Life on Earth as a miracle: its ontology and genesis .

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Life on Earth as a miracle: its ontology and genesis

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Nature is constantly changing, even before the dawn of humanity. From the break up of Pangaea to the extinction of dinosaurs, from the Sahara Pump to the Ice Age, Earth has completely changed from what it was millions of years ago. Beyond these spontaneous events, initiated by Nature itself, Humans are continuously adapting the Planet to accommodate their needs through careless interaction with their surrounding environment.

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Nature is not simply a warehouse of resources to serve human needs. Rather, it is a highly integrated, interdependent functioning system upon which all life forms, including the soil, water, plants, animals and humans depend for survival.

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According to scientists, life began when chemistry begat biology—that is, when simple molecules assembled into more complex molecules that then began to self-replicate. Scientists widely suspect that life began during that long, undocumented interval. How Did Life on Earth Get Started?

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In developing the doctrine of creation, Genesis 1 of course played a significant role in the thought of the early Church Fathers. This is not in the least surprising, since it is here that the Scriptures establish the principal features and frame work for the Biblical understanding of reality as the handiwork of God.

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When science leans upon the experimental method, it feels stronger, and becomes emancipated. Today it is the Bible which is controlled by science. 

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In fact, modern science has provided extensive empirical evidence which indicated that nature was a complex collection of water, air, soil, animal, plants and human beings. The components were sufficiently interdependent that the failure of one part of the system could undermine the productivity of other parts. As a result, it is necessary for us to treat the natural environment with love and respect because the failure of the system would ultimately threaten the subsistence of human beings.

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Aldo Leopold, the father of American conservation movement

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He has mentioned a thought-provoking story in his essay, “Thinking like a mountain”. In the 1930s, when Leopold was working as an officer for the U. S. Forest Service in Arizona’s Apache National Forest, he was actively advocating the killing of wolves. He believed that “fewer wolves meant more deer, that no more wolves would mean a hunters’ paradise.

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” However, the eradication of wolves in the mountain didn’t lead to a hunters’ paradise as Leopold expected but to a hunter’s nightmare: rapid increase of deer and elk herds led to overgrazing and soil erosion, followed by overgrazing of plant life and erosion, eventually resulted in starvation and population collapse. In response to the ecological predicament, Leopold changed its position and began to advocate preserving the wilderness and forest and protecting the wolves.

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The wolf hunting story is not a unique case. There are thousands or millions of cases like this where humans presumptuously made a decision to alter the nature for its own benefit, but the results are always bleak. The truth is nature integrity is the basis for economic prosperity.

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For the society to truly flourish, it is obliged for us to fulfill our responsibility to preserve nature. Nature is feelingless, but it shows leniency and generosity to humans all the time by providing us with abundant resources and enduring the ravage of our exploitation. Thus, we should be grateful in our hearts, but not tread on nature’s vulnerability.

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The problems we are facing now are tough. However, the good news is that, you don’t have to be an expert or a millionaire to save the Planet - everyone can help to do their bit for the environment. In other words, if each of us can be more conscious of environmental issues and willing to take some simple steps to save the Planet, we can make a huge contribution. Why should we protect nature?

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Nowadays, with increasing environmental awareness among the public, people around the world are coming together to fight for a greener future, and the effort has achieved great results. As a pioneering member of environmental advocacy community, Better World International is always committed to improve and take care of our surrounding environment, by providing practical tips to its members on the things they can do to live more sustainably and save the Earth .

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До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 березня 2020
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