Контрольна робота з читання

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Контрольна робота. Семестровий контроль. Завдання для визначення рівня сформованості компетенції в читанні з огляду на те, що зміст завдань відповідає сферам і тематиці ситуативного спілкування, зазначеним у шкільній навчальній програмі.
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The control-reading for the 9lh form pupils

the first term.

I.   Read the text and do the tasks.

Leisure of British Young People

Young people in Great Britain have plenty of free time in the evenings and at the weekends to fill with hobbies of all kinds. There is no doubt that the most popular leisure activity of all is watching TV. In fact the average Briton watches about 25 hours of television every week. They have a choice of four national networks (BBC1, BBC2,1 TV and channel 4) plus a dozen or so satellite and cable stations. The second most popular leisure activity is visiting or entertaining friends. Listening to music and reading follow in the third and fourth position. Going for a meal or to the cinema is widely spread among the British youth as well. Next comes voluntary work. A surprising 25% of British adults are involved in voluntary work of some kind. There are more than 250,000 voluntary organisations in the UK. Many voluntary groups try to raise money for local charities connected with schools or churches while others concentrate on international problems such as famine in Africa. Perhaps the most traditional leisure activity is sport, which is divided into participation and spectator sport. The most popular spectator sport is football. Then we should mention rugby, cricket and athletics. When it comes to participation sport, nobody will be surprised to find that walking is number one in this way. Swimming is second. Young men are also fond of snooker, darts, cycling and squash. Young women prefer to keep fit. At 15 years old and above young people try to find «Saturday jobs», working as assistants in shops, cafes or restaurants to have pocket money. They save this money for bicycles, motorbikes, and spend it for discos and dances.

1.   What these numbers refer to, write out of the text.

250,000_________              25_________               4________ 25%________                      15__________


2. Match the opposites.

1.  plenty of time                        a) working days

2.  weekends                              b) lack of time

3. to doubt                                 c) to be indifferent to

4. to save money                        d) to be sure

5. to be fond of                          e) to spend money





II. Read the text.

Famous Places of the Country: Alton Towers — Where the Magic Never Ends!

The Alton Towers Hotel is one of the most well-known hotel in England. It is set in the heart of Stafford - shire's scenic countryside in the North-West of England. It is only minutes away from Britain's most magical theme park, Alton Towers. Like the park, the hotel offers guests the chance to experience a delightful holiday full of fun and surprises.

The first thing you'll notice when you enter the hotel is the extraordinary reception desk, which is made of piles of antique luggage and a flying machine which stretches up to the ceiling! The hotel also includes an amazing range of themed rooms such as ' Peter Rabbit Bedrooms, the Garden Rooms, the Explorer Roc the Coca-Cola Fizzy Factory Room, and the Arabian Nights Suite which is possibly the most romantic hotel suite in the world. All the bedrooms have a bathroom, tea- and coffee-making facilities, satellite TV and a baby-listening facility.

You'll feel great here at any weather! After a thrilling day at park, you can relax in the pool at the Pirate's Lagoon. Kids can join Pirate Bill's Club, which is a great opportunity to make new friends while taking part in games, drawing and face-painting. The Secret Garden Restaurant offers delicious dishes from around the world, while the hotel's two bars, the Dragon Bar and the captain's Bar, are both ideal places to relax with a coffee or a cocktail in the evening. The Alton Towers Hotel is the ideal place for a fun family holiday at any time of year, but the theme park is only open from Mid-March to the end of October. It is the land where the magic never ends.


3.Choose the correct item.

1. A guest is someone who.....

a) works at a hotel   b) is a manager of a hotel        c) is staying at a hotel

2. A baby-listening facility........

a) helps you listen to your baby while it is sleeping in another room

b) looks after your baby while you are swimming

c) feeds your baby while you are dancing

3. Antique luggage is..........

a) fashionable           b) very old                 c) very cheap

4. A thrilling day is..........

a) a boring day            b) a hard day             c) an exciting day

5. Delicious dishes are........

a) very spicy dishes                b) very tasty dishes                c) full of fats


III. Read the third text and do the tasks.

Christmas in My Family.

Hello! My name is Alexander. I live in Ukraine. My family is large. I live with my parents and grandparents. I've got two elder sisters Olga and Anna. Now they are students of Kyiv University and they visit our place only on holidays and some family occasions. Each Ukrainian family has its own customs and traditions. Ours is not an exception. My parents are very sociable and friendly people, so from time to time our house is full of guests. Our favourite holidays are New Year, Christmas and Women's Day. My mother thinks that at night of New Year's Eve the old year with all its troubles leaves us forever and the New Year with all our hopes and expectations knocks at our doors. On the eve of January the 7' we start celebrating Christmas. It's a real ritual for ray grandparents. My granny always gets ready for this religious holiday beforehand. On Sviat Vechir we gather around the table for a holy supper of twelve symbolic dishes. We are not allowed to start supper until the first star appears in the sky. We begin our supper with the kutia (a dish of honey, poppy seeds and wheat kernels boiled in pure rainwater). There are no meat and meat products on our table. My granny is a wonderful cook, so we enjoy her varenyky, holubtsi and desserts made from dried fruit and honey. After tasty supper we go to bed. Early in the morning we go to church to take part in the church service. When we come back home we give each other presents and wish "Merry Christmas'". All boxes with the presents are located under Christmas tree. It's a nice time when my sisters are at home and we've got a lot of happy moments together.


4. Mark true or false.

1. Alexander has got two younger sisters.

2. His parents like communicating with people.

3. Their beloved holiday is Easter.

4. A holy supper contains twelve symbolic dishes.

5. The kutia is the main dish.

6. There are a lot of meat dishes on the table on Sviat Vechir.

7. The next day the family go to church.

8. All the presents are located in the wardrobe.

9. The sisters usually spend Christmas at home.

5. Answer the questions.

1. How many people are there in the boy's family?

2. Where do his sisters study?

3. What does the mother hope for in the new year?

5. What do the family do on Sviat Vechir?

6. What do the family do after the church service?

7. Why is Christmas beloved by the whole family?



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Всього відгуків: 2
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  1. Красный Угорь
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  2. Богдан Артём
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
27 квітня 2020
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3.0 (2 відгука)
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