Контрольна робота з англійської мови 8 клас

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Підсумкова контрольна робота з англійської мови 8 клас, за підручником Карпюк О.Д.
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1 Variant

1.  Match & write the pairs.

1. brave a. хороший друг

2. tidy b. серйозний

3. optimistic c. роздратований, злий

4. polite d. впертий

5. good friend e. хоробрий

6. stubborn f. оптимістичний

7. serious g. песимістичний

8. bad-tempered h. охайний

9. pessimistic i.  чесний

10. honest j. ввічливий


2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Sam often _____ his grandparents on Sundays .

а) is visiting в) visits с) visit

2. Look !  She _____ riding a bike.

а) does в) am с) is

3. _____ you play football after school?

а) Do  в) Does с) Are

4. My sister _____ in the river now.

а) swam в)  swims c) is swimming

5. Look ! The sun _____ in the blue sky.

а) shines в) shine с) is shining

6. A crocodile _____ fish and meat.

а) is eating в) eat c) eats

7. Liz can do difficult Maths calculations. She is very _____.

a) polite b) shy c) clever

3. Read the text.  Mark the sentences true or false.


There is a plenty of entertainments in the world and people can choose them according to their tastes, mood or maybe opportunities. Entertainments include films, TV. books, concerts, cinemas, theatres, discos, travelling and different parties. Some families prefer to take their children to museums, art galleries or parks at the weekend. It's a nice way of spending free time together for the whole family. It is quite normal for British families to visit theme parks in summer. The amusements on offer at such parks include a range of rides in various ways, some of them can bathe you in the water. The really adventurous rides turn you upside down at great speed. It's very exciting for all visitors. And this must be how the British enjoy themselves most because last year the nine most famous theme parks attracted more than twenty million visitors. The British Museum is another place which attracts people in their free time. It is officially described as the National Library and Museum of History, Archaeology, Art and Ethnography. Here it is possible to find great collections, including exhibits from the Pacific islands (ancient Polynesian idols) and America (the Aztec sculptures).

1.    People have got a great variety of entertainments._____

2.    Their choice depends on their tastes only._____

3.   A cinema and a theatre are a part of entertainment._____

4.    British families visit theatres at the weekend._____

5.   The most adventurous moment in a theme park is bathing in the water._____

6.    Theme parks are very popular with British families.______

4. Write a letter to your foreign pen friend (8—10 sentences), using the plan below:

1) give some information about yourself   (name,   age,   appearance, interests);

2) describe your family;

3) write about your wish to know more about your friend's family and friends;



2 Variant

1.  Match & write the pairs.

1. trustworthy a. ревнивий

2. generous b. ніжний

3. mean  c. забавний

4. real friend  d. хвалькуватий

5. jealous  e. вартий довіри

6. boastful  f. жадний; огидний

7. gentle g. надійний

8. amusing h. щедрий

9. reliable i. безсердечний

10. heartless j. справжній друг


2. Choose the correct answer.

1). People ______ trees and flowers in spring.

а) are planting в) plant c) plants

2). Ben ____ cartoons in the living-room now.

а) is watching в) watches c) watch

3). My brother usually _____ computer games in the evening.

а) play в) is playing c) plays

4). There _____ many books on the desk.

а) am в) are c) is

5). Alice _____ on the grass under the tree.

а) sits в) are sitting c) is sitting

6).Pupils ____ English at English lessons at school.

а) speak в) are speaking c) speaks

7). Nick always says “Thanks” and “Please”. He is _____.

а) mean в) polite c) reliable

3. Read the text.  Mark the sentences true or false.


There is a plenty of entertainments in the world and people can choose them according to their tastes, mood or maybe opportunities. Entertainments include films, TV. books, concerts, cinemas, theatres, discos, travelling and different parties. Some families prefer to take their children to museums, art galleries or parks at the weekend. It's a nice way of spending free time together for the whole family. It is quite normal for British families to visit theme parks in summer. The amusements on offer at such parks include a range of rides in various ways, some of them can bathe you in the water. The really adventurous rides turn you upside down at great speed. It's very exciting for all visitors. And this must be how the British enjoy themselves most because last year the nine most famous theme parks attracted more than twenty million visitors. The British Museum is another place which attracts people in their free time. It is officially described as the National Library and Museum of History, Archaeology, Art and Ethnography. Here it is possible to find great collections, including exhibits from the Pacific islands (ancient Polynesian idols) and America (the Aztec sculptures).

1.    People have got a great variety of entertainments._____

2.    Their choice depends on their tastes only._____

3.   A cinema and a theatre are a part of entertainment._____

4.    British families visit theatres at the weekend._____

5.   The most adventurous moment in a theme park is bathing in the water._____

6.    Theme parks are very popular with British families.______

4. Write a letter to your foreign pen friend (8—10 sentences), using the plan below:

- What school subjects do you like most ? Why ?

- What school subjects are boring to you ? Why ?





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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 грудня 2021
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