Контрольна роботи з письма за І-ІІ семестр для 11 класу

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Контрольна робота з письма за І-ІІ семестр за підручником Карп'юк О.Д. для 11 класу
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                                       Control Work .Writing                       Term I-II

                                 IV                         Form 11                                   II V

1.Translate into English.

1) проголошувати незалежність

2) школа спільного навчання

3) здійснити опитування

4) захист навколишнього середовища

5) бути звільненим під заставу

6) позитивне ставлення

7) Рада Європи , ООН

8)замовити столик заздалегідь

9)їжа  високої якості

10)підвищення рівня злочинності серед молоді

1.Translate into English.

1) законодавча та виконавча влада

2) надзвичайно виснажений

3) екологічно раціональний метод

4) переговори між людьми

5) арештувати за фізичний напад

6)відкритість та відповідальність

7)змусити затамувати подих


9)традиційна українська кухня

10) проблема вагітності серед підлітків

 3.Complete the sentences, use Infinitive ,Gerund or Participle.

1.I have no idea what ( choose).She doesn’t enjoy ( wear) formal clothes.

2. He doesn’t mind ( watch) the programme.  He’s  pretending (be) angry.

3. ( invite) to the premiere of the play she was looking forward to watching it.


 3.Complete the sentences, use Infinitive , Gerund or Participle.

1. Who is that man ( sit) in the hall and

 ( play) the guitar ?

2.I’ll try (speak) to him. He promised

 ( tell) the truth.

3.Have you finished ( cook)? I can’t stand ( wait).

3.Complete the sentences .( Use 1st,2nd, 3d or zero   Conditional)

1. My dream (come true) if I ( work) the previous year.

2. If the boy …(not do) his homework yesterday , he …( be) grounded.

3.Ann  ( not be) excited if he ( win) the elections.

3.Complete the sentences.( Use 1st, 2nd , 3d  or zero Conditional )

1. The deputy (sign) the bill if he (agree) with our decision.

2.If the man (book) a table in advance, they ( have) a nice party in the restaurant.

3.Tom ( pass) his exams if he ( work) a bit harder.

 4.Rewrite the sentences into reported speech.

1.” Why do you play truant ?” the teacher asked me.

2. “ Alcohol slows down brain activity!”the doctor  explained.

3.”Can mother infect her baby during pregnancy?” the student asked.

4.Rewrite the sentences into reported speech

1.”Will the elections to the Verkhovna Rada be held next year?” the pupil  asked.

2.”They will enter the university next year,” the teacher said.

3.” Who helped you to make your choice?”his friend asked.

5.   Choose the right variant

(have smth done, Complex Subject)

1.She always …her rubbish collected on Saturdays.

a)have    b) has      c)has had

2. We … all the books bought in some days.

a)are having   b)will have    c)have

3.He …to have invented a new method.

a)said      b)says         c)is said

4.The boy …to be the first in this competition.

a)are known  b)has known  c) was known



 5.  Choose the right variant

(have smth done, Complex Subject)

1.The pupils…their classrooms repaired last week.

a) did   b)had   c)have had

 2.You …your room cleaned at the moment.

a)having   b)are having   c)are being

3.He …to be the member of the ecological group.

a) seem    b)seems   c)is seemed

4.They …. to be singing in the hall.

a) heard  b)are heard  c)are hearing


6.Choose the right variant, make the sentences in Active or Passive Voice.

1. The room …….at  the moment.

a)is being decorated b)is decorate d)decorated

2.The pupil …..  the  report yet.

a)hasn’t been written  b)wrote  c)hasn’t written                                                                                                      

3.The new method of recycling….. by them.

a) is been taken b) have been taken c) will be taken


6.Choose the right variant, make the sentences in Active or Passive Voice.

1.He …….by the terrorists.

a)will  kill   b)was killed c)has killed

2.The scientists ……the  new laboratory.

a)haven’t used b)were used c)have been used

3.The TV …….. off by him in time.

a)have been switched b)was switched



7. Match the words in B with particles in A to make up phrasal verbs, translate into Ukrainian.


A: up, down, out of, up, back, after

B: talk ,patch, calm, look, bring, run


 7. Match the words in B with particles in A to make up phrasal verbs, translate into Ukrainian.


A:for, up, out, on, into, on

B: speak, rely, break, get, look, eat


8. Choose one topic. Make up your own dialogue between two friends about:

1) Role of foreign languages in our life

2) A chance to go anywhere.

3)  Relationship between parents and children.

4) Do you like junk food?

5) Environment needs improvement.

6) The Role of Art in Our Life.

7)The problems young people are facing nowadays.

8)State structure of Ukraine

8. Choose one topic. Make up your own dialogue between two friends about:

1) Role of foreign languages in our life

2) A chance to go anywhere.

3)  Relationship between parents and children.

4) Do you like junk food?

5) Environment needs improvement.

6) The Role of Art in Our Life.

7)The problems young people are facing nowadays.

8)State structure of Ukraine












Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Курулюк Ліза
    Можно будь ласка відповіді?
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
24 травня 2019
Оцінка розробки
4.7 (1 відгук)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
про публікацію авторської розробки
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