Квест "Quest in English for pupils of forms 1-4 "

Про матеріал
Позакласний захід у формі квесту для учнів початкової школи. Розрахований на невелику групу дітей за участю вчителів школи. Метою є стимулювати інтерес дітей у вивченні англійської мови у незвичний і цікавий спосіб. Залучення вчителів до гри заохочує дітей показати кращі результати. Командний дух, об`єднання з учнями інших класів, рухливий спосіб гри позитивно впливають на результативність квесту і гарний настрій учасників.
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Quest in English

For pupils of forms 1-4

Aim: to develop English and to stimulate to learn more, to learn to collaborate in a team, to make pupils be happy.


  • some pupils of forms 1-4
  • teachers of English, Maths, PT, Music, Ukrainian and Secretary.  


          Pupils get cards with the tasks from the teachers, do the tasks and get new ones for moving from one classroom to another.

  1. The English Teacher
  1. Hello! How many children are there in your team? Count everybody. Do you like Maths? Go to the Maths Teacher!

The children move around the school looking for the Maths teacher.

  1. The Maths Teacher says “Hello!” and gives the children a card with a task. They read themselves.
  1. How much is it?

Tree plus six plus eleven minus ten is ... 

 The children must say “TEN” and write “10”. The Maths Teacher gives the next card only after the correct answer.

  1. Do you like sports? Where is a room for sports? Go there!

The children go to the gym.

  1. The PT Teacher says “Hello!” and gives the card.
  1. How are you? Choose the sport words.
  1. Ball
  2. Sandwich
  3. Jump
  4. PT


  1. Pen
  2. Sofa
  3. Basketball
  4. Run






The PT teacher gives the next card only when he/she sees numbers 1, 3, 4, 7, 8.

  1. She loves to speak Ukrainian and she is a Ukrainian Language Master. Go quickly to her!

The children go to the Ukrainian Language teacher.

  1. The Ukrainian Language Teacher says “Hello!” and gives the card and the sheets of paper with the words.
  1. What is your name?

Make a correct sentence. 



The teacher gives the next card only when she/he sees the correct variant:

My little kitten likes to drink milk and sleep.

Or: My little kitten likes to sleep and drink milk.

  1. You are good! Write the first letters and read the new word.










The correct answer is “SECRETARY”. The children go to the secretary.

  1. The secretary says “Hello!” and gives the card.
  1. Match:
  1. Book
  2. Wolf
  3. Ice-cream
  4. Snowman
  1. Animal
  2. Milk
  3. Winter
  4. Paper



The teacher gives the next card only when she/he sees the correct variant:

1-8            2-5           3-6        4-7

  1. Make a word-lesson. Go to this teacher.







The correct answer is “MUSIC”. The children go to the Music teacher.

  1. The music teacher says “Hello!” and gives the card.

Correct, please!

  1. At the PT lessons we play the piano.
  2. The teacher works in the hospital.
  3. Apples are red and blue.
  4. Summer is cold and snowy.


The teacher gives the next card only when she/he sees the correct variant:

  1. Music     2. doctor/nurse       3. green/yellow     4. Winter

This teacher speaks English every day. Who is it?

The children have to find the English teacher.

The English teacher gives the last card:


FINISH! You are great!


And presents everybody the paper stars:



31 серпня 2019
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