Матеріали для підготовки до уроків з англійської мови для учнів 5-9 класів Вивчення творчості англомовних письменників English speaking Writers

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  • вчити аналізувати отриману інформацію;
  • систематизувати граматичний матеріал.


  • розвивати уміння робити зіставлення,

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  • збагатити словниковий запас.


  • виховувати розуміння важливого значення

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Вивчення творчості англомовних письменників





English speaking Writers
















Teacher: Welcome to our English speaking writers club.

                  Today we’ll go on with our travel to the wonderful country of English 


                  You have a chance to learn more about the great writers and their famous



Pupil 1: William Shakespeare (biography)

                He belongs to the period of Renaissance.


         1. Look at the poster and try to guess what Shakespeare’s play is devoted to.

a) Romeo and Juliet


         2.  In what genre did W. Shakespeare not work.

c) novel


Pupil 2: Daniel Defoe (biography)

                He belongs to the literature of 18 century. 


                Documentary video


          1.  What is D. Defoe’s most famous character?

a) Robinson Crusoe


          2. To what literary period did Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift belong?

c) the Literature of 18 century


Pupil 3: Charles Dickens (biography)

                He is the Victorian novelist.


          1.  What happened to the writer or his family members at the particular time?

a) Dickens was born

c) The family moved to London

d) Dickens began to earn money



Pupil 4: Jonathan Swift (biography)

                He belongs to the literature of 18 century. 



         1.  Where did J. Swift come from?

c) Ireland

         2.  What happened to Jonathan's father?

a) He died suddenly

         3.  Who took care of Jonathan Swift after his father's death?

b) His mom and his uncles

         4.  What education did J. Swift get?

b) He graduated from Trinity College, Dublin

         5.  Where did Swift work after his university education?

a) in England




Pupil 5: George Gordon Byron (biography)

                He is the representative of the Romantic poetry.


          1.  What was G. G. Byron’s autobiographical poem?

a) “Childe Harold”


Pupil 6: Charlotte Bronte (biography)

                She belongs to the literature of Victorian Age.

                Video Lesson


          1.  Guess Mrs. Reed attitude to Jane Eyre.

b) Mrs. Reed is good only to her own children



Pupil 7: Robert Louise Stevenson (biography)

                He belongs to the literature of Victorian Age.



          1. What the pictures suggested below have to do with the writer's life?

  1        4

2        3


Pupil 8: Oscar Wilde (biography)

                 He belongs to the literature of Victorian Age.



          1. What the pictures suggested below have to do with his life experience?

  1        4

2        3


Pupil 9: Herbert George Wells (biography)

                He is the representative of Modernism.


          1.  In his early years Herbert Wells…

c) graduated as a scientist


          2.  His first books were…

a) textbooks



Pupil 10: George Bernard Shaw (biography)

                He is the representative of Modernism.



         1.  Where was Bernard Shaw born?

с) Ireland

         2.  How old was he when B. Shaw left his native city forever?

c) twenty



         3.  What education did he receive?

a) musical

         4.  What prize was B. Shaw awarded for Literature?

b) The Nobel Prize


Pupil 11: Agatha Christie (biography)

                 She belongs to the literature of Contemporary Age.



          1.  What is A. Christie's best known mystery play in the world?

b) “The Mousetrap”



Teacher: The role of books is so significant.

                   We grow-up with them, they stay in our memory.

                    I think that after our lesson you’ll become keen on reading, you’ll

                    find some more interesting books, that will fill your life with joy and










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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 березня 2018
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