Конспект уроку з англійської мови "Natoinal Parks" до підручника А.Несвіт для учнів 9 класу

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Розробка уроку для учнів 9-го класу за темою: " Навколишнє Середовище" має на меті активізувати лексичний матеріал за темою, вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, аудіювання, граматичного матеріалу.
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“ National Parks”
For the 9th formers





























By the end of the lesson Ss   will be able to speak about national parks, ask and answer the questions on the topic, to solve problems in groups.


Equipments: computer, cards for group work, presentation.



1.Greeting. The aims of the lesson.

T.: Hello! You are looking great! Delighted to see you. How are you?



T.: You are going to listen to the poem. Listen and catch the main idea.


“Hiawatha’s Childhood” (by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) 


By the shores of Gitche Gumee,
By the shining Big-Sea-Water,
Stood the wigwam of Nokomis,
Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis.
Dark behind it rose the forest,
Rose the black and gloomy pine-trees,
Rose the firs with cones upon them;
Bright before it beat the water.
Beat the clear and sunny water,
Beat the shining Big-Sea-Water.
There the wrinkled old Nokomis
Nursed the little Hiawatha.
Rocked him in his linden cradle,
Bedded soft in moss and rushes,
Safely bound with reindeer sinews;
Stilled his fretful wail by saying,
"Hush, the Naked Bear will hear thee!"
Lulled him into slumber, singing,
"Ewa-yea! my little owlet!
Who is this, that lights the wigwam?
With his great eyes lights the wigwam?
Ewa-yea! my little owlet!"


T.:  What do you think the title of the poem is?

 It will be interesting to know who Hiawatha is?

 How does the poet describe the world of  beauty?

 How do you feel listening or reading this poem? Surprised? Shocked? Happy? Interested? Delighted? Impressed?



2. Warming-up


T.:  I hope you’ve guessed that our lesson will be devoted to …  You are right. To the world of nature, in particular to national parks.


 We are going to discuss two questions, to learn new words, to get new information about national parks, but the main aim of the lesson is to be ready to act the conversation in the imaginary situation. It’s the following one: You are going to visit a national park. To learn as much as you can during your national park visit, you come prepared with lots of questions to the guide.

  Well, the world of any national park is exciting. But what is a national park?


T.:  I would like to divide you into two groups to discuss why the national parks are created and why the national parks are visited by tourists.

         Join any group.

 To be successful during your discussion repeat after me some words.


T.:  To be sure how to express any opinions during your discussion make up sentences.


T.: Now, you are ready to discuss in groups. A representative of each group will present, a summary, arguments suggested by his / her group.

    Card 1                           Why are the national parks created?

  • to preserve  natural beauty and wildlife
  • for the enjoyment of the visitors (scenery, beauty, delightful views, valuable minerals, forests)
  • to preserve historic sites (monuments, pyramids) where historic events took place
  • to protect animals and plants, especially rare specimens: tropical rain forests, which are the home of half the Earth`s living things; bald eagle , bison ,  crocodile,  tortoise,  spider monkey  lynx   camel, Asian elephant, zebra , black rhino, kangaroo
  • to study wildlife
  • for holidays
  • to make history come to life


Card 2                         Why are the national parks visited by tourists?


  • to observe and explore nature
  • to examine plants, minerals
  • to take an interest in curious creatures
  • to find out about many things
  • to be eager to know more about rare specimens: tropical rain forests, which are the home of half the Earth`s living things; bald eagle , bison,, crocodile,  spider monkey, lynx,  camel, Asian elephant, zebra, black rhino ,kangaroo
  • to add to the knowledge
  • to study the wildlife
  • to spend holildays
  • to enjoy scenery, beauty, delightful views, valuable minerals, forests
  • to get acquainted with



3. Relaxation


T.: You are tired. Try to imagine that you are in the National park. Enjoy the sweet nature sounds.




T.: Have you ever been to a national park?

 What national parks do you know? 


1. Pre-listening


T.: You’ll get information about some of the national parks. Look at the screen  and pronounce after me.

T.: The Yellowstone  National Park. It’s the largest park. It contains more than 3000 gaysers.

The Grand Canyon. This is one of the deepest gorges on the land.

 The Lake District. It is an area of lakes and mountain in the north – west of England.


 The Everglades, Florida. It is one of the most interesting places.

 Windermere. It is the longest lake in England.

 Scafell. It is the highest mountain in England.



William Wordsworth. He is one of the greatest poets of England. He turned to nature for his inspiration, in particular to his native Lake District.

 Samuel Coleridge. He was a friend of William Wordsworth. In later years he concentrated on philosophy.




b) T.: 

     Let’s do some exercises using the text.

  • Divide complex sentences into simple ones.
  • Find adjectives in the text and demonstrate your knowledge of comparison of adjectives.
  • Find irregular verbs in the text. Revise the forms of them.
  • Make up questions on the underlined sentences.
  • Use these sentences in different grammar tenses.
  • Find some sentences in Passive Voice. Make these sentences active.






The USA is a larger country than Britain, that's why it has more regions to protect. The Great Smoky Mountains, the Grand Canyon  and Yellowstone Park are the most popular national parks in the USA. The Everglades, Florida, is one of the most interesting places. Some time ago hunters killed alligators for their skin and birds for their meat there. That was awful. If you visit the Everglades now, you can see a moving log (бревно). It's probably an alligator. Be careful. It can be dangerous. The Everglades is protect­ed as a national park. Its unique (уникальная) ecology — home to water birds, snakes, alligators, wildcats, fish, cypress  trees — is enjoyed by naturalists and tourists.

The Lake District in the northwest of England is the largest national park. It is popular with walkers, cyclists, and people who go boat­ing. It is one of the most beautiful and attractive places. It has Windermere , the longest lake in England, and Scafell , the highest mountain in England.

The Lake District was unknown until the end of the 18th century. Then the works of such writers as Wordsworth  and Coleridge  attracted visitors to the lakes. Now the Lake District is one of the most popular tourist places in Britain. It is a place where you can enjoy fishing in the rivers and lakes or boating on the quiet waters of Lakeland.




T.: Listen to the text and try to entitle it. 


            Read the text. It has three paragraphs. Find a key sentence (a sentence expressing the main idea of a paragraph) in each paragraph.



T.: I would like this group of students to speak about one of the most interesting places in the USA.

 That group of students will try to give some information about the largest national park in England. And some boys and girls win try to work with the cards.


Fill in the gaps in the article about national parks

One of the most interesting parks in ______ is the Everglades.  Its wildlife is enjoyed by many ________ and ________. Water birds, _____, ­­­­­­­_______, ________, ______, _______  _______ are protected in the Everglades . The Lake District is the _________ national park in Britain. It is one of the most ______ places in Britain. It has the _____ lake and the ________ mountain in England.


(highest, attractive, cypress trees, wildcats, snakes, naturalists,  the USA, tourists, alligators, fish, largest, longest)


T.: What have you known today at the lesson?

Would you like to visit any National park?

  Are you ready to act the conversation in the imaginary situation mentioned at the beginning of the lesson?

6.Homework  Prepare a project “ National Parks I’d like to visit”

7.Evaluation .Comments.



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
30 квітня 2021
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