.

6. A man's kilt pocket is called a sporran.

7. Bagpipes are made in every national workshop.

8. The Palace of Holyroodhouse was built in 1601.

9. You can visit the Palace of Holyroodhouse any time

you want.

10. The Firth of Forth is the name of the bridge.

Possible answers:

P1. Edinburgh is the city for those who like to walk. It's true.

P2. Edinburgh Castle is situated on the top of the lowest hill. It's wrong. Edinburgh Castle is situated on the top of the highest hill.

P3. Edinburgh Castle was a home of the English royal family until 1603. It's not true. Edinburgh Castle was a home of the Scottish royal family until 1603.

Р4. The famous road is called the Royal Mile. It's correct.

P5. It takes seven metres of tartan cloth to make a kilt. It's wrong. It takes eight metres of tartan cloth to make a kilt.

P6. A man's kilt pocket is called a sporran. I agree with this.

P7. Bagpipes are made in every national workshop. I don't know. Maybe.

P8. The Palace of Holyroodhouse was built in 1601. I don't know.

P9. You can visit the Palace of Holyroodhouse any time you want. It's not true. You can visit the Palace of Holyroodhouse when the queen is not there.

P10. The Firth of Forth is the name of the bridge. It's a mistake. The Firth of Forth is the name of the river.


d) Writing.


T. Imagine that you are in a cafe having traditional tea or drinking famous Scotch whisky. You are listening to bagpipes. You are full of impressions. Write some words to your friends about your first impressions. These postcards are for you.

(Pupils write some words about their trip.)

Possible answers:

P1. Dear Max,

I'm in Edinburgh now. I'm full of impressions. You see, Edinburgh is a city for those who like to walk. I have visited many places of interest there. Edinburgh Castle was among them. I saw soldiers in kilts (skirts for men). It was unusual and funny.

Sincerely yours...

P2. Dear Mary,

 As you know I'm in Scotland now. I'm in Edinburgh, the capital of the country. I'm in a pub and listening to strange music of bagpipes. At first it was boring, but now I can understand the beauty of this music. I've bought a souvenir for you. You will like it.

See you soon...


5. Summing up


T – P1, P2...

    T. Do you like our today's visit to Scotland? What was interesting for you to know? Possible answers:

P1. To my mind today's trip was very interesting. We've learnt many interesting facts about Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.

P2. I liked Edinburgh Castle best of all.

P3. As for me, the bridges over the Firth of Forth are great.

    P4. It seems to me, the town itself is a museum.

    T. It's a pity, but time flies,  and our today's trip  is over. Let's finish our visit to Scotland with a popular Scottish song "My Bonnie". Look at the blackboard and listen. (слайд № 16-20)

T. Your work today was good, your marks are..   6. Home AssignmentT. Your home task will be to write a story "My Visit to Scotland". See you soon. Bye.

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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