Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 5/6 класів

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For 6th Form Students


1. Reading. (3 points)

Read the text and complete the sentences after it. Select the letter (a, b, c) corresponding to your choice of answer.

The dance starts in thirty minutes, but Wendy isn’t ready yet. She is still in her bedroom. She is looking at her new dress hanging on the wall.

Her new dress is black with lovely roses on it. It is very elegant and Wendy looks beautiful in it. When Wendy wears it, it seems to her she is a film star.

Still, Wendy isn’t sure if she wants to wear the black dress to the dance. That’s because she didn’t buy it. She made it herself. Wendy loves to design and make her own clothes. She wants to be a clothes designer when she grows up. But at the moment she is uncomfortable. She doesn’t want to be the only girl at the dance wearing a homemade dress.

Wendy opens her wardrobe. She takes out a big box and looks into it. In it there is the dress her mother bought her for the dance. It is white. It is pretty, but not as elegant as the black dress. She hangs the white dress on the wall next to the black one and steps back.

She looks at both of the dresses and doesn’t know what to do. After a while she decides that she likes the white dress, but she loves the black one.

“What will my classmates think if they find out that my dress is homemade?” she thinks. Wendy feels very nervous. Finally she takes the white dress and stands holding it in front of the mirror.

All of a sudden she throws the white dress on the bed. Wendy decides to risk it. She puts the black dress on. She takes one more look at the mirror and heads to the door.

Wendy arrives at the dance and her friend Susan meets her there. She is also wearing a dress. It is red with grey flowers on it.

“You look great,” Susan says to Wendy. “Thanks”, Wendy says. “You do too!”


1. Wendy is getting ready for _________________.

a) school         b) a dance              c) a fashion show

2. In her new dress Wendy feels like a  ____________.

a) designer     b) famous actress       c) schoolgirl

3. Wendy is uncomfortable because her black dress is ______________.

a) too fashionable   

b) not elegant   

c) handmade

4.Wendy’s mother bought her ______________.

a) a white dress

b) a black dress

c) a dress with roses on it

5. Wendy likes the black dress ______________.

a) as much as the white one

b) less than the white one

c) more than the white one

6. Susan thinks that Wendy’s dress is ____________.

a) very nice          b) cheap            c) fashionable




2.  Vocabulary.

Finish the sentences with words that fit the meaning. Choose the correct answer (a, b, c). (3 points)

1. When the architects ________ this old school, it will look like a modern sports centre.

       a)  build                b)rebuild                  c) building

2. There are a lot of ____________ beaches in Spain.

       a) sand                   b) sandy               c) resort

3. Children enjoy ___________ sandcastles on the beach.

       a) making              b) to make            c) doing

4. My grandparents like a _________life in the village.

       a) quiet                  b) quite                 c) quit

5. When we arrive _________Spain, we will go sightseeing as soon as possible.

       a) to                    b) in                 c) at

6. Ballerinas can stand on their ___________  for  hours.

     a) fingers             b) toes                       c) socks

7. When I saw Alice, she had a small elegant bag in her  ______ .

    a) hands               b) arms                      c) fingers

8. People who do sports are usually ___________.

   a) stout                  b) weak                     c) fit

9. Amanda, my best friend, is very _________. She always helps me in different situations.

   a) selfish               b) reliable                  c) greedy

10. The little girl looks very cute and funny because she has a small __________ nose.

  a)  curly                 b) turned up               c) good-looking

3. Grammar.

Read the suggestions below. Convert the words in parentheses to grammatically match the content of the text. (3 points)

1. Mikhail Hrushevsky (found) ___________Ukrainian scientific historiography.

2. Nobody (know) ___________ anything about the exam now. It’s  too early.

3. My parents (build) _____________ our country house five years ago.

4. I (write)  ___________ a letter to my friend from France soon. Now I just don’t have time for it.

5. Sometimes money (bring) _________ people happiness.

6. The next train (arrive) _________ at 5:30. Let’s have coffee together.

7. When the teacher (come)__________the lesson will start.

8. Tom’s clothes (be) __________ scruffy and dirty when he came home from the playground.

9. If my friend (not to come) ______________ soon, we’ll start the concert without him.

10. Yesterday I (be) _______ able to visit my grandparents because I didn’t have much homework.



4. Writing.

Write a story about your chosen topic. You need to give complete answers to the questions below. (3 points)

Write a story about your chosen topic. To do this, you need to give complete answers to the questions below.

A. Write a story about your trip.

1. When and where did you go?

2. Who did you go with?

3. How long did you trip?

4. Where did you stay?

5. What did you do during the trip?

6. Would you like to come back to this place again? Why/ Why not?


 B. Describe your friend.

1. What’s your friend’s name?

2. How old is he/ she?

3. What does he/ she look like?

4. What clothes does he/ she usually wear?

5. What is he/ she like?

6. What does he/ she do in his/ her free time?


C. Write a story about winter.

1. What’s the weather like in Ukraine in winter?

2. Do you enjoy such weather?

3. Do you spend much time outdoors in winter?

4. What winter sports do you do?

5. What clothes do you wear in winter?

6. What is your favourite winter month? Why?


D. Write a short essay about America.

  1. What is the full official name of the country that people call America?
  2. How many states are there in the USA?
  3. What is the capital city of the USA?
  4. What are the highest mountains in the USA?
  5. What is the longest river in the USA?
  6. Would you like to visit the USA? Why?/ Why not?


E. Write a story about the place you live in.

1. Where do you live?

2. Is the place where you live big or small?

3. Do you like the place where you live?

4. What do you like about the place where you live?

5. Are there any things you dislike about the place where you live?

6. What do you dislike about the place where you live?












































  1. b  
  2. b
  3. c
  4. a
  5. c
  6. a


  1. b
  2. b  
  3. a
  4. a
  5. b  
  6. b
  7. a
  8. c
  9. b  
  10. b


  1. founded
  2. knows
  3. built
  4. will write
  5. brings
  6. arrives
  7. comes
  8. were
  9. doesn’t come
  10. was



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