Лексична вправа на заповнення пропусків

Про матеріал
Лексична вправа на заповнення пропусків допоможе учням різного віку запам'ятати правильне вживання прийменників в англійській мові
Перегляд файлу

Fill in the gaps!

  1. These documents are very important. Don’t forget to back ….
  2. What are you looking….? –I can’t find my umbrella.
  3. He is a computer wizard. He has a good head …IT.
  4. They were late…the lesson.
  5. Look…..the window!  It’s raining cats and dogs.
  6. He is unemployed.  He is looking …a job.
  7. I want to get this job. I am going to apply…it.
  8. What are you busy….? – I am getting ready …the test.
  9. She was born …Kyiv …2001.
  10. He will come soon, ….20 minutes, I suppose.
  11. I can’t say “NO”….sweets.
  12.  I’d like to apologize …my terrible behavior.
  13. He often complains….a heartache.
  14. Some people suffer …insomnia.
  15. Let’s go. What are you waiting …?
  16. She is reliable. You can rely…her.
  17. Her face seems familiar …me.
  18. It’s not my cup… tea.
  19. He got …the bus and went straight ahead.
  20. Where are you?  I am waiting…you.
  21. Let’s meet …5pm.
  22. Don’t stare …me!
  23. Don’t worry…it.
  24. I really insist…this.
  25. The play consists ….2 parts.
  26. She is good …gymnastics.
  27. They are keen…History.
  28. I am not interested …Science.
  29. She is fond….music.


17 травня 2019
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