Метод Jigsaw або ажурна пилка

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Метод Jigsaw або ажурна пилка. Дана розробка містить теоритичний матеріал та практичні завдання для опрацювання та засвоєння даного методу роботи на уроці.
Перегляд файлу

Метод Jigsaw або ажурна пилка («Мозаїка», «Джиг-со»)

Технологія використовується для створення на уроці ситуації, яка дає змогу учням працювати разом для засвоєння великої кількості інформації за короткий проміжок часу. Ефективна і може замінити лекції у тих випадках, коли початкова інформація повинна бути донесена до учнів перед проведенням основного (базисного) уроку або доповнює такий урок. Заохочує учнів допомагати один одному вчитися, навчаючи.

Як організувати роботу

1. Щоб підготувати учнів до уроку з великим обсягом інформації, підберіть матеріал, необхідний для уроку, і підготуйте індивідуальний інформаційний пакет для кожного учня (матеріали підручника, додаткові матеріали – вирізки з газет, статті тощо).

2. Підготуйте таблички з кольоровими позначками, щоб учні змогли визначити завдання для їхньої групи. Кожен учень входитиме у дві групи – «домашню» й «експертну». Спочатку об'єднайте учнів у «домашні» групи (1,2, 3), а потім створіть «експертні» групи, використовуючи кольорові позначки, що їх учитель попередньо роздає учням. У кожній домашній групі всі її учасники повинні мати позначки різних кольорів, а у кожній експертній – однакові.

3. Розпишіть учнів по «домашніх» групах від 3 до 5 чоловік, залежно від кількості учнів. Кожен учень має бути поінформований, хто входить до його «домашньої» групи, тому що її члени будуть збиратися пізніше. Дайте домашнім групам порцію інформації для засвоєння, кожній групі – свою. Завдання домашніх груп – опрацювати надану інформацію та опанувати нею нарівні, достатньому для обміну цією інформацією з іншими.

4. Після завершення роботи домашніх груп запропонуйте учням розійтись по своїх «кольорових» групах, де вони стануть експертами з окремої теми (своєї частини інформації). Наприклад, зберіть усіх «червоних» біля дошки, а всіх «синіх» – у холі. В кожній групі має бути представник із кожної «домашньої» групи.

5. Кожна експертна група повинна вислухати всіх представників домашніх груп і проаналізувати матеріал в цілому, провести його експертну оцінку за визначений час (для цього може знадобитися цілий урок, якщо матеріали складні або великі за обсягом).

6. Після завершення роботи запропонуйте учням повернутися «додому». Кожен учень має поділитися інформацією, отриманою в експертній групі з членами своєї «домашньої» групи. Наприклад, всі учні під номером 1 повинні зустрітися перед класом. У «домашніх» групах має бути по одній особі з експертних груп. Учні мають намагатися донести інформацію якісно і в повному обсязі членам своєї домашньої групи за визначений учителем час. Завданням домашніх груп у цьому випадку вже є остаточне узагальнення та корекція всієї інформації.











England is the biggest part of the United Kingdom. Its area is more than 130 thousand square kilometers. The population of England is about 47 million people. The country is washed by the English Channel, the Irish Sea and the North Sea. There are a lot of rivers in England. The most important of them are: the Thames, the Trent, the Mersey.

There are many trees and plants in the country. You can find chestnuts, oaks, fir-trees and limes here. There are 10 national parks in England.

Many animals live in England. They are: squirrels, foxes, hears. Also there are a lot of birds in parks and fish in lakes and rivers.

London is the capital of England and one of the largest cities. Other big cities are Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester.

England is an industrial country. The main industries are shipbuilding, electronics, pharmaceutics, textile.

Agriculture is important for the country as well. People grow different berries, fruits, vegetables, grain crops and mushrooms. England is famous for sheep, cow, poultry production and pig breeding.

People can travel by different vehicles in England. For international trips they use planes. As for public transportation there are: trains, cars, taxis (black cabs), the Tube and buses (double-deckers).

English people are very polite, neat and disciplined.. They love their homes, pets and comfort.

There were many famous poets and writers from England: Arthur Conan Doyle, Daniel Defoe, Herbert George Wells, Jonathan Swift, William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens.




Scotland is a one of the most attractive and visited countries in the world. It is a part of the United Kingdom and it lies in the northern part of Great Britain, occupying almost one-third of the island. The southern border is shared with England. Its northern, western and eastern parts are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.

Five million people live in Scotland. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.

The total area of the state is about 78 thousand km2.

There are two large cities here: Glasgow and Aberdeen. Scotland is full of mountains and lakes. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis. There are a lot of rivers. The sea nearly cuts the mountains into parts.

Some people go to Scotland by plane. Some people go there by ship. There are trains and buses to Glasgow and Edinburgh from London every day.

The country’s main industrial cities are Glasgow, which is the largest one in Scotland, and Edinburgh, the capital of the country. Edinburgh is also one of the largest financial centres of Europe. Scottish waters of the North Atlantic and the North Sea contain the largest oil reserves in the European Union. That is why Aberdeen has been given the title of Europe’s oil capital.

Scotland is known for its exquisite liquor and breathtaking landscapes. The highest mountain in the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is situated there. It is located in Scottish Highlands. A famous British poet and lyricist Robert Burns wrote many poems and songs about these highlands. However, Scotland is associated not only with mountainous areas, but with bagpipes, kilts, haggis, Loch Ness monster, historic architecture and cobblestone streets of its capital city Edinburgh.




Wales is a part of the United Kingdom. The country borders on England in the east and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea in the west.

Wales is not a very big country with a population of about three million people. There are two official languages in Wales – Welsh and English, both of which are taught in schools.

The area of Wales is 20,764 sq. km.

Much of Wales’s landscape is mountainous, especially in the north and central regions. The highest mountain is Snowdon. There are also a lot of beautiful lakes in the country. These are Wales’s picturesque landscapes that attract tourists from all over the world.

Wales is primarily an agricultural country. There aren’t many big cities in Wales. The capital of the country is Cardiff, which is considered to be the largest media centre in the UK outside of London. There is a Roman castle and a modern shopping centre in the city as well as a cathedral and university. Cardiff is also an industrial city.

Wales has its own interesting culture including language, customs, holidays and music. The country is represented by the symbol of the red Welsh Dragon, which is depicted on the national flag. The flag of Wales, brought to Britain by Romans, is one of the oldest in the world. Other symbols of the country are leeks and daffodils. These are usually worn on St. David’s Day, which is celebrated on the 1st of March. St. David is the patron saint of Wales. The country has its own national game called rugby.

One can visit a number of beautiful places in Wales. There are three national parks: Snowdonia, Brecon and Pembrokeshire Coast. Wales has also four Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. It is situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland including Rathlin Island and several smaller offshore islands.

The country is washed by the North Channel and by the Irish Sea. The population of Northern Ireland is about 1.7 million people.

The total area of Northern Ireland is 14,148 sq km

Belfast is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland. Among other major cities we can mention Armagh, Derry, Lisburn and Newry.

Northern Ireland has always had an industrial economy with shipbuilding, rope manufacture and textiles being the main industries. However heavy industry has been replaced by services. Tourism also plays an important role in the local economy. In recent time the economy has benefited from major investment by lots of multi-national corporations into high tech industry.

Northern Ireland has developed its own culture. There are lots of theatres and cinemas in the country. There are two national museums: the Ulster Museum in Belfast, which houses a collection of Irish antiquities and the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum. The Ulster Symphony Orchestra is among the leading orchestras of Britain.






United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland





Washed by

Biggest cities


Famous for
































Northern Ireland











United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland





Washed by

Biggest cities


Famous for
































Northern Ireland











United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland





Washed by

Biggest cities


Famous for
































Northern Ireland









United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland





Washed by

Biggest cities


Famous for
































Northern Ireland

































































                                                         My friend’s family.
My friend's name is Alex. He lives in Ukraine. His family is large. He has got a mother, a father, two sisters and grandmother.

His mother’s name is Mary, she is twenty-nine years old. She's a lecturer. She teaches English at the University of Foreign Languages.

Alex’s father’s name is Ihor, he is thirty-two years old. He is a businessman. He works at his office.

His sister's name are Ann and Kate, they are twins, they are ten years old. Ann and Kate are schoolgirls. They have got a lot of subjects at school. They also learns English. Alex’s sisters are very hardworking students. Ann’s favourite subject is English and Kate’s favourite subject is Maths. 

Alex’s grandmother’s name is Nina, she is sixty years old, she is a pensioner. Granny Nina likes cooking best of all.

I think, my friend Alex has an excellent family.


                                                          My friend’s family.
My friend's name is Alex. He lives in Ukraine. His family is large. He has got a mother, a father, two sisters and grandmother.

Alex’s father’s name is Ihor, he is thirty-two years old. He is a businessman. He works at his office.

His sister's name are Ann and Kate, they are twins, they are ten years old. Ann and Kate are schoolgirls. They have got a lot of subjects at school. They also learns English. Alex’s sisters are very hardworking students. Ann’s favourite subject is English and Kate’s favourite subject is Maths. 

I think, my friend Alex has an excellent family.



                                                              My friend’s family.
My friend's name is Alex. He lives in Ukraine. His family is large. He has got a mother, a father, two sisters and grandmother.

His mother’s name is Mary, she is twenty-nine years old. She's a lecturer. She teaches English at the University of Foreign Languages.

Alex’s grandmother’s name is Nina, she is sixty years old, she is a pensioner. Granny Nina likes cooking best of all.

I think, my friend Alex has an excellent family.


29 жовтня 2019
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