Контрольна робота з англійської мови 5 клас

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови 5 клас Diagnostic test Unit 3. ‘’My home’’.
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PREPARE 5  Diagnostic test    Unit 3.  ‘’My home’’.

1) Compiete the words and phrases for places and things.

1. d-ni-g room

2. w-nd-w

3. b-ard g-me

4. cl-ck

5. co-p-t-r

6. d--r.

2) Underline the rooms in each group.

1. friend/wall/hall.

2. door/living room/dog.

3. bathroom/bed/bath.

4. bedroom/pasta/lamp.

5. bath/kitchen/floor.

3) Grammar. Complete the sentences with there is/there are.

1) __________ 4 windows in my room.

2) __________ a toilet in our house.

3) __________ 5 pictures on the wall.

4) ___________ a computer on the table.

4) Complete with have got/has got.

1. We -----a good teacher.

2. Your brother ------a new phone.

3. I------a pet  fish.

4. Tom _______ two sisters.

5. You _______ a dictionary.

6. Andrew ______ a guitar.