"Lesson Management. Understanding Thinking Skills. Language Practice Activities"

Про матеріал
Відповідно до програми НУШ, в центрі уваги-дитина, організація її креативного розвитку та навчання. Розробка проведення майстер-класу на тему "Lesson Management. Understanding Thinking Skills. Language Practice Activities" має на меті допомогти учителям англійської мови цілеспрямовано організувати роботу в класі.
Зміст слайдів
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GO GLOBAL Ukraine is speaking

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Khrystynivka town, specialized school #1 Workshop Lesson Management Understanding Thinking Skills Language Practice Activities Halyna Danylevska Teacher of English 2019

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Lesson Management Understanding thinking skills Language practice activities Theme

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Objectives to clear up what the lesson management is; to discuss the importance of thinking skills; to clarify language practice activities; to practise work in groups, grouping & regrouping;

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What is lesson management?

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Teachers are born,

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The key teacher’s task is to transfer the knowledge

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My lessons should always be exciting

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It’s my fault that my students are bored.

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Create a poster expressing what the lesson management is

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Lesson management is concerned on a learner-centered teaching b) An effectively organized lesson is one of the essential elements of a well-management in the class

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c) Lesson management refers to the planning and consideration that goes into the creation of an activity. d) A good plan and good classroom practices can help you and your learners get more from your lessons.

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If we imagine the lesson as a pot where we cook borsch, what do we put in it?

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Lesson plan metaphor (In groups)

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A teacher without a plan looks like a ship without a captain. A lesson plan is like a compass to reach your destination. A properly sequenced plan is a perfect guide book in the classroom

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Why do we plan the lessons ? to choose the appropriative techniques and strategies and provide the steps of the lesson

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to choose the appropriative techniques and strategies and provide the steps of the lesson

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Creating a poster Features of a good lesson

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Getting sufficient feedback Appropriate level of tasks challenge Appropriate planning Learners’ centered Including authentic material Providing outcome Situations connected with real life Time management Variaty of methods Clear instructions Easy for learners Logical stages Features of a good lesson

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Common Errors of English teacher Correcting mistakes while the student is answering Repeating the learners’ mistakes Speaking in the native language

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Discouraging students Screaming, yelling Calculating speaking time Racing through the textbook Communicating at not appropriate level Poor classroom language Teacher’s Talking Time

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Thinking skills- mental process that we apply when we try to make sense of experience or knowledge

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Thinking skills (from Bloom’s Taxonomy) -Low order thinking skills -High order thinking skills

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Activity types (according to the type of the lesson & outcome) -Brainstorming -Discussion -Guessing -Puzzle -Dictogloss

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-Word categories -Jigsaw reading -Role play -Find someone who -Flexible activities -Creating a mind map -Project -Presentation

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Summing up Lesson management is

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concerned on a learner-centered teaching

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consideration that goes into the creation of an activity.

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Watching a video Pre-watching (guess what the film is about); While-watching (write down in your copy-books what strange things are in Greg’s room); Post- watching (tell where Greg’s trainer is; what he is wearing);

24 лютого 2019
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