Контрольна робота: Письмо (1 семестр)

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Контрольна робота: Письмо (1 семестр) з англійської мови для 6 класу. Складається з 4 завдань.
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Task 1. Fill in the sentences with the right question words from the list. There are TWO words you don’t need to use.


Who, what, where, when, how, which, why, whose.


1. _____________ is your best friend? – Jessica is my best friend.

2. _____________ do you listen to music every day? – Because I like it.

3. _____________ does he study? – At university.

4. _____________ many people are there in the classroom? – 28.

5. _____________ music do you like more: rock or jazz? – Rock. 

6, _____________ do they usually do their homework? – In the afternoon.


Task 2. Fill in the sentences with correct forms of “go”, “play” or “do”.

1. I _____________ swimming every Saturday.

2, My friend _____________ football twice a week.

3. John is _____________ karate right now.

4. His sister doesn’t _____________ fencing on Mondays.

5. Mary _____________ gymnastics in summer.

6. We _____________ tennis in summer.


Task 3. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. I usually _____________________ (to watch) TV in the morning.

2. He _____________________ (to watch) TV now.

3. Where ________ he ___________ (to live)?

4. My friends _____________________ (not to play volleyball) today.

5. They _____________________ (not to go) to school on Sundays.

6. What ________ they ___________ (to do) at the moment?


Task 4. Answer the questions.

1. What is your favourite sport? Why?


2. What is your hobby? Why do you like it?



3. Who is your favourite actor/actress? What does he/she look like?


До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 лютого 2022
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