Методична розробка уроку англійської мови у 2 класі “My School Supplies”

Про матеріал

Даний урок відповідає чинній програмі з англійської мови «Іноземні мови. 5 – 9 класи: навчальні програми, методичні рекомендації щодо організації навчально-виховного процесу в 2017 /2018 році / Укладач М.Н. Шопулко. – Харків.:Вид-во «Ранок»,2017.

Готуючи представлену методичну розробку, автор керувалася рекомендаціями Британської Ради щодо планування та проведення сучасного уроку англійської мови


Самоляк Олена Віталіївна, вчитель англійської мови вищої категорії НВК "ЗНЗ-ДНЗ" с.Конищів Мурованокуриловецького району Вінницької області

Перегляд файлу


Teacher: Olena Samoliak

Class: 2

Level: Begginer


Rayon and oblast:

Date: 20.04.2017

Class profile (brief description of learners; how many, age, level, etc):

There are 9 students in the second form:  1 boy and   8 girls. They are 7-8. The children have been learning English for two years. There is a quick learner (Illia) and some slow learners (Vika, Arina, Alina ). The class is alive, active and attentive at the lessons but the most children need several drillings to remember new words.


Timetable fit/Topic (why are you giving this content at this point of the course):

Topic: My School Supplies

Timetable fit: the lesson  was conducted according to the course planning “English 2”

Lesson aims:


  • to present  new vocabulary “My School Supplies”(12 words);
  • to  give practice in the use of the lexical material on topic “School Supplies ”
  • to teach the students to use the target structures “What can you see? – I can see…; Have you got…?; I have got…; What colour is it? – It’s…; Show me…”
  • to develop students’ speaking and reading skills;
  • to bring up the wish to keep school items in order


By the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • to name the school supplies;
  • to  recognize the names of different school items;
  • to tell about  your  school supplies ;
  • to use Present Simple.


Materials/resources used:

DVD player, DVDs, flash-cards (“School Supplies”, “Colours”, phonetic cards ), HO1 (individual cards for reading with the list of new words), ‘Magic Bag’,  computer, projector, blackboard, song ‘Clap Your Hands’, cartoons “School supplies”, “ABC song”, signal cards, a ball






Teacher Activity

Learner Activity



Stage Aim

2 mins

Greeting. Topic. Learner’s Outcomes

Pupils greet the teacher, answer the questing “How are you feeling today?”

They write down the date and the topic of the lesson in their notebooks



to organize and motivate the class for the work


2 mins

Phonetic warm-up

Phonetic Cards

The teacher demonstrates to the learners the cards with different English sounds in order to practice their pronunciation

Look at the cards and name  the sounds





to remind the correct pronunciation of English sounds


3 mins

Lexical warm-up

 Topic  “Colours”

Instruction: the teacher shows the coloured cards and asks a question using the structure ‘What colour is it? – It’s…’

Recollect prior

vocabulary on the topic “Colours” answering the teacher’s question ‘What colour is it? – It’s…’

T P1,P2,P3…


to remind the students the vocabulary of the previous lesson

3 mins


Video Cartoon “School Supplies”

Instruction:  first watch the video and listen to the song, paying attention to the pronunciation of the names of school items, then – sing aloud

 First watch the video and listen to the names of school items,

 then – sing aloud

P1, P2, P3…

to stimulate students' interest in a topic

3 mins

Language presentation

1. Lexical Cards “School Items

 (choral drilling, individual drilling)


Watch, listen and repeat



to present to the students target vocabulary of the  lesson

3 mins

2.Phonetic Reading (HO1 )

Instruction: watch and read the new words using their transcription

Read new words with the help of their  transcription 



to highlight pronunciation and vocabulary

3 mins

3. Speaking  -“Magic Bag”

Instruction: : the teacher demonstrates the learners his bag and asks a child to come to him. The learner takes one thing from the “Magic Mag ” and shows it to his mates. The teacher asks  the question  What can you see?’ 

Answer the teacher’s question using  ‘I can see…






to elicit responses from the students





Instruction: the teacher practices the structure ‘Show me…’

The learners have the sets of school items on their desks and show the teacher what he asks 




to stimulate learners’ interest for understanding target language

2 mins

Time for Rest

Action Song ‘Clap Your Hands’

Instruction: asks his learners to watch, listen and sing


Watch, listen and sing

T, Ps

to practice

understanding and use of action

verbs, body parts and imperatives

2 mins

Controlled Practice

  1. Game «Lost Echo»

Instruction: teacher says the part of the word. The students have to guess what word he/she has meant. F.e, cil- pencil, text – book, case – pencil-case, book – exercise-book, -en- pen , -sh – brush, pai – paints,

-room – classroom, ru- ruler, era-eraser, -sk- desk, -ag- bag



Listen to the teacher and guess the words





to activate students’ prior

knowledge  and vocabulary

3 mins

2. Game “Green or Red”

Instruction: teacher points to the picture and names it. If the name is right the learners raise the green signal card and the red one if the picture is called in the wrong way


Watch, listen and show the right sign




to practice

understanding of new vocabulary

3 mins

Freer Practice

  1. Game “Two Halves”

Instruction: each pupil gets the card with the first or second half of the word. He/ She has to find the partner – mingle activity.


Move around the class to find the other part of the word



to practice

understanding and spelling of the target vocabulary



  1. Game “Snowball”

Instruction: teacher asks the students to make a circle and says the sentence ‘I have got a pen’. The learner who stays next to the teacher has to repeat the sentence and add one more word. The same procedure has to be done by all the participants  


Listen and repeat the sentence ‘I have got a…’ adding his/her own word




to practise using

target structure  and target vocabulary items

2 mins

Hometask Setting

- to read and pronounce new words correctly;

- to make up 10 sentences using the structure ‘I have got…’

Write down into the day-books



to organize learners’ afterschool learning

1 min


Ask questions according to the learner’s outcomes

E.g “Can you name the months of the year? ”

Answer the teacher’s questions



to check the achievement of the lesson’s aims

1 min


Evaluate learner’s work giving comments

Listen to the teacher’s marks and comments



to show the learners their progress, to motivate and stimulate them

1 mins


Ask students to move to one of the symbols ,, to show their feelings after the lesson

Move to one of the symbols ,, to show their feelings after the lesson



to help the teacher to understand  whether the lesson was interesting for students







До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
28 січня 2018
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