Матеріали до теми "The Educational System in Ukraine and UK"

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The Educational System in Ukraine

Ukraine has got rather developed system of education. General secondary education is free and compulsory. There are many gymnasiums, lycees and private schools in Ukraine. The secondary school must secure a uniform level of knowledge necessary for each student. Post-secondary education is provided by technical schools, colleges and institution of higher learning: universities, academies and institutes. At each institute or university there is a post-graduate course with postgraduates working for their scientific degrees.

There are many scientific, educational and academic centres in Ukraine. Kyiv with its famous National University named after T. Shevchenko, Polytechnic University, Kyivo-Mohylyanska Academy which resumed its work in 1991. There are three faculties in the Academy now: the humanities, social and national sciences. Lviv is the leading scientific and cultural centre of Western Ukraine. It has a number of research institutes of high level.

Kharkiv University has 10 faculties: mechanics-mathematics, physics, physics-technology, radio-physics, chemistry, biology, economics, history, philology and foreign languages. Ukraine numbers a total of 1.5 million college and university students. Graduates from the Ukrainian institution of higher learning become famous writers, prominent diplomats, economists, chemists, mathematicians and others.


1. The general educational school Ukraine has three stages, hasn"t it?

2. The education is free, isn"t it?

3. What is Kyiv famous for?

4. What is the leading scientific centre of Western Ukraine?

5. How many faculties are there in Kharkiv University?


free — безкоштовний

compulsory — обов"язковий

uniform level — єдиний рівень

humanities — гуманітарні науки

to resume — відновлювати

post-secondary education — вища освіта


English children go to school at the age of 5. It is the infant school. At the infant school they learn to read, to write and to count.In Great Britain school begins on the first of September, if the first of September is not Monday. English children have classes five days a week, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They do not have classes on Saturday and on Sunday.They have holidays three times a year. They have winter holidays for seventeen days, spring holidays — for fifteen days and summer holidays for thirty-four or thirty-five days. In summer their lessons are over in the middle of July. English children are at school from nine o’clock in the morning till half past four in the afternoon. But they have a long break from twelve o’clock till two o’clock.There are private schools in Great Britain. Parents pay for the education of their children there.When children leave school at the age of 16 they get a report. English pupils get such marks: “A+” — it means “excellent”, “A” — “very good”, “B” – “good”, “C” – “satisfactory”, “D” — “fair”, “E” — “unsatisfactory”.Some schools in Great Britain are only for boys, and some are only for girls.


the infant school – школа для дітей 5-7 років

(an infant) – (маленька дитина)

in the middle half – в середині

half past four – пів на п’яту

A+ (plus) – ей з плюсом

fair – посередньо


  1. At what age do English children begin to go to school? 
  2. Does school always begin on the first of September in Great Britain? 
  3. How many times a year do English children have holidays?
  4. Do they have holidays in autumn?How long are their holidays in summer? 
  5. Would you like to have such summer holidays as English pupils have? 
  6. How long is a school day in Great BritainAt what age do English pupils leave school? 
  7. What marks do they have in their school reports? 
  8. Are there any schools only for boys or only for girls in Great Britain? 
  9. Are there the schools only for boys or only for girls in Ukraine?
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) 10 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
17 жовтня 2022
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