Матеріал для самостійної роботи; відпрацювання конструкції used to+infinitive

Про матеріал
Перевірка засвоєння учнями граматичного матеріалу( used to+infinitive). Матеріали для самостійної роботи.
Перегляд файлу

1.Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи конструкцію used to. Open the brackets, using used to.

  1. Ann … (buy) white bread, but now she buys brown bread.
  2. Susan … (drink) black coffee, but now she drinks white.
  3. Henry … (smoke) a pipe, but now he doesn’t smoke at all.
  4. My dad … (run) 5 km every day, but now he doesn’t run.
  5. My wife … (spend) much money on clothes, but now she spends it on travelling.
  6. Jill … (to eat) eat raw fish.

2. Утворіть заперечні речення з конструкцією used to. Make a sentences using used to.

1. People used to make their own cheese and butter.

2. My sister used to wear jeans.

3. Tom  used to cycling to school.

4. Ann used to buy white bread, but now she buys brown bread.

5.Harry used to drink Pepsi,but now he prefers tea.

6. They used to wear a shool uniform,but now they doesn`t.

1.Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи конструкцію used to. Open the brackets, using used to.

  1. Ann … (buy) white bread, but now she buys brown bread.
  2. Susan … (drink) black coffee, but now she drinks white.
  3. Henry … (smoke) a pipe, but now he doesn’t smoke at all.
  4. My dad … (run) 5 km every day, but now he doesn’t run.
  5. My wife … (spend) much money on clothes, but now she spends it on travelling.
  6. Jill … (to eat) eat raw fish.

2. Утворіть заперечні речення з конструкцією used to. Make a sentences using used to.

1. People used to make their own cheese and butter.

2. My sister used to wear jeans.

3. Tom  used to cycling to school.

4. Ann used to buy white bread, but now she buys brown bread.

5.Harry used to drink Pepsi,but now he prefers tea.

6. They used to wear a shool uniform,but now they doesn`t.


27 вересня 2021
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