Контрольна робота з англійської мови у 10 класі / Reading "Honey"

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The 10-th Form


Honey is a natural sweetener with no artificial additives. Many people believe it's better for you than sugar. It's easy to eat, you can use it in a variety of recipes and it lasts for a long time. Although most people think of honey as no more than a sweetener for tea, or as a delicious addition to yoghurt, honey has many health benefits too.

Imagine this: you can't sleep because your nose is blocked and you can't stop coughing. Cold makes us feel miserable and cough stops us from sleeping, so lots of people take pills and cough syrups to get better. Scientific research, however, has shown that these medicines don't really work. Some doctors are now suggesting that we take honey to help us get better. It has been used as a medicine for hundreds of years by people all over the world. How does honey help? Well, because it's thick and sticky, it coats the inside of throat and can stop you coughing. It also contains substances that are very important for good health. These substances are known as antioxidants and are also found in fresh fruit and vegetable, olive oil and oregano.

Honey is also great for athletes and anyone who needs extra energy. The human body gets most of its energy from substances that are called carbohydrates (natural sugars). Foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes have plenty of carbohydrates. Honey also contains a lot of them. Carbohydrates are necessary for athletes to help them keep going when they are training, so it's a good idea to eat honey before exercising, or playing sport.

There are lots of healthy ways to enjoy honey. Try mixing it with yoghurt, fruit and nuts, or you can take a tasty sandwich filled with honey. Or how about mixing cream cheese with honey as a delicious dip from fresh fruit? You can also make your own energy bars with dried fruit, cereal and honey. Whether you need an energy boost, or just something deliciously sweet to eat, honey is the perfect natural energy source.

But that's not all! You can use honey to make your own fantastic beauty products. Mix strawberries, honey, almond oil and a drop of vitamin E oil to make a natural lip gloss. Or, make a conditioner for your hair from honey and olive oil. Look for some simple beauty recipes online. They'll cost you almost nothing to make, and they're all natural.

Honey is so good in so many ways.

The 10-th Form


  • I.Read the text and decide whether the statements are True or False.
  • 1.Honey is a natural sweetener with plenty of artificial additives.
  • 2.You can use honey in a variety of recipes besides using it as a sweetener for tea or as a delicious addition to yoghurt.
  • 3.Scientific research has shown that pills and cough syrups don't really work.
  • 4. Foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes have plenty of carbohydrates.
  • 5. Carbohydrates are necessary for athletes to help them keep going when they are training, so it's a good idea to eat honey before exercising, or playing sport.
  • 6. You can also make your own energy bars with dried fruit, cereal and sugar.
  • II.Read the text and choose the answer (a,b,c, or d) which fits best according to the text.
  • 1.People believe that ________ lasts for a long time.
  • a)sugar
  • b) tea
  • c) honey
  • d) yoghurt
    • 2.Honey is a natural sweetener with ________ artificial additives.
    • a)not
    • b) no
    • c) any
    • d) some
      • 3.Because honey is thick and sticky, it coats the inside of throat and can stop you ________.
      • a)working
      • b) exercising
      • c) playing
      • d) coughing
        • 4.Such important substances in honey as ________ are also found in fresh fruit and vegetable, olive oil and oregano.
        • a)oil
        • b) energy
        • c) conditioner
        • d) antioxidants
          • 5.A substance that you put on something to make it shine is ________ .
          • a)honey
          • b) a gloss
          • c) a cough syrup
          • d) olive oil
            • 6.To make your own fantastic beauty product you can mix strawberries, honey, almond oil and __________ of vitamin E oil.
            • a)a very small amount of liquid with a round shape
            • b) a dew drop
            • c) a syrup
            • d) a very small amount of liquid with a long shape
            • KEYS //// HONEY

              • I.Read the text and decide whether the statements are True or False.
              • 1. False
              • 2. True
              • 3. True
              • 4. True
              • 5. True
              • 6. False
              • 1.Honey is a natural sweetener with plenty of artificial additives.
              • 2.You can use honey in a variety of recipes besides using it as a sweetener for tea or as a delicious addition to yoghurt.
              • 3.Scientific research has shown that pills and cough syrups don't really work.
              • 4. Foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes have plenty of carbohydrates.
              • 5. Carbohydrates are necessary for athletes to help them keep going when they are training, so it's a good idea to eat honey before exercising, or playing sport.
              • 6. You can also make your own energy bars with dried fruit, cereal and sugar.
                • II.Read the text and choose the answer (a, b, c, or d) which fits best according to the text.
                • 1.People believe that ________ lasts for a long time.
                • a)sugar
                • b) tea
                • c) honey
                • d) yoghurt
                  • 2.Honey is a natural sweetener with ________ artificial additives.
                  • a)not
                  • b) no
                  • c) any
                  • d) some
                    • 3.Because honey is thick and sticky, it coats the inside of throat and can stop you ________.
                    • a)working
                    • b) exercising
                    • c) playing
                    • d) coughing
                      • 4.Such important substances in honey as ________ are also found in fresh fruit and vegetable, olive oil and oregano.
                      • a)oil
                      • b) energy
                      • c) conditioner
                      • d) antioxidants
                        • 5.A substance that you put on something to make it shine is ________.
                        • a)honey
                        • b) a gloss
                        • c) a cough syrup
                        • d) olive oil
                          • 6.To make your own fantastic beauty product you can mix strawberries, honey, almond oil and __________ of vitamin E oil.
                          • a)a very small amount of liquid with a round shape
                          • b) a dew drop
                          • c) a syrup
                          • d) a very small amount of liquid with a long shape
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The 10-th Form


Honey is a natural sweetener with no artificial additives. Many people believe it’s better for you than sugar. It’s easy to eat, you can use it in a variety of  recipes and it lasts for a long time. Although most people think of honey as no more than a sweetener for tea, or as a delicious addition to yoghurt, honey has many health benefits too.

Imagine this: you can’t sleep because your nose is blocked and you can’t stop coughing. Cold makes us feel miserable and cough stops us from sleeping, so lots of people take pills and cough syrups to get better. Scientific research, however, has shown that these medicines don’t really work. Some doctors are now suggesting that we take honey to help us get better. It has been used as a medicine for hundreds of years by people all over the world. How does honey help? Well, because it’s thick and sticky, it coats the inside of throat and can stop you coughing. It also contains substances that are very important for good health. These substances are known as antioxidants and are also found in fresh fruit and vegetable, olive oil and oregano.

Honey is also great for athletes and anyone who needs extra energy. The human body gets most of its energy from substances that are called carbohydrates (natural sugars). Foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes have plenty of carbohydrates. Honey also contains a lot of them. Carbohydrates are necessary for athletes to help them keep going when they are training, so it’s a good idea to eat honey before exercising, or playing sport.

There are lots of healthy ways to enjoy honey. Try mixing it with yoghurt, fruit and nuts, or you can take a tasty sandwich filled with honey. Or how about mixing cream cheese with honey as a delicious dip from fresh fruit? You can also make your own energy bars with dried fruit, cereal and honey. Whether you need an energy boost, or just something deliciously sweet to eat, honey is the perfect natural energy source.

But that’s not all! You can use honey to make your own fantastic beauty products. Mix strawberries, honey, almond oil and a drop of vitamin E oil to make a natural lip gloss. Or, make a conditioner for your hair from honey and olive oil. Look for some simple beauty recipes online.  They’ll cost you almost nothing to make, and they’re all natural.

Honey is so good in so many ways.












The 10-th Form




  1. Read the text and decide whether the statements are True or False.


  1. Honey is a natural sweetener with plenty of artificial additives.
  2. You can use honey in a variety of recipes besides using it as a sweetener for tea or as a delicious addition to yoghurt.
  3. Scientific research has shown that pills and cough syrups don’t really work.

4. Foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes have plenty of carbohydrates.

5. Carbohydrates are necessary for athletes to help them keep going when they are training, so it’s a good idea to eat honey before exercising, or playing sport.

6. You can also make your own energy bars with dried fruit, cereal and sugar.


  1. Read the text and choose the answer (a,b,c, or d) which fits best according to the text.


  1. People believe that ________ lasts for a long time.
  1. sugar

b) tea

c) honey

d) yoghurt

  1. Honey is a natural sweetener with ________ artificial additives.
  1. not

b) no

c) any

d) some

  1. Because honey is thick and sticky, it coats the inside of throat  and can stop you ________.
  1. working

b) exercising

c) playing

d) coughing

  1. Such important substances in honey as ________ are also found in fresh fruit and vegetable, olive oil and oregano.
  1. oil

b) energy

c) conditioner

d) antioxidants

  1. A substance that you put on something to make it shine is ________ .
  1. honey

b) a gloss

c) a cough syrup

d) olive oil

  1. To make your own fantastic beauty product you can mix strawberries, honey, almond oil and __________ of vitamin E oil.
  1. a very small amount of liquid with a round shape

b) a dew drop

c) a syrup

d) a very small amount of liquid with a long shape


KEYS            ////     HONEY

  1. Read the text and decide whether the statements are True or False.

1. False

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. False

  1. Honey is a natural sweetener with plenty of artificial additives.
  2. You can use honey in a variety of recipes besides using it as a sweetener for tea or as a delicious addition to yoghurt.
  3. Scientific research has shown that pills and cough syrups don’t really work.

4. Foods such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes have plenty of carbohydrates.

5. Carbohydrates are necessary for athletes to help them keep going when they are training, so it’s a good idea to eat honey before exercising, or playing sport.

6. You can also make your own energy bars with dried fruit, cereal and sugar.



  1. Read the text and choose the answer (a, b, c, or d) which fits best according to the text.


  1. People believe that ________ lasts for a long time.
  1. sugar

b) tea

c) honey

d) yoghurt

  1. Honey is a natural sweetener with ________ artificial additives.
  1. not

b) no

c) any

d) some

  1. Because honey is thick and sticky, it coats the inside of throat and can stop you ________.
  1. working

b) exercising

c) playing

d) coughing

  1. Such important substances in honey as ________ are also found in fresh fruit and vegetable, olive oil and oregano.
  1. oil

b) energy

c) conditioner

d) antioxidants

  1. A substance that you put on something to make it shine is ________.
  1. honey

b) a gloss

c) a cough syrup

d) olive oil

  1. To make your own fantastic beauty product you can mix strawberries, honey, almond oil and __________ of vitamin E oil.
  1.             a very small amount of liquid with a round shape

b) a dew drop

c) a syrup

d) a very small amount of liquid with a long shape


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  1. Похилюк Євгенія Андріївна
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  2. Storozhuk Nataliia Vadymivna
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
25 липня 2018
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5.0 (2 відгука)
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