Конспект уроку з англійської мови "Мій улюблений рецепт"

Про матеріал

Представлені всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, але пріоритетними є читання і говоріння. На уроці відбувається формування таких компетентностей як комунікативна, соціокультурна, інформаційна.

Використовуються такі форми роботи як фронтальне опитування, групова робота, в парах, індивідуальна.

Враховується принцип диференціації шляхом надання випереджального завдання.

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Конотопська спеціалізована школа ІІ-ІІІ ступенів № 2

Конотопської міської ради Сумської області






відкритого уроку по темі

«Мій улюблений рецепт»

з використанням прислів’їв

та ідіоматичних виразів

у 7 класі


Підготувала вчитель

англійської мови

вищої категорії

Мичак Олена Вікторівна







м. Конотоп



активізувати і практикувати в мовленні учнів лексичний матеріал теми;   поширювати лексичний запас шляхом вживання прислів’їв, приказок, ідіом;

продовжувати розвивати навички усного мовлення, читання, аудіювання, письма;

виховувати в учнів уміння поводитися в закладах харчування;

розвивати творче мислення.


Обладнання:  завдання на картках, презентація, текст для читання,      аудіотекст для слухання, мультимедійний комплект.

Тип уроку:  урок застосування і систематизації знань, вмінь і навичок.                           



Greeting and Aim 1. Привітання та повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

                                   T.:  Dear pupils, good morning! I’m glad to see you again.

                      Today we almost finish our talking about food. During our previous lessons we leant words and expressions, connected with our topic “Food”, got acquainted with the pearls of folk wisdom, concerning cooking and eating, practiced in making up dialogues and leant more about the peculiarities of some national cuisines. So, at our today’s lesson we’ll sum up our knowledge and use them in practice. We’ll recollect your favourite recipes and try to make the projects of own restaurants. That’s why the topic of our today’s lesson is “Favourite recipes”.                            

                Запис числа, класної роботи, теми  (слайд 1)

Warning up        2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

  T.: First of all, we’ll refresh the new vocabulary on topic “Food”. Each of you will open a card with a word and explain it (give the definition of the word). Let’s start! Who wants to be the first? (слайд 2)


 And now let’s complete the sentences with necessary words (слайд 3) 



Practice             3. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.

Vocabulary   T.: O.K. We recollected necessary key words.

And now let’s return to the pearls of wisdom. We know that they contain experience of many generations, give valuable advice in different life situations. And topic “food” is very rich in proverbs, saying and idiom expressions, which are connected with people’s attitude to eating habits. (слайд 4)


A) First of all, let’s look at the beginnings and the endings of some proverbs and match them correctly. (слайди 5, 6)

His eyes are bigger

than wealth.

It makes

his own broth.

Every cook praises

than his stomach.

Appetite comes

ones mouth water.

Health is better

with eating.

An apple a day

not live to eat.

Eat to live,

keeps the doctor away.

Breakfast like a king,

like a horse.

To eat

dinner like a queen, supper like a pauper.

Laughter is

in a sound body

A sound mind

as a hunter


the best medicine


B) T.: And now a bit of humour. You can see unusual pictures. Try to guess the proverbs, connected with them. (слайди 7-19)

C) Choose some suitable proverbs and complete the sentences      (слайди 20-21)

1.  We need to eat fruit and vegetables, because (an apple a day keeps the doctor away).

2. The man saw a great variety of tasty dishes on the table, that’s why his (eyes are bigger than his stomach).

3. The boy hasn’t eaten anything for some days, and now he is (hungry as a hunter).

4. – I don’t like to eat. I’m not hungry.

  • My dear, (appetite comes with eating).

5. When you plan your daily menu, remember the rule: (breakfast like a king, dinner like a queen, supper like a pauper).

6. An old man looked at the fat boy, eating the tenth portion of ice cream, and said, people (eat to live, not live to eat).

7. At the cooking show (every cook praises his own broth).

8. Comedians went to the hospital to help sick people because (laughter is the main medicine).


Speaking,    4. A)  Практика говоріння, аудіювання

Listening Practice     T.: As you remember, our main purpose at today’s lesson is making of own restaurant. And what restaurant may be without visitors, without orders, without conversations and talking? So, we’ll practice to combine following replicas into the dialogues. Imagine that you are at the restaurant and this is a conversation between a waiter and a customer. Pair-up, please.


Your task is matching the parts of mini-dialogues and then acting out them.

You have 1 minute. (слайд 22)


1. Could I have the menu, please?

2. Whose is the tomato soup?

3. Would you like a dessert?

4. We’d like two coffees, please.

5. Have you got any fish?

6. Could we have two soups, please?

7. Which flavour would you like?

a. No, thank you, I wouldn’t.

b. Tomato or chicken?

c. Here it is, sir.

d. Sorry, fish is off the menu.

e. It’s mine, thank you.

f. Black or white?

g. I’d like vanilla, please.


  T.: Who wants to act out these dialogues? The first pair will be ______


Listening  4. B) Практика аудіювання

Practice     T.: You have done the task very well. And now to improve our listening skills we are going to listen to the text. These are conversations at the restaurant. After that you will be ready to choose the correct answer to the questions.

Listen to the dialogue

Waiter: Good evening, sir. Table for two?   

Man: Yes, please.

Waiter: This way, please.    

Lady:  Thank you.

Waiter: Would you like to look at the menu?


Waiter: May I take your order, please?    

Man: Yes. To start with I’d like the tomato soup.

Lady:  Tomato soup for me, too, please.  

Waiter: Certainly. And for the main course?

Man: I’d like the grilled fish.    

Lady:  And the roast chicken for me, please.

Waiter: I’m sorry, madam. There’s no more roast chicken tonight.

Lady:  Oh. Can I have a pepper steak, then?

Waiter: Of course. Would you like something to drink?    

Lady:  Just some water, please.

Waiter: Very well. Would you like to order your dessert, now?

Man: Yes. I’d like the apple pie.

Lady:  Have you got any strawberries?

Waiter: I’m sorry, we haven’t. Would you like something else instead? 

Lady:  Just some ice-cream, please.


Lady:  How is your fish?  

Man: Delicious. What about the steak? 

Lady:  A bit tough, but the sauce is nice.


Waiter: Is everything all right?    

Lady:  Yes, thank you.

Man: Can we have the bill, please?  

Waiter: Of course, sir. One moment …

Прослуховування діалогу вперше і виконання завдання.


1. How many people was the table ordered for?    

 a) table for one;  b) table for two;      c) table for four.

2. What dish did the man order for appetizer?    

a) the chicken soup;      b) the tomato soup;   c) the peas soup.

3. What did the man want to eat for the main course?

a) the grilled fish;         b) the fried  fish;            c) the smoked fish.

4.  What was the first lady’s order for the main course?

  a) the roast goose;         b) the roast beef;   c) the roast chicken.

5. What was the second lady’s order for the main course?  

a) the honey steak;         b) the pepper steak;              c) the stuffed pepper.

6. What dish did the man order for dessert?  

a) the banana pie;   b) the apple pie;   c) the apricot pie.

7. What was the lady’s choice for dessert?

a) milk cream;   b) sour cream;  c) ice cream.

8. What did the lady order to drink?

a) sparkling water;  b) mineral water  c) fresh water;

9. What did the lady like best of all?

a) steak itself;       b) both steak and gravy;            c) the sauce.               

T.: I see you understand the text and now choose the correct answers to the questions. You have 5 seconds for each question. You are ready. And now exchange your copybooks and check your friend’s deskmate’s task. To be sure in the correct answers let’s check together. One right answer is 1 point. Sum up the results and write points. (слайд 23-25)


Прослуховування вдруге.


Exchange your copybooks again. And listen to the dialogue once more. Your task will be to write down all dishes from the text.

Have you written all dishes? Check them. You can see these words on the desk. (слайд 26)


Practice  5. Практика говоріння, письма

Vocabulary   T.: I’m sure now you are ready to make up your project of own restaurant. You work in groups. Split in groups. Each group is a creative team in making of restaurant.

One of you will be a director of your restaurant. His task will be to present your restaurant according to this scheme. The other pupil will be a chef and he (she) will tell us the recipe of one of the dishes. And the rest pupils will be visitors and their task will be to act out the dialogue.

Split in groups.  Let’s start. You have three minutes for preparing.

Project work “Making of own restaurant”













Main courses:








Opening hours:





Захист проектів власних ресторанів

Можливий варіант проекту власного ресторану (слайд 27-34)


Good day, dear guests! Have you ever been to England? Have you ever eaten “Toad in the Hole”? I want to tell you about our restaurant “Queen’s presents”. It’s a restaurant of English cuisine. We were opened some days ago. Our restaurant is situated in the centre of our town. Our main courses are “Toad in the Hole”, “Bubble and Squeak”, pepper steak, cottage pie, Yorkshire pudding.

 Don’t miss the chance to try our cherry pudding and cupcakes with raisins.

I’m sure these dishes will make your mouths water!


You see, that our restaurant represents national English cuisine. So, our main course is called Toad in the Hole”. This is an old English recipe. The modern equivalent of this name may be “Sausages in the dough”. To prepare this dish we need such ingredients as flour, dry mustard, milk, eggs, grease, some salt, pepper and 6 big pork sausages.

  1. To begin with, take one glass of flour, two teaspoons of dry mustard, one glass of milk, three beaten eggs. Add some salt and pepper, to your taste. Mix well these ingredients in the bowl and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Then take sausages and fry them in the frying pan.
  3. After that heat an oven to 220º C.
  4. Place 6 tablespoons of grease into a shallow pan, pour the dough and put sausages into it.
  5. Bake in the oven for 25 – 30 minutes.

Bon appetites!


-- Welcome to the English restaurant. Here's your menu.

-- Thank you.

-- Would you like to order now?

-- I would like to chicken soup and vegetable salad for the starter.

-- And what for the main course?

-- I would like pepper steak.

-- Anything for dessert?

-- For dessert… a cheesecake, please.

-- Would you like to drink?

-- Yes, of course, some water, please.



Homework                   1. Домашнє завдання: revise lexical material and make up the project of own restaurant (слайд 35)

Summarizing               2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Did you like the lesson? To my mind, the lesson was good. We practiced and improved our skills in reading, listening, and speaking. You worked very well. And you’ll get such marks (слайд 36)


31 жовтня 2018
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