Майстерклас «Використання інтерактивних методів роботи на уроках англійської мови в школі І ступеня» (на базі уроку в 4-му класі Working day)

Про матеріал

Майстерклас "Використання інтерактивних методів роботи на уроках англійської мови в школі І ступеня" (на базі уроку в 4-му класі "Working day". Зустріч розрахована на вчителів англійської мови, які викладають в початкових класах та вчителів 5-класів для дотримання наступності у виборі методів роботи при викладанні предмету.Мета зустрічі: Показати колегам можливі інтерактивні методи роботи на різних етапах уроку англійської мови.

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Чернігівська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 35

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«Використання інтерактивних методів роботи на уроках англійської мови в школі І ступеня»

(на базі уроку в 4-му класі Working day)



англійської мови

                                                       Бабич А.В.






Чернігів 2018-2019 н.р.


Зустріч розрахована на вчителів англійської мови, які викладають в початкових класах та вчителів 5-класів для дотримання наступності у виборі методів роботи при викладанні предмету.

Мета зустрічі: Показати колегам можливі інтерактивні методи роботи на різних етапах уроку англійської мови.

Тип опорного уроку: . Урок практичного застосування знань, навичок і умінь з використання інтерактивних методів навчання.

Обладнання уроку: НМК Family and friends 2, відео та аудіо матеріали до НМК Family and friends 2,Class Audio,  роздатковий матеріал , м’яч

Хід зустрічі:


T: Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the primary English world. Today I want to show you how to use different interactive methods during one topic and one lesson. But you have to imagine that you are the pupils of the fourth form.

 So, let’s start.

Look at the screen and say: what is this video about. What is the topic of today’s lesson?

Gs: Video is about working day.

T: That’s right. 

……………………………………………………………………………………..  1. It is not the first lesson of the topic so we can make a Mind Map

In pairs pupils fined the words according to the topic. The Mind Map must have alive brunches because we can develop any idea in all directions.












get up                                                                                              have dinner                                                                                                                                                                     

make a bed                                                                                      watch TV                                                                                                                                       

have breakfast          in the morning                   in the evening     do my homework

go to school                                                                                    visit my grandma                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                                                                                        help my mum                                                                                                                                                               


                                  in the afternoon                                                                                                                                                                    have lessons at school                                            at night                 listen to music

have lunch                                                                                           go to bed 

go swimming                                                                                       read a book                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

go home                                                                                                                                                

play with friends 


2. T: To remember and to revise lexical material you can use the Brownian Movement: Some children get pictures, others – cards with word combination or words. Their task is to make pairs.

3.Team games are also very interesting and funny for children. So let’s catch words with flaps. Get into two teams. One person from each team stands by the board turning back to it. Then teacher says the word children turn to the board? find the word and clap it with the flap. The winners are the quickest.

3. Brainstorming:

 T: To activate children we use Brainstorming. Now, answer my questions. What do you do in the morning ( afternoon, evening, at night) ?

Ps: I get up in the morning. … (учні говорять всі можливі речення по даній темі)

4. Relaxing and energizing :

T: Relaxing also must be useful. For example we can remember the time.

   So.  Let’s amazing that it is night and all children are sleeping.

Silent night. Holly night.

All is calm. All is bright.

All are sleeping …  

only the clock makes its “tick-tock…”

What time is it?

( It’s one o’clock…) Вчитель торкає дітей за плечі і називає час англійською мовою, а діти перекладають українською.

T: Oh! It is morning now. Wake up! Let’s do morning exercises.

This energizing not for children, but for the hardworking people.

     Hello! My name is Joe.

     And I work in a button factory.

     I’ve got a family: a wife and three children.

     And one day my boss asks me:

     Hey, Joe! Are you busy?

     I say: No!

  • Please, press the button

With your right hand…(left hand, right/left foot)…I say: «YES!»

5. Working in groups.

Working in groups is the most useful and the most difficult according to the organization of working. The new Ukrainian school says about such methods as Jigsaw I, Jigsaw II, Pink Pencil, Pens to the center, Round Robin, Round table, Relay (Естафета). Also we know interactive methods Carousal, Aquarium.

Today we’ll practice Puzzle. Our task is  Reading. To work better we have to eat better. I think fruits are the most useful food for us now. They give us vitamins. Let’s get in groups according to fruits ( I like to eat apples and bananas…)

…………………………………………………………………………………….Firstly meet my friends. Do you know them? (Картинки з героями розповідей Coach Potato, Goofy the Sportsman, Cinderella )What kind of people are they?

………………………………………………………………………………………Your task is: decide whose working day is it,

               find odd-one-out sentences,

               order the parts of the text to make a story about somebody’s working day,    

               decorate and present your projects .    


Картинки по запросу couch potato

Coach Potato

He gets up at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Then he has lunch and watches TV.

He doesn’t study and doesn’t work.

He never helps about the house.

He doesn’t do sports.

He reads only comics.

He sleeps, eats and watches TV or DVD all day long.

He goes to bed very late at night.

Картинки по запросу goofy a sportsman

Goofy The Sportsman

He gets up at six o’clock in the morning.

He makes his bed, washes his face and cleans teeth.

After that he goes to the sports field.

He runs and does morning exercises.

Then he has breakfast, helps about the house and goes to the sports club.

He has lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon and has a rest.

Then he does sport again.

In the evening he goes home and has dinner.

He helps about the house and reads books.

He goes to bed at nine o’clock.


Похожее изображение


She gets up very early, washes her face, cleans teeth and dresses.

Then she cooks breakfast and prepares clothes for her stepmother and stepsisters.

She does all the housework.

She never has full breakfast, lunch or dinner.

She never rests. Her friends, mice and birds, always help her.

She likes to sing and wants to be happy.

She is very tired in the evening.

She goes to bed late at night.

(Pupils present their texts.)

T(after the each text) : Is it a good working day?

Ps: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

T: Why do you think so?

Ps: Coach Potato gets up late. He never helps about the house. He doesn’t do sports. His working day is bad.

  Cinderella gets up very early. She works all day long but she never rests. Her working day is bad.

    Goofy The Sportsman gets up early, does sport and helps about the house. His working day is good.

6. Interactive computer programs and online components.

At the lessons we use different interactive computer programs and videos. Studying methodical complex Family and friends has such program to practice vocabulary and grammar, to sing songs and listen to stories. And also to practice speaking.

( Show some exercises.  Listen to the song.)

7.Working in a circle:

To summarizing lesson you can use different 5 minutes activities. I like to work in a circle. In such way we also can start lessons. Especially according to the NUS. Its like a Morning circle, where we greet each other, talk in simple dialogues, play language games. We can name these methods Snow ball, Grammar chain, Speaking chain.

And now we’ll try to make story about our working day.

I’ll start:

     I get up at six o’clock in the morning.

Gs1: Alla Vasylivna get up at six o’clock in the morning.

     I have breakfast at seven o’clock.

Gs2. Alla Vasylivna get up at six o’clock in the morning.

     Yulia has breakfast at seven o’clock.

     I go to school …


T: Thank you very much.

I think about working in groups we’ll learn later.




























1. Тема асоціативного куща.


























2. Слова для асоціативного куща.

get up

go home

have breakfast

go to school

have dinner

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening

at night

long hair

do my homework

help my mum

visit my grandma

go swimming

read a book

play with friends

listen to music

watch TV

curly hair

have a music lesson

write an email

big lion

to like rice

my pen

dark night

her sister

little doll  

sweet orange

to like elephants

his father

our book

open the window

make a bed

doesn’t like

black  copybook

have a rest

white board

have lunch

have lessons




4. Малюнки для роботи з текстом.(Для 3-х груп)




Картинки по запросу couch potato


Coach Potato     




Картинки по запросу goofy a sportsman

Goofy The Sportsman

Похожее изображение



Картинки по запросу couch potato

Coach Potato



Картинки по запросу goofy a sportsman

Goofy The Sportsman

Похожее изображение



Картинки по запросу couch potato

Coach Potato


Картинки по запросу goofy a sportsman

Goofy The Sportsman


Похожее изображение









5. Речення для складання розповідей (розрізати) .


І група


He gets up at twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

Then he has lunch and watches TV.

He doesn’t study and doesn’t work.

He never helps about the house.

He doesn’t do sports.

He reads only comics.

He sleeps, eats and watches TV or DVD all day long.

He goes to bed very late at night.

She does all the housework.

She never has full breakfast, lunch or dinner.




ІІ група

He gets up at six o’clock in the morning.

He makes his bed, washes his face and cleans teeth.

After that he goes to the sports field.

He runs and does morning exercises.

Then he has breakfast, helps about the house and goes to the sports club.

He has lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon and has a rest.

Then he does sport again.

In the evening he goes home and has dinner.

He helps about the house and reads books.

He goes to bed at nine o’clock.

He sleeps, eats and watches TV or DVD all day long.

He goes to bed very late at night.



ІІІ група

She gets up very early, washes her face, cleans teeth and dresses.

Then she cooks breakfast and prepares  clothes for her stepmother and stepsisters.

She does all the housework.

She never has full breakfast, lunch or dinner.

She never rests. Her friends, mice and birds, always help her.

She likes to sing and wants to be happy.

She is very tired in the evening.

She goes to bed late at night.

He doesn’t study and doesn’t work.

He never helps about the house.








22 грудня 2018
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