Mass Media (Broden your mind)

Про матеріал
Підсумкова тестова робота, яка містить питання на знання видів ЗМІ, прикладів вітчизняних та зарубіжних засобів масової інформації
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1.          TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet are called the … .

imageimage               а) ZMI                                                                                                      б) Broden your mind

                в) Instagram                                                                                         г) TikTok

                д) Mass Media                                                                                    е) Mas Media

                є) Tik-Tock                                                                                            ж) Press

2.          Choose, please, British Mass Media (several variants)

imageimage                а) Berehynya                                                                                       б) BBC

                 в) the New York Times                                                                      г) the Washington Post

                д) Sky News                                                                                         е) the Gurdian

               є) BBD                                                                                                    ж) British News

3.          Choose, please, American Mass Media

imageimage                а) Fox News                                                                                          б) American News

                в) CNN                                                                                                    г) Reuters

                 д) the Washington Mass Media                                                     е) The New York City

                 є) The USA News                                                                                ж) The American Times

4.          Choose the names of Ukrainian periodicals

imageimage                а) Freedom                                                                                                б) the Independence of Ukraine

                в) Holos Ukrainy                                                                                 г) Berehynya

                д) Ukraine is free                                                                                е) Ukrainian News

                 є) News in Ukraine                                                                           ж) Victory!

5.          Who makes newspapers?

imageimage               а) A driver                                                                                             б) The reporters

                 в) The pop-stars                                                                                  г) The grandmothers

                д) A news editor                                                                                 е) A doctor

                є) People                                                                                               ж) Newspaper funs

6.          He or she delivers newspapers to shops.

imageimage               а) A reporter                                                                                        б) A driver

                в) A magazine                                                                                      г) A newspaper man

                д) A deliver man                                                                                 е) A postman

є) A postmen

7.          An … is a text, picture or short fi lm which tries to sell you something.

imageimage                а) magazines                                                                                       б) press

               в) event                                                                                                  г) media

                д) mass                                                                                                  е) advertisement

               є) reporter                                                                                           ж) report

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